
Tuesday 15 November 2022

True Beauty Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Yesterday just whizzed by, I was on the phone to Matt most of the morning (it seemed like it), he started back at work yesterday after his bout of Covid but still has a terrible cough and he said he felt like he had asthma by the time he had finished work,  luckily he only needed to go to a local site so was home by just after lunch.  I have told him to call his GP if his chest/cough don't improve, he has a weakened immune system so has to be careful.  I spent the afternoon im my craft room, this will make you laugh....I couldn't find my prescription reading glasses anywhere,  I don't use them to read as most of the time I get books on kindle and I make text bigger.  Anyway I could only find an old pair of 'ready readers ' that I bought from Aldi I think, so I put them on, turns out they have only got 1 lens in as the frame is cracked on the left side, so please excuse my fussy cutting,  I ended up using the broken read readers, looking through my right eye keeping left one closed (so right would focus), Paul just looked at me and shook his head! The girls thought it was hilarious!  Cheeky mares said "if you put things away when you have finished with them, you will know where they are!!!!  Atleast I know they listen,  even if they don't practice what they preach!  

Janet,  I was so sorry to read about Jim yesterday, how is he doing?  Are you managing to get to the hospital ok?  Hopefully he will be home soon, sending you love and hugs my lovely XXX 

Today's card was made using the Organic Beauty dies to create the lattice background,  the paper behind the lattice and the fussy cut flower spray are both from a paper collection called 'Awash With Beauty ' the designs and colours are gorgeous 😍 

I adhered the background paper and lattice die cut to a 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 white card base, I fussy cut the flower spray and then added foam pads on the back and stuck it to the background.  I stamped a small 'just a note' from 'Go to Sentiments ' stamp set  doe cut with  scalloped rectangle and added it to my card front.  

Quite a simple card but I like how it turned out.

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Your card is pretty I really like this layout
    I hope Jim is doing OK and that he’s home soon Take care Janet
    Matt does need to speak to his GP and hopefully will help
    Good luck Sonia I hope the chat goes well
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    I love today's card SANDRA. That colour blue is just beautiful.

    Jim is slowly improving and he is now having antibiotics in tablet form so everything crossed he will be home in the next few days.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful card. Your fussy cutting looks perfect to me ☺️
    Janet, glad to hear that Jim should be home soon xx
    Thank you Karen, the chat went well 😊
    I hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in today.
    I love both yesterdays and todays pretty cards. Your fussy cutting is great. You wouldn’t know you were doing it with one eye and the wrong lens …… I’m sorry but I am sat here giggling away at the picture I have in my mind of you sat at your desk, bless you 🤣🤣🤣 I hope you have found your proper specs by now. See you tomorrow my lovely xxx
    Janet, I’m thinking of you and Jim. What a worry but at least he is improving. Fingers crossed he will be back home with you very soon xx
    Maria, I hope you and R are having a lovely time with C and his girlfriend. And I hope you are not in quite so much pain either xx
    I hope everyone is as well as can be.
    Sleep well and take care xx

  5. Hello All, wet and cold again.

    Sandra love your card , that colour blue is so pretty. Your fussy cutting looks fine.

    Janet so glad your Jim is starting to feel better, sending healing hugs to you both.

    Started my card for this week, had trouble with the glue seeping out. Used pink pig super card, but find it doesn’t blend well.

    My osteoarthritis has decided to have a flare up today, very painful, up until four this morning, hope for a better night tonight.

    Congratulations to Sonia on getting her new job.

    Hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Another beautiful card Sandra, love the colours you have used and your fussy cutting looks perfect to me.
    Sounds like poor Matt is really suffering with the after effects of Covid. My sister is the same, every time we have a conversation she has a coughing fit. The doctor has checked her over and said it’s hanging on from when she had Covid. If I remember correctly that was June/July time. So I really feel for Matt, tell him not to over exert himself and make sure he gets plenty of rest.
    Janet pleased Jim is improving. I hope you will have him home soon xx
    Take care everyone and stay safe and warm,
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
