
Friday 27 January 2023

Our Next Challenge


Good Morning Ladies ,

Well I spent 60% of yesterday thinking it was Friday so I am all lost at sea today!  I am glad the weekend is around the corner though,  just for the more relaxed feel to the day.  

I had a real confused call from GP, the surgery staff lost my sample so she couldn't dip it, but she said that she knew me well enough to know that if I said I had a UTI then she was confident I was right (maybe as I have 16 week experience), she put a prescription in pharmacy for me to pick up Thursday morning.  She then listened while I went over the symptoms,  I said that some are symptoms of diabetes, she agreed,  looked through my notes and said "well we haven't checked you for sugar, so I'll book you an urgent blood test for Thursday morning '  I said oh, I thought you checked for that last time'.  She said not, she said that she would call me Monday, apologised for having lost sample too.  Later on (9.30pm to be exact) I got another message from Surgery,  it was GP, she said that she had "nust received some more blood test result and said that my sugar was 'borderline high'  so wouldn't have caused my symptoms "  she said she had cancelled blood test and will call me Monday with a plan of action!!  I picked up my new prescription- Pivmicillinum. Course is 7days, lets hope it works better than it did in November!!! 

Our Next Challenge 

For our next Challenge I looked at our Maria's list of challenge ideas and chose Embossing

So get those Embossing Folders out and Embossing Powders!  We will use any kind of Embossing you like, I have left some samples above to give you some ideas.  You can just type Embossed cards into Pinterest for some inspiration too. 

I hope you enjoy this challenge my lovelies, 

Have a Fantastic Friday,  however you are spending it Ladies, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Blimey Your GP really is mucking you about a bit Such a shame she cancelled the blood test - might have been a different answer this time around
    Lots of lovely ideas It will encourage me to use both mediums as I don’t use them very much at all Sometimes I make a card and think “maybe I should have ….”
    Daughter teaching Salsa tonight so we’re out dancing I need to finish a card for this week’s challenge too
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Don't forget your craft storage photos Ladies xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Plenty of wonderful cards Sandra to give us ideas for the next challenge.
    Hoping to get some finished for this week later.
    Have a good day as possible everyone, many hugs to you all 🤗 xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A great challenge for next week. I have a new Spellbinders folder I’m looking forward to using ☺️ I love your inspirational cards too, lots of lovely ideas.
    Fingers crossed these antibiotics will help, and when you speak to your GP on Monday, she will have a good plan in place.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, really cold again.
    How glad you have heard from your GP, Those are the antibiotics I had, seems to have worked, although still feel a bit under the weather.
    Good challenge for next week, I’ve done this weeks, just have to take a photo tomorrow.
    My brother paid a surprised today. He looks so well, still running and winning races, no effects of his bladder cancer at all. Really gave me really joy to see him so well.
    Hope you all had a good day. Lilian.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I was back at SDEC this morning before 10am, had all the same tests I had last Monday was allowed home after 3pm. I have to go back again on Monday for a repeat of same. Credit to the hospital they are certainly looking after me.
    Great new challenge Sandra, I think everyone will love it.
    Sorry I’m ready to put my head on the pillow.
    Take care, hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Good evening Sandra and all looking in. What a wonderful array of inspiration you have here. Such beautiful cards. I don’t emboss either way very much. Like Karen I usually look back at s card and think. “Oh I should have done ……..!”
    Fingers staying crossed until you finally get rid of that infection. Hopefully your GP has the decency to get you see by the urologist very soon after all if the messing around you have had from the surgery my lovely xx
    Brenda, glad you got home at a reasonable hour today. Hope it all goes well again on Monday. You need a season ticket at the moment don’t you xx
    Have s good weekend. It’s been a bit foggy here on and off over the last 24 hours but with some nice sunny patches too.
    Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx
