
Tuesday 10 January 2023

Blooming Gorgeous!

Good Morning Ladies, 

Has anyone seen that sun yet?? It's definitely still absent around here, the river is so incredibly high, the pub has lost part of its gardens, the first couple of benches are all but submerged!  I keep seeing these little news reports about a really cold 'front' coming in but I think they are all to be taken with a pinch of salt!  

Janet how did Jim's scan go?  I had you in my thoughts all day xxx

What are your thoughts on this whole Harry's book interview nonsense,  he says he hadn't meant to hurt but in the book writes about Williams appearance at Duke of Edinburgh's Funeral : I was puzzled when I looked at him and realised that he doesn't look like their Mother (Diana) anymore, he went on to comment on how Williams hair was receding at an alarming rate, much more than his!!  Well I did a little research as I was curious as to why the top of Harry's head was much redder (skin colour) than the rest of his head, it would appear that Harry has had a Hair transplant!!  Which I guess goes along with the 'Hollywood ' lifestyle!   

It's all so very sad, in my opinion there is 1 very controlling person behind this book and it isn't Harry!!  It must be so hard for both the Prince & Princess of Wales and King Charles, having to listen to these scathing accusations and not respond. 

Anyway today's card features a gorgeous stamp set called 'Blooming with Happiness '  and the new die I got in the Spellbinders sale called 'Candlewick' I used Pool Party and Coastal Cabana ink and Coastal Cabana and white card.  I finished the card with 3 tiny 'Pool Party ' gems. 

I hope that you all have a great Tuesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful card this morning. Your colouring is so gentle and calming.

    We haven't s found the sun yet. We another extremely wet start to our day and it's my first K&N of the year.I have everything crossed that by the time it gets to just after lunch it may have stopped raining.
    Jim was back home before 09.15 as he was there ready for 'opening time' at 08.00, It's wait for results now. He isn't coughing as much but there's still some 'gunge' on his chest.

    Well I'd better get a wriggle on as I need to pack my craft bag/sort out what we might have for tea........

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Beautiful card I love cards of one shade
    We did see the sun fleetingly whilst on the train from Bristol to Paddington By the time we’d reached London it had disappeared and was very grey
    It is so disappointing to see Harry behaving in this way and is being thoroughly manipulated by a certain person in my opinion His mum would have been so disappointed
    He says he doesn’t want to be in the limelight So stop being interviewed and having book deals (4!) They need the money though! I need to get a GP appointment- so wish me luck!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card today, the colour is gorgeous 😍
    Another wet and windy day here! I’m so fed up with the rain now it just makes everything seem so miserable!
    I’m yet to watch Harry’s interview. I agree with you Karen, they didn’t want to be in the limelight and hated all the media attention, yet here he is on our screens all the time! I don’t see how there’s any way back from everything he’s said and I just can’t imagine how the royal family must be feeling after all these accusations.
    Janet, fingers crossed Jim doesn’t have to wait too long for the results xx
    Hope you’re all having a good day despite the awful weather
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi, it’s been dry most of the day, which means the patio men could get our based for the summer house down. The tiles are here, so exciting to look forward to being able to sit in the sun..

    Sandra love your card, so lovely and soft colouring, could be used for many different occasions.

    Been sitting around doing nothing today, feeling very lazy, hoping tomorrow I feel a bit better.

    As for Harry and all his moans, I’m tired hearing about how he thinks he’s been I’ll treated. They wanted the best of both worlds, but not put the work in.

    Big hugs to all, hope your feeling a bit better Sandra. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card, I love the colour you have used and the die is nice.
    I'm not planning to see the interview or buy any book anytime soon. It's all so wrong.
    Good luck for Jim, hope you had a great time at K & N Janet.
    Karen, hope you managed to get a doc.appointment, not easy to get them some days.
    Brenda, just take it easy.
    Lilian, hope you are doing alright. Nice with better weather in Cornwall. Here it has been another day of wind and rain. Went out this morning for a shop but afterwards I have been laying on the sofa. Blooming fibromyalgia....
    Love and many hugs to you all xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely bright card today, I love the stamps and dies and colour you have used.
    I find it so sad that the press seem to be obsessed with Harry and Megan. They said they wanted to be away from the media attention yet seem to be inviting it on a daily basis, I think we are all tired of his endless attention seeking, moaning and washing his dirty linen in public. I can’t imagine how his father and brother feel. Totally abused comes to mind. At least they are not stooping to his level and carrying on in a dignified way…..OOPS sorry putting soap box away now.
    Had another busy doing nothing day, I just feel nauseous and lifeless most days. Have been given pills that stop the sick feeling but they have uncomfortable side effects. (Not going to elaborate on that!!)
    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx
