
Saturday 11 February 2023

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I am definitely ready for the warmer Spring weather and being able to put washing out on line to dry, it just feels and smells totally different,  so much fresher!  I went outside with Paul to fill bird feeders with Worms, seed mix and fat blocks, my goodness it chilled me through to the bone.   We put some fresh water out for them and they were using it to bathe in, we were freezing but couldn't move as we didn't want to miss them, nature really is the best therapy,  well after crafting of course! 

We didn't go food shopping yesterday so thats our plan for this morning, we have to pop to Bank too so let's hope it's actually open! 

What do you all have planned?  

Creative Stamping Issue 118

This months issue of Creative Stamping magazine has some lovely  features inside.
The theme of this Issue is Mindfulness and Mental Health.

Just look at these FREE gifts, 2 full A4 sheets of "Things with Wings" stamps!!   The stamps have been designed with Mindfulness in mind.  They are beautiful,  some pretty florals too.

The first feature shares some different designs made using different ink pads.  The first card uses Distress Oxide and a Spritzer........

This is the details on 'How To' showing how the first card is made.  Other cards use Oxides to colour and then a waterbrush to pull the colour out and another using an Embossing pen, so lots of techniques to try. 

Glynis has used different Substrates to stamp onto to create some beautiful effects.  The first card uses Acetate and glitter,  the second and third card use Glitter, then there is another using acetate and the last one has stamping on vellum.  Some really beautiful cards.

Dark tones and metallic elements like Gilding Flakes and metallic watercolours, embossing powders make for some very striking cards.

Amy has used the free stamps to create some fun gifts,  some lovely ideas, like an upcycled jar, Chocolate Bar Wrapper, a simple upcycled embroidery hoop and a pretty notepad.  These would really cheer somebody up. 

This issue has an 'In Depth ' make, Mel has created a Pretty wall hanging using the Free Stamps, not something I would make but would be fun to do with children.

These cards are made using 'Mixed Media', using Heat embossed Stencil paste, acrylic paint, Ink sprays, foiling and Brushos,  so something for everyone.

Laura has gone for a clean and simple style, using the free stamps to create some beautiful cards, the first card uses the floral corner to create a wreath, the second an Emboss Resist card, the other cards are made using ink blending and stamping.

This issue is worth the price for the free gifts alone, those stamps are lovely,  there is definitely a project for everyone! 


Janet's Craft Room 

Janet has shared some photos of her Craft room, I must have missed them last week.

Janet you are very organised, like most of us you have an amazing stash of card stock.  I love that tall drawer storage, it has a lot of space for a small footprint.  Finally I must mention your beautiful collection of boxes,  both the vintage ladies and your beautifully hand decorated boxes.
Thank you so much for sharing them with us XXX

That's all for today my lovelies, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Great saying My shoe box of “stuff” now overflows a whole bedroom!
    Great looking magazine - do I need it? Probably not but we’ll see 🤣
    We’re seeing daughter this afternoon She’s on dog sitting duty So we’re going to help Out dancing tonight It’s a live band So I’m looking forward to that
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    The saying is true, still not sure what I'm looking for tho so will keep buying them.
    I were so tempted to buy this magazine as we are doing Things with wings but will wait and see and as some of us going to Ally Pally, I've started a list that I never following tihihi
    Did some loads of washing this morning, it all hanging on the stand in the bath, around doors and the banister . As soon spring is here it's going outside. In pain so not doing anything today, might just do some stamping later so I can colour it in tomorrow when OH is watching the football.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs to you all, extras for anyone who need some. Take care xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love the quote 😉
    A great magazine review. The freebie stamps look fabulous 😍
    Just home from work, wasn’t too busy. I’m on a longer day tomorrow which looks to be busy, so will be relaxing for the rest of today.
    I’m with you in looking forward to the Spring. Can’t wait to be able to hang the washing out again. At the moment I seem to be constantly doing washing. Have very little space to hang it to dry indoors - especially with a little sock thief running around 😂🐶 So my washing basket is never empty 😩
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All, dull and misty here today. Luckily we have my daughter and son in law down for the weekend.

    Did a jigsaw today, haven’t done much else.
    We have duck in orange sauce for dinner and a raspberry meringue roulade for pudding, diet out the window, back on it on Monday.

    Hope you are all having a good weekend , hugs Lilian
