
Thursday 8 December 2022

My Original Spellbinders Poinsettia die


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

Woohoo a day of relaxation, no reaching for the duster every time you look somewhere different and see dust or a finger print!!  🤣😂 
The lady came after lunch time, she was here for literally 10 minutes or less, she spent more time fussing Milo,  who was chilling in his basket in the porch, Paul said he was silently panicking that he would bite her and set her off on the wrong foot, fortunately Milo was very well behaved.   We briefly chatted and we explained that none of the jobs that we had reported the last three or four visits, she reassured us that 'they are actually starting to repair the faults that have been reported now'!!  I asked her to mark the dripping kitchen tap as Urgent, as it fills a whole washing up bowl overnight,  we do recycle the water but its really frustrating! I did bring up the frequent 'visits' that we get, she was surprised and shocked but said she didn't think that they could "bring it up without it being awkward'.  I think I am going to be a bit more direct with him next time he visits or calls.  
All went well with the inspection, the only thing she focused on in each room was the carbon monoxide monitors, not the carpets that I scrubbed !🤣😂
She was such a lovely lady and said she said that we had a lovely home. 

I wanted to just relax for the rest of the day but decided to sit at my desk and make the inserts for all of my Christmas cards, WHY didn't I make them as I went along as I said I was going to do!!  It turned out a lovely afternoon with Paul, I made most of the inserts and a bonus card too! 

For the card I used the my original Spellbinders Poinsettia dies, which I have had for many years, When I went through my Christmas dies I am embarrassed to say that I have atleast 6 different sets of Poinsettia dies! In my defence they are all different.   I paired my original Poinsettia die with thr first Tim Holtz background die to create this card, I used some early SW foliage dies too.  The photo makes the card look bright red but it is infact Cherry Cobbler which is a dark red.  I did cut two of the front panels to give a but more definition, I layered them over a mat of Cherry Cobbler card and then arranged the layered up Poinsettia and the foliage along the edge of the die cut area.  Idig through my sentiment box and decided on the one above, I cut it in Cherry Cobbler with a drop shadow in gold. A few pearls in the centre of the flower and a couple behind were the finishing touches. I am hoping that that's it for Christmas cards for this year but watch this space! Lol 😆 

I am hoping to see Sue today, we are going to go out for lunch for a change, it will be nice to have a catch up, it feels like a bonus relaxing day as we originally thought that the inspection was today!  

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA. Traditional in every way. These 'old dies' really do achieve the 'test of time'. I just might try to use them more in the new year and perhaps save some

    We're off doing a bit of Seasonal shopping this morning. Cannot say I'm looking forward to it but I've got to go out sometime.

    Hugs are on their way to you all. please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. I am so glad the inspection went well
    Your card is beautiful I have that Tim Holtz die and forget to use things like that - note to self!
    I don’t have much planned I hope to do a bit of crafting Is there football on and I won’t feel guilty about escaping to my craft room?
    Take care everyone Enjoy your meet up with Sue Have fun xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra. Yesterday's oldies were also lovely to see again.
    Going out to the post office this morning and a little walk. Hoping to do some cards this afternoon, saying that every day but just can't seem to get it done.
    You all have a good day and keep warm, hope Lilian you get your radiator working and anyone with a cold and chesty cough soon will feel better.
    Warm hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi All, luckily the engineer managed to get our heating working again, so we are toasty again, if a little poorer.

    Love todays card I also have both of those dies, not sure I’ve ever used the Tim Holtz one.

    Not doing much today, the cold makes my hands useless.
    Keep warm all, hoping the shopping goes well Janet. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today 😊
    Glad it all went well yesterday. That’s a worry off your minds.
    Hope you’ve had a nice day with Sue, and enjoyed your lunch.
    Well, I’ve posted all the Christmas cards today and actually saw the postman take them from work. Will be interesting to see how long they take to reach their recipients!
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’ve just lost my comment, I keep nodding off and my hand hit the iPad and my comment disappeared.
    Beautiful card today Sandra, I think everyone likes the Poinsettia it symbolises Christmas and is such a beautiful flower.
    I have between nap’s trying to write this comment since 8.30 think I had better say goodnight before sleep takes over again.
    Sleep well dear friends , love Brenda xxx
