
Sunday 8 January 2023

Sunday Showcase!!!

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Are you all enjoying your weekend?  What have you all been doing?  

I felt well enough to help Paul return the lounge to its pre- Christmas spaciousness,  wow! It amazes me every year how much bigger and tidier the house looks after everything is packed away!  

I started doing the same in my craft room too, I find with all the clutter around I just can't think.  Now has any body else misplaced their 'crafty mojo' ?? Mine appears to have gone missing,  apparently it's having a fun holiday with Lilian's Mojo!!  As Lilian said yesterday...hopefully they will return with lots of inspiration!! 

Janet, (see photo above):  has created an amazing Masculine card and Gift Box. 

Janet's Description:

 The card is made using LABLANCHE VINTAGE SET. The box is made using TONIC BRONZE CARD and decorated with TONIC MIRROR CARD and a TONIC DIE SET bought a few years ago. Inside there is a large Toblerone.

Janet you have created an amazing card and gift box, its so lovely when you have a matching set.  

Thank you so much for sharing them with us XXX 


Sonia's Description:

Here's a card I made in the week.
More ink blending and added some heat embossing using (part of) a snowflake stamp. The reindeer is Spellbinders. I haven’t decided on a sentiment yet, but it’s another card added to my Christmas stash 😊

Such a gorgeous, Clean & Simple card Sonia,  that beautiful subtle blend of inks works perfectly, thank you so much for inspiring us XXX


Gina's Description:

The first card is using m bunny die I love the bunny die. The second card is for my sister for her 70th and the bunny got into that one too!  

Gina thank you for sharing some of your cards, they are both gorgeous,  I love your cute bunny, I can see him making an appearance on all of your cards, I could be your 'signature '  thanks  again for sharing your cards with us XXX 

That's all for today ladies, I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday,  

Love and hugs,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Some gorgeous makes ladies Honestly Sonia I don’t thin the card need a sentiment That beautiful deer says it all
    The weekender is great and have met up with a few people that we haven’t seen in over 10 years!
    There’s a live band later So I am looking forward to that
    The weather is wet windy and very cold Hooray for duvet coats as I call them
    My mojo is being very lazy at present Is there a challenge this week
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    It's still raining here and hasn't stopped since yesterday.The only positive I have is thank goodness it isn't the 'white' stuff.

    Love SONIA's and GINA's cards.

    Thank you SANDRA for showing my latest man card and box. They were made for my SIL's birthday which was yesterday.
    I have made myself a promise that I will use my dies more this year instead of buying loads of paper kits. I have so many dies bought over the years which have been sat in folders not used so I need to put the A4 orange folders where I can see them and not under my desk out of sight.
    Well that's the plan.

    The CAFE is OPEN and today's lunch menu is Roast Chicken with selection of green veg and for afters Lemon Sponge cake.
    Place your orders.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads and loads of extras for all Dear Friends not feeling too well.
    Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone.
    Wonderful cards ladies and a toblerone box, perfect!
    Rain has stopped this morning but boy did we have a mixture last night with hail stones, strong winds and very cold. Seeing a friend for coffee out later so best get something warm on.
    Have fun Karen, enjoy the music.
    Sending love and hugs to you all and extra hugs are in the box just inside the door if you need some. Have a good day whatever you are up to. Take care xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your card and box Janet they’re fabulous 😊
    Gina, your cards are lovely. I believe the bunny is quite popular at the moment. He’s lovely and very versatile 😊
    Thank you for sharing my card too 😊
    Sandra I hope yours and Lilian’s mojo returns soon. My problem at the moment is finding the time to craft! πŸ˜•
    Karen glad you’re having a lovely time 😊
    We put our decorations away yesterday - a day late I know, so I hope it doesn’t bring us any bad luck 😬 It does look bare and I miss seeing the reflections of the tree lights in the windows. Oh well, only another 11 months and they can go back up again πŸ˜‚
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, heavy rain again this morning, but drier this afternoon, so we were able to do some more clearing ready for the patio people who are supposed to be coming in the morning. Depends on the weather.

    Love all the crafts on display today, I haven’t done any crafting, but will have to start again as it’s Jason’s ( son) birthday on the 23rd.
    Sending hugs to all, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    Not sure where Fridays comment went. I had trouble getting it to publish and I see that it seems to have vanished! Hope this one stays put. A great review yesterday, some lovely cards and great techniques to try out. Maybe we could have a go together this coming week? I’m glad you felt a little better my lovely. Please take it easy though xx
    Janet, your card and gift box are lovely. I’m sure your SiL enjoyed receiving them along with the chocolate xx
    Sonia, your deer card is beautiful and I’m with Karen in thinking that it doesn’t need a sentiment as it is perfect as it is. Just think this next Christmas will be very special this year for all of your family. Little eyes will be enjoying looking at all of the pretty lights for the first time😍 xx
    We had another very busy weekend with the girls. We were all in need of some r & r so didn’t do very much apart from playing board and card games.
    I hope you all sleep well. Sending hugs. Take care xx
