
Monday 26 December 2022

Happy Boxing Day


Good Monday morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas Day, it sure went by in a flash, we had a very relaxed day, we opened our gifts in the morning,  then relaxed for an hour or so, I helped Paul with dinner, we prepared most of it on Christmas Eve as we were super organised for the first year ever!  We ate a delicious Christmas Dinner and afterwards we all collapsed on the sofa and the girls chose a movie or two, I napped through most of the first one as frustratingly I wasn't feeling great, I don't think the antibiotics are working again, which is so annoying,  nausea is a new symptom, so I am afraid I may have to call 111, fingers crossed for me ladies please.

I hope that Boxing Day is fun day for all of you,

Sending My love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA I have everything crossed that you don't have to call that number and that you can manage with the antibiotics .

    It was a very quiet day here and today will be the same. It feels odd that we're not driving down to Dover but it will be easier in the Spring.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. I hope you get on OK calling 111
    We had a lovely day It was lovely to see the boys open their presents

  3. Hi everyone
    Happy Boxing Day 😊
    Sandra, it’s so frustrating for you, I do hope you’re ok 😘 Happy to hear you had a lovely day yesterday and were able to enjoy it.
    We had a good day too, although quite tiring, and as you said, it was over in a flash!
    I hope you all had a good day and another one today whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Happy Boxing day everyone
    Hoping you be alright Sandra and glad to hear you all had a nice day yesterday. Our's was nice and it was lovely to see and speak to the 'kids' . The turkey crown and roastie's with the red cabbage went down a treat and we have plenty of leftovers so not much cooking to do today. Nice outside so going for a little walk, just around the houses but good to get some air. Have a good day everyone . Many hugs Maria xxx

  5. Hi All, lovely sunny day here.
    Quiet day today, finished our jigsaw which we started yesterday.

    Sandra do hope you manage to get through to 111, to get help, I’m hoping you are feeling a little better by now.

    Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, Lilian
