
Tuesday 14 February 2023

A Touch Of Blue Ink

 Good Morning Ladies, 

Sending my love to all of you  ❤️❤❤ on this love filled Valentine day.  We don't do gifts but we usually have something nice for dinner,  although we haven't decided yet, I imagine it will be a take away of some kind.  

We had a lovely sunny day yesterday,  we were able to leave the back door open all day so the cats could come and go as they please,  you do have to keep an eye on Milo though as he does like to bring us gifts from his travels,  it was a rather large mouse last week, he dropped it right at the end of our bed, little sweetheart!  Thank goodness Paul was home or I would have been stuck on that bed all day!!! 

Today's card I made using the StampinUp 'A Touch of Ink ' stamp,  this stamp set got me so frustrated, I searched for it for ages on Wednesday afternoon,  searching everywhere, out on the bookcase in the hall, where they are stored alphabetically,  I went through every stamp, in my craft room bookcase too, don't things like that frustrate you?!!  Anyway I made something different then the then Karen shared a card using the same elusive stamp set, which made me go look again,  I walked out to hallway bookcase and there it was the first stamp on the shelf, it was spooky, it was that obvious, I had been scanning the titles looking for 'Touch of Ink' it is actually called 'A' Touch of Ink!!  I could have kicked nyself!  

I stamped the butterfly and branch in Night of Navy and infilled the branch with Misty Moonlight ink.  I added some sparkle to the butterfly with a glitter pen. I stamped the Sentiment in Navy and matted onto Navy card, it reads :

Sending Healing Thoughts,  May Nature's Beauty Bring Peace To Your Soul'  

I love that sentiment,  it's very true, being out in amongst natures beauty can lift your spirits.

I hope you like the card.

I hope that you ladies all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra x❤x


  1. I love the card stamped in one colour It’s very effective
    We had a fantastic day at the zoo He slept until 6.45 So I feel that half of the day is over already I have a mammogram later So I think OH will be taking Oscar to the park and then maybe the cafe
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Happy Valentine’s Day 🥰
    I love your card today, it’s so pretty. Glad you found the stamp set in the end, looks like it’s one you don’t want to lose 😊
    Karen, I hope the mammogram goes ok this afternoon xx
    It’s quite misty and damp here this morning, but looks like the sun is trying to break through.
    Hoping to craft later today and tomorrow ☺️
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card today, Sandra, very effective too just using one colour.
    Karen, I hope the mammogram goes well. Fingers crossed. Sounds like you both did a great job yesterday if Oscar slept Until 645 this morning hope he has a great time with grandpa in the park this afternoon. Take care XX
    Oh yes, Sonia has just reminded me, Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovely ladies. Hope your other halves are spoiling you XX
    I didn’t get round to making a Valentines card for John. Normal thing seems to have flown out the window this last few weeks also I don’t think he’s even realised it’s Valentine’s Day, but am I bothered? NO not when you’ve been married for as long as we have, he gives me a kiss and a cuddle. What more can I ask for?
    Enjoy the rest of your day, whatever you intend to do.
    Take care everyone, love, Brenda XXX

  4. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Wishes for you not to be too bad this time. Take care.
    Lovely photo of Oscar Karen, he gotten so tall. Hope everything goes well going in the "clamper".
    Lilian, how can they keep losing your test tubes.... hopefully this last one shall be alright and you soon get some answers.
    Brenda, so much nicer to sleep in your own bed. Do take care.
    Not having the best of days so I'm back to bed for a few hours. OH watching football this evening so if feeling better I will do some crafting.
    Have a nice day everyone. Many hugs xxx

  5. Evening everyone, it’s a lovely sunny day here today, managed to get two loads of towels dry without using tumble dryer.

    Sandra , another lovely card, the dies I have been waiting for arrived today, so hoping to start this weeks challenge tomorrow.

    Karen hope your screening isn’t too painful, I’m past the age now, but still remember how painful it could be. Still important to keep them up.

    Goodnight all, hope you manage to sleep well. Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in tonight. What a gorgeous card. I love the stamp set in that particular shade of blue. Simply perfect card my lovely xx
    Karen I’m glad to hear you all had a lovely time yesterday and Grandad and Oscar no doubt enjoyed themselves while you went to the “clamper” I hope all goes well xx
    Brenda, must be honest and say that both of us forgot it was Valentine’s Day today but like you and John we have been together for many years, 42+ for us, so it’s not a problem. We will probably have a takeaway tomorrow night instead. Sending you gentle hugs xx
    Hope everyone is doing ok. Sending hugs. Take care xx
