
Tuesday 7 March 2023

Colour Thrinchie


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you all as well as can be expected!  I'm afraid I'll be battling the GP Receptionist this morning,  I honestly thought that this new regime of supplements was going to do the job, I think the trouble is the UTI wasn't cleared by the last lot of antibiotics that i finished 2 weeks ago, the supplements have been easing the symptoms but the last 2 or 3 days I have been struggling with my AF particularly at night, it's racing so fast that I can't relax enough to sleep, then yesterday the symptoms came back with a vengeance!  😭😥😢 I am going to continue taking them alongside whichever antibiotic I get given this time.  

Janet only 1 more sleep till tea and cake !! Fingers crossed they get you sorted in time for you to get away to Marigny XXX

Brenda I hope your hospital day doesn't drag on too long, the places are exhausting XXX 

Lilian I hope the vampire doesn't take too much blood, fingers crossed it gives you some answers. XXX 

Todays Thrinchie is for the theme: Colour, I used Distress Oxide re-inkers, by adding drops of each colour onto my card and then blowing the colour out with my Tim. Holtz Puffer, I popped them on the Aga but they weren't dry after 4 hours, so I had to work with them still a bit wet,  I stamped 4 paint brushes from an Aall&Create stamp set, I added clear embossing powder and heat set so the black stood out when i added ink to each paint brush, I ended up using Distress inks as the colour was brighter than oxides.  The last job was to add the sentiment 'Colour outside the lines '  which I just happen to do all the time!!  A few white splatters finished it off. 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. I am gutted to hear that you have another UTI I hope you get an appointment today
    Take care xxx
    Your Thrinchie is gorgeous What an effective way to use reinkers
    Only one more sleep Janet!
    Hope your visits Brenda and Lilian go OK and not too much hanging around
    OH at Chelsea this evening It’ll be too dark to craft So the tv remote is mine and I’ve always got crochet on the go!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful Thrinchie once again. You all seem to have the right little stamps for making them.
    How do you get the words done ? The FLOWERS, HEXAGON etc ...
    Sitting at the airport for going home later on. Won't be back until about 11pm.
    Thinking of you all and sending many hugs. Take care Xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the Thrinchie and a great colour combo ☺️
    Hope the GP appointment went well. Sending extra hugs xx
    Janet, not long now. Hope you’re ok xx
    Brenda, hope today hasn’t been too tiring xx
    Lilian, hope the blood tests went well..
    Maria, safe journey home xx
    Karen, enjoy your evening in front of the tv xx
    Sue, hope you’re ok and had a good day xx
    Gina, hope you’re ok too xx
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. I love your Thrinchie. That paintbrush stamp is great, you have really made it look like the background colours were done by the paintbrush 😁 It’s such a pity you are back to square one again re. the uti. Everything is resting in the Urology appointment in a few weeks🤞🤞Big hugs to you my lovely xx
    Janet, not too much longer now. You will enjoy that first drink and food of your choice xx
    Brenda, I hope you continue to get good results like you did the other day xx
    Lilian, how long before you get the results of your latest blood tests xx
    Sonia, I hope you aren’t feeling too bad today xx
    Karen, how is Charlotte getting on? I hope she’s not in too much pain Xx
    Maria, I bet you are suffering from all of the walking around but at least you are having a lovely time xx
    I had a silly headache but am ok now so i will be trying the glass bottle technique that I saw in my latest magazine. I will report back tomorrow.
    I watched a lady on YouTube trying out a reverse colouring book which was interesting. Basically you have watercolour blobs already all over the page and you add the lines. You can’t really do it wrong as everyone will see something different in the blobs and shapes and you can add as much or as little detail as you want. I have never seen these type of colouring books but would like to have a play so I’m off to have a look now. Have a good evening. Sending my love and hugs. Take care xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    LOVE todays card it is so bright and colourful, this would definitely cheer up the recipient. xx
    Sorry you are still having UTI problems, let’s hope your doctor can give you a stronger antibiotic or a referral to a specialist.
    Today has been a long tiring day lots of sitting around! My appointment was 11.15 we arrived early at 10.30 The receptionist explained they had tried to call me but we had left the house by the time they rang and I hadn’t heard the mobile when she tried that anyway she immediately apologised saying that one of the scanners was not working, (the engineer was there trying to get in working again) and I would probably be called about 2pm or I could come back on Saturday. I had to fast for the PET scan and hadn’t eaten since 7.30ish last night. I opted to wait and was eventually called in just before 2pm. We were walking out of the hospital at 4pm getting home again by 5.30. So quite a long day. I will get the results next week when I go for my clinic appointment. Don’t think it will be long before I go to bed.
    Hope your day has been more enjoyable than ours.
    Take care, Love Brenda xxx
