
Thursday 9 February 2023

Anemone Corner card

Good Morning Ladies, 

How can it be Thursday??!  This week has flown, having said that it's been a really busy one for me, I haven't really left the house for weeks other than going to the Doctors,  this week I went to Oxford Hospital with Becca on Monday,  into Swindon with girls Tuesday,  boy did I feel it when I got into bed on Tuesday night,  I was so exhausted, Paul was in the office yesterday so I was planning a lazy day,  while I was taking my meds early yesterday morning I saw a message ping and it was Sue, asking of she could come and visit, of course I was delighted, we generally have a relaxing day so I didn't have to worry, I was looking forward to having someone to craft with, crafting is so much more fun when you do it with friends.  I have to say though that Sue came ready for crafting,  she had her project in mind and got straight on with it, I on the other hand spent 2 hours surfing Pinterest looking for ideas!!! 

I finally decided on using the Anenome Corner by IndigoBlu,  that I bought for £3 on Facebook craft selling page (bargain)!! 

I stamped the Anemone Corner in Versafine Nocturne ink and added clear embossing powder and heat set,  I then took my Zig Clean Colour pens and coloured the image in purple.  I matted the stamped piece onto black card and then onto a 6x6 card blank.  To finish the card I stamped the sentiment and die cut with an oval adding a scalloped oval black mat, I stamped and cut 3 pretty butterflies, colouring them to match the Corner stamp.   

I hope you ladies have an amazing Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your gorgeous card, the stamp is beautiful 😍
    Lovely to have Sue with you yesterday and to craft together.
    I will be crafting today, but like you will probably spend the best part of it browsing on Pinterest 😊
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. How lovely that Sue was able to visit Like you say it is lovely to craft along with friends My friend Nicki visited yesterday and although her little girl is too young for us to be able to craft, we chatted nonstop about craft She loves her Cricut and is looking to add a mug press to her collection but it won’t be yet awhile!
    Your card is lovely I have done some card making this week but every card I’ve needed doesn’t warrant anything with wings! Maybe today I can do something
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning everyone
    A wonderful card Sandra, such a pretty stamp.
    Out this morning for the doctors both of us but in different places and we have 2 hours in-between the appointments but instead for going home we sitting in a café until it's time for me to go over. Hoping to get a card together when back home.
    Maybe should have bought this week's Stamping Magazine ? Have you seen so many things with wings.
    Have a good day as possible ladies, take care 🤗 xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I haven’t left a comment for a few days. I did start one for the beautiful green card on Tuesday loved it, it was so up my street. Unfortunately I was interrupted by a medical person, by the time I got chance to get back to iPad I’d lost my comment and I hadn’t got the willpower to start over. Yesterdays card was also lovely, but my day went into a spin. Doctor came to me in the morning and said they would put a permanent drain in my right lung on Thursday (today) a while later he was back and said because of an emergency it would now be done on Friday. Then a while later he was back again saying it’s all change it can be done this afternoon. Which it was, but the consultant doing it said he was reluctanant to insert a permanent drain, it would have involved districrt nurses coming in etc etc. The heart valve issue will be controlled by medication. We on this ward have another problem (only five patients now ) one has tested positive for Covid. Well it’s not me or I wouldn’t have been sent for my procedure. Just another thing for the hospital staff to cope with.
    Janet hope your KnitNnatter went well and your ladies enjoyed it.
    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
