
Monday 27 March 2023

A new Technique- Print Making with Die Cuts


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had a good weekend,  we had a dry day, quite breezy, it kept threatening to rain but thankfully it held off.  We managed to get out in the garden for an hour, I was shocked at how quickly I became exhausted though, compared to last year.  I ended up giving up and coming inside leaving Paul to finish off, it's probably the effects of the prolonged courses of antibiotics, so frustrating though, hopefully doing little and often will help build my stamina back up.  

I am so excited to tell you about this new (to me) technique.  It's called Print Making from die cuts.

I basically die cut a Tim Holtz Wildflower from watercolour card and coloured it with my watercolour pen.

But the trick is to colour it on another piece of watercolour card that you have spritzed with water, you then turn the coloured flower over and press it onto the watercolour card to transfer more of that ink, I spritzed again with a little more water and this was my background....

It doesn't look that exciting,  but you could die cut this down or just use as is as the perfect colour matched background.  I decided after some pinterest research to die cut mine to create a frame to showcase my flower on.  

I added everything to a DL card and added a copper embossed sentiment,  I really love how this turned out and will definitely do it again.

I hope you like this technique and are tempted to have a go, it's so simple.  

Have a lovely Monday my lovelies, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I absolutely love your card today, it’s so pretty 😍 What a great technique - new to me too, and I shall definitely be having a go.
    We had a quiet weekend, although I worked yesterday evening for a few hours. Sounds like your weather was better than ours as we had rain on and off all weekend!
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Today's card is just beautiful SANDRA. Simple in design but the end product just stands out.

    I need to send my card for last week which is still sat on the piano. I really need to get organised and back into my daily/weekly timetable.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. This is a lovely technique which I will definitely try I’ve not seen it before either
    We went out dancing yesterday afternoon It was lovely and like seeing the “old” gang again
    Out again tonight- we’ll it is the only exercise I get
    Take care everyone and enjoy your trip to Santander Marie xx

  4. Hi
    Fabulous new technique, will try that back home.
    Going soon to the airport for our flight back. Had loved to stay longer, it's so beautiful here a bit outside the town. Would have needed Lucy and Sophie, hardly anyone speak English here but we managed it somehow 😉 body definitely feels better in warmer weather.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hello all, it’s a beautiful warm sunny day, but only lasting one day.

    Sandra love your card, never seen it used it before, will definitely giving it a go.
    Going to plant my sweet peas this afternoon ,have four pks of four colours.. all highly scented. The weather is so changeable that I will keep them into the shed, it’s got a big window, so should be fine.
    Hope you all have a good day. Lilian

  6. Lovely card today I have never seen this technique before - this is definitely going on my list of ideas to try. Thank you for sharing this with us xx
    The weather today has been lovely, looking at the forecast I think it was a one of, what a shame.
    Had my blood test this morning, it was a follow up from when I was in hospital and my potassium level was low, fingers crossed all is well, I should know by the end of the week.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Take care, hugs Brenda xxx

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