
Monday 6 February 2023

Karen's AMAZING 40th Birthday card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Another lovely day here yesterday weather wise,  Paul had a good couple hours out in the garden, I spent that time in my craft room, I made quite a bit of space by moving things around.  There are so many little things that need going through, for instance I had 4 pots of fine clear embossing powder, 3 had a tiny amount in the bottom, too much to throw away but I should have used them instead of starting the new one, anyway, I emptied all three into the one pot but then my thought was "oh I'll keep those pots as they might come in handy"  NO!!! So I am proud to report that I recylced them! 

Today's card is the card that Karen needed the Apron die for,  thankfully Michele came to the rescue, I was pretty sure she had the die set, no idea how I remembered that! 🤷‍♀️!!

Karen's Description:

Here’s a photo of the card that MICHELE helped me with by cutting the card I sent her

I printed BBQ KING on a black background in Serif - this new printer doesn’t print black very well and I might need a new black cartridge anyway 

I coloured the tools with silver and black pens 

I had to colour the ribbon with an alcohol marker which stiffened it a bit and I fiddled around trying to get it to stick to the card and wished I’d tried to glue both “tails” downwards! 

Absolutely brilliant,  personalised card Karen,  it would be hard to find a card so personalised.  You're Sister-in-law will love it.  Thank you for sharing it with us XXX 

Ladies I hope you all have a great Monday,  I am going with Becca to see her Rheumatology appointment,  she was good enough to allow them to take more biopsies from her knee last week and a day after it ballooned on size and is too painful to walk on, so she wants Mum to come to get some answers,  that hospital is the reason I have to rely on a wheelchair,  I wasnt mentally well enough to Sue them in time, I will make sure they don't cause her any harm! 

Sending Love and hugs to you all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    A fabulous card Karen, it will be greatly received ☺️
    Sounds like you’re doing well with your reorganising Sandra. I must learn to throw more out - I have some little boxes which I’ve collected over the years, from various things, thinking I’ll use them for something! They’re still sitting empty, but I can bet if I throw them away, I’ll then wish I hadn’t!
    Hope Becca’s appointment goes well today, and she gets some answers.
    I’m off to a staff meeting later, the new rota system isn’t working out with our 2 weekends off, and the powers that be are harping on again about the care hours and staffing hours! So we shall see what happens!
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Thank you for showing my card My sister in law loved it There are six contributing to his gift of John Lewis vouchers for kitchen/BBQ equipment He loves cooking so much Thank you again MICHELE I love how this group help each other out
    I hope Becca’s appointment goes OK I think we worry so much more when it’s our children I hope the staff meeting goes OK too Sonia Wasn’t that one of the reasons why you stayed, that better/more weekends off was on the cards
    Take care everyone xx
    Big hugs to Brenda xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Karen your BBQ card is perfect and the apron tails are spot on, personally I think the apron ties look great going in different directions. Love it.
    Sandra great you are able to go with Becca for her appointment, I’m sure you will be a tower of strength and know what questions to ask also ask questions she may not of thought of. Fingers crossed all goes well for her. xxx
    I’ve just had a visit from one of the Oncology team from the Royal Marsden. It was such a lovely surprise to see her, she is always so approachable and chatty. It was a great lift me up. The ward doctor has also been around, they are going to put a permanent drain in my lung, the plan is I drain the fluid off myself! Then they will see about heart valve.
    Have a good day everyone, big hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Fabulous card Karen. Glad you got help from our Michele with the bits.
    Hope all goes ok for Rebecca.
    Hope the meeting went alright Sonia, hoping you don't have to work more weekends after all
    Brenda, doesn't sound nice what they are expecting from you with draining it yourself. Hopefully you are back home soon so John be alright too. Many hugs.
    Had a little outing this morning to see where we are going on Thursday. OH has an appointment at a new medical centre in the morning and I am going to a foot doctor in the same area so instead for stressing in the morning we now knew where we are going.
    Hope you have a nice day, wrap up warm if going out for even with the nice sunshine, it is pretty cold in the wind. Big hug to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    Sandra, I hope you got on ok with Becca. Poor maid, she has been through the mill with her joints hasn’t she. I hope they have some answers for her. Forgot to say that Sophie and Lucy’s cakes both sounded delicious xx
    Karen, what a great card. Perfect for a passionate cook. Lovely to have a surprise visit from your beautiful boys. Phoebe is only about an inch shorter than me now! Time flies doesn’t it xx
    Brenda, it’s lucky that John can visit you easily, and without having to pay for car parking! I hope getting the drain sorted out goes well for you. Gentle hugs are on the way for you xx
    I am putting the base coat on my pen holders after dinner, still haven’t decided how to decorate them yet. Then I have to make a start on Chris juniors 8th birthday card. Have as good evening everyone. Sending hugs to all. Take care xx

  6. Hello, cloudy today, still cold again.

    Karen love your card, I can see why it went so well.
    Not feeling too great very tired and my back ache is bad again.
    Hope you are ok, Brenda hope it goes well.
    Hugs to all Lilian
