
Friday 6 January 2023

It's Friday !!!!


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Well, we made it to the first weekend of January!!  I will be glad to get the last of the decorations packed away and give the lounge a good going over.  I almost want to do a full 'Spring Clean' .  I think it's partly wanting to cleanse the house of all the virus germs that we have been blessed with since Autumn!  

Lucy and I are still battling this awful flu virus, the Doctor explained that we could be feeling the symptoms for up to another 3 weeks!  It seems that it knocks you down then you feel a little better then out of the blue it hits you hard again, I had one of those days yesterday,  my throat was so incredibly sore I could barely swallow, it had me up all the previous night,  while awake I was listening to poor Lucy's cough, luckily so far its only Lucy and I that have it.  

So here's a BIG QUESTION......!!!

Are you raady for our first Challenge of 2023!!  

Do any of you have any particular craft styles or techniques that you'd like covered?  For this week only I will announce the challenge tomorrow!  

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday!!

My love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Hoping you have a better day Sandra and Lucy and anyone else who are not well, I wish you a speedy recovery.
    Not sure how but I missed you yesterday so first I want to say how much I like the card our Sonia made and great you started on this year's x-mas cards 👍 something I promised myself for years so I will try. One challenge Sandra to set maybe 🤔😉. My work space is less than finished but I'm ready I think for something to do or a new crystal work will have to come out 😊 sitting in a café near our theatre in town. Been to the library and might have a hair cut or at least the fringe, I always get wings when I do it myself 🤭
    Have a good day as possible everyone, many hugs to you all. Xxx

  2. That image is so cute
    We’re on our way to Bristol for a Salsa Weekender that should have happened last January
    Challenges hmm? These days all crafting is a challenge 🤣 I’d like to see other uses for Distress Oxides eg stamping with them then spritzing to make colours “bleed” and over stamping with something like black Versafine/Versamark I think we all have DO, stamps and an ink that can be used over the top that won’t run
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    First week of January done already! I hope the rest of the month is the same - January always seems to be a very long, never ending month!
    I can’t think of any challenge ideas at the moment, but will give it some thought. I like Karen’s idea of doing more with our inks.
    I’ve had to put all my craft stuff away for now, so no chance of having a play with my new toy 😕 We’ve got Mark’s Mum and Aunt coming round this evening, to have our ‘Christmas’. We’re just getting a Chinese takeaway in for tea so I don’t have to cook.
    Hope you and Lucy are feeling better soon - these viruses/bugs hang about don’t they 😔 xx
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi, check with the nurse went ok, full spectrum of blood tests going to be done. Also bp, pluse and weight. I’ve never had my feet checked before, thankfully they were ok. Told to drink more water and more exercise, not that I can do much of that.
    Sandra love that little picture, hope you are on the mend, nurse tells me the symptoms hang around for up to four weeks.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I agree with you it’s so good to clear everything away after all the Christmas decorations are taken down and restore some order again, don’t get me wrong I love decorating the Christmas tree and having all the Christmas decorations and ornaments around the house, but it’s good to restore order again.
    I hope both you and Lucy will soon get over this awful flu virus, it certainly seems to be hanging around for everyone. xx
    Loved yesterdays card from Sonia, it was really gorgeous, thank you for sharing Sonia xx
    Will say goodnight everyone, sleep well. Hugs Brenda xxx
