
Saturday 10 December 2022

Mixed-up Saturday


Good Morning Ladies, 

From a VERY cold Wiltshire,  Omg I cannot remember being this cold, I spent every moment that I wasn't doing anything under my duvet, this house is a nightmare to heat effectively,  we want to light the fire as that makes a huge difference but the last two times that we had it on Sophie (who's bedroom is above the lounge) complained about the smell of smoke in her bedroom,  it appears to be coming from inside her wardrobe which is on the chimney wall, so we haven't used it since in case it caused carbon monoxide fumes or something,  we mentioned it to landlord but he just said it was probably the wood we were burning,  which was nonsense as the logs were kiln dried logs for open fires, I suggested to Paul that we get the chimney sweep to check it out for us but he said it wasn't worth it because even if there was a fault Mr S wouldn't pay to have it fixed, he would just say , Don’t the fire!  I would love a log burner 😍

Now I'm not sure if I have shared the quote above before, it made me laugh to myself as I have said this to the girls before, it reminds me of the other quote that says something about your husband finding out the true cost of your craft stash after you'd gone, rather than the 'bargain price' you told him!! 😉 🤣!!  Having said that I so lucky in that Paul has never questioned how much any craft items cost, he may occasionally roll his eyes though!  🙄😉!  I always discuss any large craft buys though. 

Diecutting Essentials 
Issue 97

It's such a nice change to have a magazine without Christmas cards!    This Issue of Diecutting Essentials features all things 'Spring Flowers'!  The free gift is a pretty Floral Wreath and some nice stamps that work with the wreath or could be used independently.  The Die is Memory Box die so will be really good quality .

The first article shares some really pretty cards that are all made using the free gift.  Some lovely card designs, I like the circular one a lot,  I would use different colours though.

Now these cards are made with lovely Spring Colours, they are apparently 'Eclipse ' cards, however they aren't what I would call 'Eclipse cards' I think that they use different methods to create the raised (eclipse) pieces, some have stamped pieces that are coloured to match the base card exactly.  Either way they look fun, if it makes it easier for people to acheive then I'm all for it. 

I absolutely love both of the featured cards,  so much so that I going straight to find the Tim Holtz embossing folder!  They would make great cards for men, you could even create personalised versions. What do you think?? 

These cards have all been made with 'Die cut Inlay Backgrounds'  using dies to create embossing which gives a lovely detailed background. I do like Merry Christmas die used on those last two cards. 

This is the die set in case you like it as much as I do! Hopefully it will be in the Sale in new year! 

I don't really make cards for New Year celebrations but I do like some of these fun ideas for New Year Gift wrapping.

Noe Ladies,  I am 100 % going to have a play with this technique,  it's not stained glass like the Sue Wilson die's created, this particular technique seems to focus more on the metallic borders around the srained glass...

I have tried to zoom in on this card to show the 'faux metallic ' lines, the thick metallic look is created by embossing the die cuts with silver embossing powder and heat setting, you can repeat until you get your desired thickness.  
We will all have a die that we can have a go with!! 

Finally these cards are all made using a combination of the Free Dies,  Stamps and Downloaded papers.  There are some really pretty designs here, the free papers are really pretty, I am sure we all have equally beautiful papers in our stash too.  

A good edition of the magazine to finish the year, I have enjoyed having this pop through the letterbox every month, especially if you are needing a little inspiration, beyond the free dies there are some great technique tutorials too, I really like the ones that encourage you to more use out of your dies .

I hope that you all have a super Saturday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great magazine review Sandra-I have just got my copy.

    Apologies for my lack of comments but it’s not been a great time for me-I’m not crafting as I seem to have zero interest plus my best friend “crazy friend” passed away in July. We’d been friends for 30 years-we first met when we trained together.
    Anyway-just popped in to say I’m not sending Christmas cards (as I’ve not made any)and will be making a donation to Cancer Research in memory of Andrene.


  2. I love that saying and I’m supposed to be de cluttering my craft room too!
    The magazine looks interesting It is one of my favourite craft magazines but I don’t buy it regularly
    That EF does look great I have an Aall and Create stencil that might achieve something similar
    It’s lovely to see you in MICHELE Take care and sorry to hear about your sad news
    Like MICHELE I won’t be sending cards to you I will be donating the postage costs to Gary’s Gift of Hope page at the British Heart Foundation
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love that quote 😉😂
    Great magazine review, with great freebies too. I love that Spellbinders ‘Merry Christmas’ die, but can’t justify spending that much on it, will look to see if it’s on sale in the New Year too. I’ve also been thinking about getting the Glimmer Hot Foil system, but again at the price it is, it would be a combined Christmas and birthday present to myself ☺️ I’ve seen some beautiful foiled cards and would love to move to that next level.
    Michele, so very sorry to hear your sad news xx
    Must dash, as I’ve got my long awaited hospital appointment this morning!
    Have a good day everyone, stay warm
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All, hope your keeping safe, we haven’t had any snow but several sleet showers, which immediately froze. The pavement was a sheet of ice, needless to say I’ve stayed in.

    Great magazine review, looks very interesting, still haven’t decided which one to buy, if any.
    R and I have rotten colds, so I thick it will be a case of staying by the heater and watching the telly.
    Wrap up warm if you are you are going out. Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Like the quote. Thanks for the magazine review. Some interesting things to make.
    Good to see you Michele, take care.
    Lilian, rotten colds. Wish you both better. Stay inside and keep warm.
    Sonia, looking forward to see what Santa bought you hihi I like that die too, hoping it will be in the sale for a lot less.
    My day didn't turn out like I wanted it to so everything crossed for a better day tomorrow. Spoke to my parents, they both have had bad colds and dad had pulled his back out with coughing but still the joker with showing up with the Christmas lights around his head on Face time 🤭😂
    Many warm hugs to you all, Maria 🤗 xx x

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Like you Sandra I’ve enjoyed this magazine and the dies look good (haven’t used them yet) Hope the weekend will be good and relaxing for you xxx
    Michele lovely to see you, sorry to hear about your friend, I hope you will be able to get back into crafting……. One day soon xx
    Sending caring hugs to everyone.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all looking in today. Some lovely cards over the last few days. I’m not sure where the days have gone! I did manage to finish a challenge card at least though.
    Sandra, going to London in the new year will give you something to look forward to once the holiday season has finished and everything is a bit grey and dull xx
    I hope you all had a good day and that you all sleep well tonight.
    It is really cold here, the warmest it got was -2 degrees c at 1pm. The ice is so beautiful to look at, especially the cobwebs but horrid on the roads and pavements.
    Take extra good care if you are going out tomorrow. Sending my love and hugs. Take care xx
