
Tuesday 3 January 2023

Another Pretty Awash With Beauty Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you all as well as can be expected,  Sonia I hope that you have no line on your test today and same for Mark, you must be climbing the walls you have been isolating for so long,  the Tuesday before Christmas feels like months ago!  When are you next scheduled in work?  

Lucy is calling GP for an appointment today as she is still so poorly, her cough has not eased at all and her voice has virtually disappeared.  The chances of an appointment are pretty slim though.  Fingers Crossed she gets seen. 

Todays card is another card made using the 'Awash with Beauty ' Dsp, with the matching stamp and dies this time too.  I saw this card on Pinterest and loved it, the creator was called Susan Camfield.  

I started by creating an 'Side Gatefold' card base, I then created mats to fit the front panels and DSP to top them with,  I layered everything together and and then created the Belly Band to hold the front panels closed.  I added some die cut images from the dsp to the inside panel of the card and a sweet sentiment. I added the floral embellishment and the sentiment for the front of the card to the Belly Band. 

I hope that some of you have managed to get back to your craft desks, even better did any of you get any craft Christmas gifts or anything in the sale ?? 

Have a lovely Tuesday Ladies, 

Love and big hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    I hope LUCY manages to get an appointment to see a Doctor or at least a telephone consultation.

    Jim finishes his antibiotics today and he is sounding more like himself. He has to wait for a couple of weeks and then telephone the hospital to make an appointment for a chest Xray though it's the time frame he was given when he came home after the pneumonia.

    I did manage to get into my craft room last week as I had to make a card for my SIL who has his bday on the 7th -Sat. I made his card and one of my boxes which fits a large toblerone. I haven't bought anything from the sales as yet.

    The CAFE has opened to start the new year so the biscuit and cake tins are full waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa etc.
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends in need. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love today’s card. The gatefold and belly band are lovely and it all goes together so well ☺️
    Fingers crossed Lucy can get an appointment. I hope you’re feeling better now too xx
    Janet, glad to hear Jim is on the mend xx
    No line on the test today! πŸ˜€ That was a long two weeks! I’m due back to work on Thursday and also working the weekend.
    I did a little crafting yesterday - made another Christmas card! Will be starting a card today for my Dad’s 80th Birthday next week. I’m eagerly awaiting my craft buys, but not expecting them yet due to the bank holiday. Fingers crossed they won’t take too long though.
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra and a sweet way of folding and belly band.
    Hoping Lucy be alright and a appointment was made. Wish her better.
    Janet, so good to hear that Jim is on his mend. I'll see you later for a coffee in the cafe' and a big piece of cake, well one can dreamπŸ˜‰
    Very glad to hear Sonia that the line is gone. Do take care tho and don't do too much when you are back at work.
    Very wet day here so my plans are to get into crafting sometime today. Still in my PJ's and going to have some porridge next 😊
    Have a nice day whatever you are up to today. Big hug to you all xxx

  4. Pretty card I have never made a card with a belly band - maybe set that as a challenge 🀣
    I have seen on the chat that Lucy was unable to get an appointment today I hope she is more successful tomorrow
    We’re off to the theatre this evening to see “Little Women The Musical” One of my favourite books I am intrigued as to how it will work as a musical
    Take care everyone xx

  5. Hello All, we are almost washed away here, the rain has been torrential.
    Todays card is very pretty with the belly band, I’ve not tried one of those yet, maybe it’s time I tried.
    Do hope Lucy gets to see har GP soon. I’ve still got my cough that I had when I had my cold weeks ago.Haven’t been able to sleep as as soon as I lie down start coughing.
    Not much else going on, still doing my jigsaw. Hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Another very pretty card today, the belly band adds a lovely finishing touch.
    Janet pleased to hear Jim is on the mend, sending caring hugs to you both xx
    Hope Lucy is able to get an appointment with GP soon. 🀞
    So many people have this post Covid cough which is hanging on and on xx
    Take care everyone, sleep well, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Such a pretty card and a different look with the belly band. I have only ever made two in that style. Must have another go. I have a few craft bits to get but haven’t found any bargains yet. Sorry that Lucy is still so bad. Please give her a hug from me. I hope she can at least talk to GP tomorrow bless her. I had a letter from the x ray department asking me to go online and book an appointment which should be in 6-8 weeks, or maybe a bit longer. This is for the cough I had at the very beginning of last year which lasted until June. I was told back in April that I really must have an x ray as it had gone on for so long. At least I can let someone else have my space now!
    I really must get a jigsaw on the go. Been playing games with Chris, Gem and Bob all afternoon and Monopoly this evening with Gem again. She finally beat me 😁 What is the picture on your jigsaw Lilian? And how is yours going Sandra! Sending love and hugs. Take care xx
