
Tuesday 13 December 2022

A little bit of Sparkle


Good Morning Ladies, 

From a freezing Wiltshire,  the snow that we had yesterday has frozen solid overnight, Paul and I looked like we were doing Couples Ice Skating getting from the back door to the car 🤣😂 !  I went to the Surgery because I thought it would be less frustrating than phoning for an appointment! How WRONG I was, initially she refused to take my urine sample,  claiming that there was nobody in the practice to dip it, I explained that it didn't need dipping, it just needs sending off to lab, she then asks 'Says Who'!! I explained that the GP I saw 2 weeks ago told me to bring a sample in today to make sure that 3rd batch of antibiotics worked,  but as they hadn't the Out of Hours GP instructed me to bring one in today too.  She took it begrudgingly,  then came the part I knew would be fun, I said "I also need to speak to a Doctor" , well there's no chance of that today was reply, this was in the morning,  I explained that Dr Aitchinson had asked me to follow up with her in particular as she wants to see this infection resolved.  Apparently she is not available until next week, so I asked if i could book an appointment for then, well No!  I will have to call Monday morning to book an appointment for Monday, then if not we'll try Tuesday etc etc, how bloody ridiculous is this system!!  So I will try again then, somehow I need to make sure that I have a course of antibiotics on hand to take over Christmas because you can guarantee it will come back Christmas eve!                                                         Let's hope today's scan gives some answers 🙏 

Today's card is one I made back in October but hadn't shared yet, I made it using one of the bargain embossing folders I got from Printable Heaven....

I believe they were £1.99 each, they are great quality.  It pays to check their website as they have some great offers from time to time. 

I took a piece of pink frog card, then prepared my embossing folder by sprinkling Mica Powder all over the raised side, I then spritzed my card with water and ran it through the die cutting machine,  the results are amazing. I cut the embossed piece down and matted onto some rose gold metallic card and then matted onto a white card base.  I added a few sparkles and a die cut stencil to finish the card.   You can make so many variations with this technique, I think we underestimate what a valuable tool our embossing folders are to be honest. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Sending love and warm hugs,



  1. Morning Everyone
    We are still covered with snow and it's bitterly cold.
    The front door has been opened just far enough to pick up the milk and the blast of air was definitely artic.

    It should have been our last K&N this afternoon but it has been cancelled due to the weather. We are due to start again on the 10 January so we'll be able to get some R&R.

    HUGS areon their way to you all. Please take great care if going out and stay safexxxx

  2. A very effective technique I think. I threw away my mica powders because I hadn’t used them in years I wonder if Pixie Powders would give a similar effect
    The snow is very slowly melting but I expect it has frozen overnight
    This afternoon we are going to a funeral Sadly an uncle of mine passed away quite suddenly I am dreading the journey but. I know my dad won’t be able to get there and feel obliged to attend As my aunt said it will be good to see each other even though it’s sad circumstances
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, the embossing is beautiful 😍
    Fingers crossed you can get to speak to your GP soon. Sorry to say, but some of these receptionists are so rude! It’s a shame that they don’t work by the rules that the customer (or in this case the patient) is always right! It makes you wonder how they’d feel if they were on the other side of the desk and someone was telling them ‘no’ 🤔
    Still pretty cold here but the snow is slowly melting.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    A lovely card that could be used for just about every occasion. I don’t think to use my embossing folders very often, a bit like our older dies. Maybe that could be a challenge every now and then in the new year.
    You have been and continue to be on my mind. Everything is crossed that you get some proper results and help tomorrow. It’s terrible that you have to fight the receptionists to do what the Gp has told you to do! Take care my lovely xx
    Brenda, your card yesterday was stunning. The perfect delicate colours look like some gorgeous roses that Mum and Pop planted that grew up one of the walls at our first home. I still remember the delicate colours and exquisite scent even now 🥰 Tierney will treasure her card I’m sure xx
    It’s been very cold and icy here since last Thursday but we gave only had a very brief snow fall that vanished within an hour or two. I hope the roads stay clear again tomorrow after going for a filling today then having a Covid booster tomorrow. I hope you all stay safe and warm. Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

  5. Hello All, sorry I missed yesterday, spent most of the day in bed with bad throat and a headache.
    Brenda absolutely loved your rose card, so useful for many occasions.
    Todays card is lovely Sandra, I need to get out my embossing folders loads of them.

    Not felt up to doing much, Rs cold is almost gone, so I’m hoping mine will be gone soon as well.

    Take care in this icy weather, hugs to all . Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great card that could (as Sue said) work for any occasion. A really good one to make just don’t put a sentiment on and keep it handy for any emergency. I always tell myself that’s what I will do then my sister asks have I got any surplus cards as she has had requests and has lost her mojo. So I send her my spare cards!
    Your embossing folders were good value. Well spotted.
    I hope you get your appointment with Dr Atichinson next week. Sounds like you drew the short straw when you spoke to the receptionist. Talk about jobs worth.
    Take care everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Hi everyone.
    A lovely card for any occasion, beautiful embossing print.
    Hope you get some answers from the doctors asap. and your next few weekends can be without pain.
    So many have come down with flu and bad cold symptoms the last week. I wish anyone of you with it to get better soon.
    Been busy this afternoon with writing and finish of x-mas cards so tomorrow when we go into town I can get to the post office and send off a few more. Still got the neighbours ones to do and I who thought I would have them made early this year Hahaha!
    Have a good night everyone. Warm Hugs xxx
