
Tuesday 24 January 2023

Tuesday blues or is it greens?


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope today finds you well, you were all quiet yesterday, so I hope you are all ok. 

One of my blood test results showed that my my cholesterol was borderline,  so the surgery called to say that GP wants me to speak to nurse about taking Statins, I'm really not keen on taking more meds, so I am hoping that as it's borderline I can control it with diet.  No more beef dripping roast potatoes and real butter ! 😪

Today's card is another 'shades of one colour' Challenge card, for this card I chose Blues, well I think it's blue, the colour is Pool Party, the flowers are from Hues Of Happiness Dsp, the pretty die cut piece in the back was created using the dies in the matching set.  This is one of the reasons I love StampinUp, everything coordinates. 

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Love & Hugs to  all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    We have yet another very white/frosty morning.Mr Frost has certainly been busy these last few days. At least we don't have to scrape the inside of the house windows like we used to when we were little and the house is warm to get up to.

    It's K&N this afternoon and for the first time we have a lady visitor to demonstrate Needle Felting. I've only seen it done via tv never live so I'm not sure how difficult it is with hands and fingers which don't work very well.

    Have a good day whether you have plans or not.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. I hope you enjoy watching the needle felting Janet What I’ve seen on tv looks amazing
    I can see why you love StampinUp Sandra Your card is lovely and it co-ordinates perfectly
    I am still recovering from my fantastic chaotic weekend So I’m taking it easy
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today. Love the colour and how it all coordinates 😍
    Fingers crossed you’ll be able to control the cholesterol with your diet, a few tweaks here and there should help xx
    Janet, hope you enjoy the needle felting. Let us know how you get on xx
    Karen, enjoy your relaxing day ☺️ xx
    Brenda, I hope you are ok. Sorry to hear you ended up in hospital yesterday. Take care xx
    I’m just back from taking James to the train station. They have the 20 week scan today and are going to find out the baby’s gender 😊
    No frost here this morning, it’s much milder. Bonus of not having to clear the windscreen.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Morning everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Wonderful colour and sets from SU.
    Hopefully you won't need to start on statins. I had to but hoping to get it reversed in time.
    Have a good day Janet, needle felting looks fun to do. I've seen it done at NEC but never tried it myself. Not sure if you saw the photos I took of some when I was there last ?
    Karen, have some plenty of R & R, enjoy your day.
    Sonia, bet you are excited. Hope all goes well.
    Brenda, glad they are looking after you but what another long day being up the hospital bless you. Hugs.
    Sue, hope your weekend was fine and you are okay.
    Lilian, hope you feel better soon, take care
    Lynda, missing you ! Also thinking of our Michele and other ladies who are missing and hoping you are okay.
    Have a nice day everyone and many warm hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, lovely blue sky today, still very cold, not like Cornwall.

    Another beautiful card again today, love the stamps of the flowers.

    I’ve only one antibiotic left, but still don’t feel much better. Only did a bit of ironing done today, hopefully I will feel up to crafting tomorrow.

    Big hugs to you all , Lilian
