
Sunday 19 February 2023

Your Challenge cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all having an enjoyable Sunday Morning.  

We had a lovely afternoon at Watford yesterday, Karen prepared a card for us to make, It was a lovely card, you will to see it below.   Thank you so much Karen for providing all of the bits for us to make the card. XXX 

Let's have a look at what you have made for this weeks challenge......

Your Challenge Cards 



Sonia's Description:

Card 1 I’ve used Chloe’s flower border, matted onto pink glitter card. I used the outline of the Pink Fresh butterfly and added the Tim Holtz butterfly die cut in glitter. The sentiment from Inkylicious is stamped and heat embossed onto vellum. The little flowers are from a Tonic punch.

Card 2; I was playing around with hot foiling normal dies and liked how this background die from Crafter’s Companion turned out. The hot foiled wreath is Spellbinders. I hot foiled Tim Holtz butterfly too and added to the centre. The sentiment stamped on vellum is from Stamp Market. 

Sonia thank you so much for two gorgeous Challenge Cards, that background on second card is stunning, I thought it was die cut not foiled, you are so inspired. XXX 


Lilian what a beautiful card, made using the StampinUp'An Open Heart'  the bird is so detailed, it looks like it is eyeing up those red berries!  Now I have been looking for some of that 'eyelash trim' for ages,  I love how delicate it is and it looks very much like a birds nest on your card.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us my lovely XXX 


Karen chose this design as the card for us to make at our little get together yesterday,  I love it, that crisp white tag on the Kraft card background looks so effective! 
We used Aall&Create #566 Winged Fragments & Aall&Create  #573 House of Butterflies  (for background).  We then marked of 2cm in from edge of card and drew the white gel pen border and stamped the little Butterfly definition inside to create background.  Karen stamped and embossed the tags for us to colour. 
The top card is Karen's original and the one beneath is the one she made yesterday as she crafted along with us.

Thank you so much Karen for choosing the project and providing all the bits to create it and for your amazing guidance, for me it was so lovely just sitting and crafting along. XXX


Sue used blues and greens to colour her butterfly at our crafting session yesterday,  an amazing card Sue, thank you for taking part XXX


Marie used Blues for her butterfly,  it looks so striking against the white label.  A gorgeous card Maria,  thank you so much for sharing your card with us XXX


Another amazing display Ladies, thank you so much for designing some lovely cards for the last week of our 'Wings' Challenge ❤️ 

Have a lovely Sunday ladies,

Janet, make sure you get plenty of rest my lovely friend, you have been so missed ❤️ 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    Lovely cards on display today 😊
    I love the card you all created yesterday 😍 I might try and recreate it with some of the bits from my stash ☺️ Glad you all had a lovely time together xx
    Janet, happy to hear you’re back home, I hope you’re ok. Take care xx
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful set of CCs.
    I am so pleased to be back at home although rather tired so it will be a lazy day.
    The sun is shining so hopefully Spring is on it way.
    Have a lovely Sunday everyone whatever
    you have planned.
    Hugs on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Lovely cards everyone
    I really enjoyed yesterday and look forward to the next one It was so nice to sit, chat, laugh and craft together. My buses ran on time too which was a real bonus 🤣
    Good to hear you’re home from hospital Janet Get better soon We miss you
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello everyone,
    Beautiful inspiring cards for this weeks challenge ladies.
    So pleased to hear everyone got home safe and sound from your trip to Watford, fingers crossed I will make it next time.🤞
    It a lovely day here the sun is shining and I can see a few daffodils in the garden coming into flower, that a great sign spring is on it’s way.
    Hope you are having a good day, take care, Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Beautiful winged CC's to see this Sunday.
    Lovely card Lilian, cute bird and trim.
    Hoping you are okay.
    Sonia, your foiling looks great. Like how the background is on the second card. Hope work went well yesterday.
    Thanks to Karen I got a card for today. Mine is the blue/green one. It was so nice to see you and craft together.
    A huge thank you to you Sandra for taking your time with showing me how to with the fancy fold. Was meant to have a play today but sometimes my days don't go my ways....
    Janet, lovely to hear you are back home. Hope you are alright. Missed you behind the counter in the Café and what, no Sunday lunch 🤭😉
    Many hugs to you all, take care 🤗 xxx

  6. Hello All, dull and cold again.
    Lovely cards this week, great that you had a good time yesterday.

    Nothing much happening today, I seem to have lost my energy , also back is bad again, very little sleep these nights.

    Janet glad you’re home again, hope you will feel better soon.

    Sending big hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    A lovely lot of challenge cards. Mine is the blue one, I did use three shades but they were too much alike but I got to try a couple of different makes of watercolour pens of Sandra and Karen’s. Both were lovely but I think Sandra’s Chromatek ones are now on my wish list as I found them super easy to blend. They are very reasonably priced too 🥰
    It was so lovely to chat, laugh and craft yesterday. KAREN, thank you so much for prepping and tutoring us with that lovely card. I will be looking at my stamps to see if I have one that is suitable or I will be borrowing the one Sandra has. And thank you for bringing your beautiful albums you have made. And of course it is always a joy to hear about your beautiful grandsons and how they are getting on xx
    Sandra, as always Paul was a star driver, please thank him again. It’s always lovely to get to spend the whole day with you. I hope you managed to get some sleep last night I know I was ready for an early night xx
    Janet, it is so good to see you back on the blog and also back home. We have all been missing you. Please be kind to yourself and do as the doctors have ordered. Sending gentle hugs to you dear friend xx
    I’m off to bed now so sleep well everyone. Hugs to you all. Take care xx
