
Thursday 16 February 2023

A Beautiful Wings Card


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope today finds you all as well as can be expected,  healing hugs for those that are feeling low.  

Guess who is back on antibiotics??  Yes that's right, me, I managed to hold off for 5 days to give me body a little break. We had a bit of 'tooing & Froing'  though as the Gp asked me which antibiotics I wanted, I said in my experience Nitrofurantoin had worked better than the others (still not cleared the infection though), I said I didn't mind but not Pivmicillinum as it made things worse!  So she prescribed Nitrofurantoin and Lucy took me over to collect them, I didn't take them straight away as we went out for lunch and they can upset my tummy. Anyway when Paul came home I was telling him about my call with GP and I opened my prescription bag and they had given me Pivmicillinum!  So I called them and receptionist could see that I had been prescribed Nitrofurantoin, pharmacy technician had gotten it wrong. I was expecting an apology when I went back but all the pharmacy tech said was "the Gp must have changed her mind", I said "she said she had prescribed Nitrofurantoin, so not sure what happened "  she replied with 'well you have right ones now!!! cheeky mare, I smiled and said 'no harm done,  luckily unlike my sister I don't have a severe Penicillin allergy!  She looked a little surprised,  trouble is if that had been my mum she would have just popped them into her daily pill dispenser and not even checked the name.  I thought they had someone to check what they had prescribed.  A lesson for us all, to double check what we are given.

Today's gorgeous card is a little Happy Mail that I receved from our Sonia, she made it with the Magazine free butterfly from Simply Card Making & Papercraft. The beautiful background is Chloe’s Floral Lace Border die, its so pretty,  Sonia has used the prettiest glitter card behind it, its a no shed delicate glitter card but my goodness does it catch the light.  Thank you so much Sonia, for such a gorgeous card XXX 

I am going to sort through my craft bag today and get it packed ready for our Watford meet up on Saturday,  I'm looking forward to catching up with Karen, Maria & Sue, I so wish it was all of us! 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                      xxxxxx


  1. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card ๐Ÿฅฐ
    Sorry to hear you’re on antibiotics again ๐Ÿ˜” That’s awful about the prescription mix up! Sounds like they’re not checking what they’re giving out ๐Ÿ™„
    I wish I could be with you all in Watford, I know you’ll have a fabulous time ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card Sonia. I tell you , this butterfly is a find isn't it. Love the floral lace behind it too and the colour is beautiful.
    Sad to hear Sandra that you having more antibiotics , lucky that you checked the pills. Very bad from the chemist and could have been dangerous.
    Lilian, take it easy. When will you get your test results ? gentle hug.
    Brenda, extra hugs for you and John. Take care.
    Janet, hope everything is alright.
    Feeling very tired today after yesterdays outing but I will make a card this afternoon. Have a few needed sent asap so must make an effort later.
    Will miss you ladies who can't be with us on Saturday. Your ears might be burning a bit tho hihihi only kidding :)
    Have a good day all, many hugs xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    What a beautiful card to receive from Sonia. So sorry that you have had to go back on meds. Very frightening that you were given the wrong ones to start with. A good job that you always check them but many don’t and it could be fatal so definitely not to be shrugged off by the dispensers!
    That butterfly die and stamp Sonia used is going to appear a lot on our cards I think as it is so pretty and a nice size too.
    I’m really looking forward to Saturday. It would be great if we could get everyone together, we will be thinking of everyone though. Bad joints so a quite day again for me. Very grey day here, not like yesterday at all!
    Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’m so sorry to hear you are back on antibiotics again, 5 days is hardly enough time between the infection returning. I hope this latest dose of antibiotics are given time to work and get back on the road to recovery. It rather worrying when the pharmacy gives you the wrong medication, thank goodness you were able to realise, so many older people would have just taken what the pharmacy gave them. That’s very worrying!
    I wish I was up to joining you all in Watford, I will be with you in thoughts. Hopefully next time. xx
    I love today’s card made for you by Sonia, love the beautiful background die. In fact I’ve ordered two one for myself and one for my sister!
    Had another INR test this morning, blood count still very low so have another test on Monday morning. I’ve had so much blood taken recently im surprised there is any left๐Ÿ˜xx
    Have a good nights sleep ladies.
    Big hugs, Brenda xxx
