
Friday 4 November 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well Ladies the wind and rain seem to be determined to cause flooding , I feel sorry for the chap over the road as he has hired big machinery to do some major work in his back garden,  I think he is putting in a pergola and digging out some large trees to make it lighter and he is re-landscaping, ever since the digger etc arrived it's rained, they battled through the lighter rain showers but they have ended up giving up and going home at lunch time the last couple of days.  I hope the high winds haven't caused you and problems.  

Maria how was the NEC, I am excited to see what you bought?  

Our Next Challenge

One or two of you have mentioned wanting to use some things you'd had for a while you may have bought it for a project and not gotten around to starting that project, so those things have had little or no use. (I am guilty of that✋️ ) 

Also there are the newer things we have bought and not taken out of the packaging yet!! 👐  that's me too!! 

So the Challenge is to use 'those things in our stash that we haven't got much use out of!! 

It can be a stamp set, dies, Embossing Folders, papers, pastes, powders, sprays etc etc!! 

I hope that you enjoy rummaging through your stash,  I have a 'yet to use' bssket on my desk that is over flowing!! 


Paul and I have our Covid + Flu Booster this afternoon,  not the best start to the week,  but seeing how poorly Matt has been the last 2 days its worth the discomfort.                                                       I have advised Matt to call 111 today if he hasn't improved as he has had fever for 3 days straight,  he is vomiting too ao he's not drinking enough, he has paperwork that tells him to call and request an intravenous medication that can ease the symptoms in people with compromised immunity, I believe you have to go in hospital to have it through a drip, which he wasn't keen on.  Fingers crossed he has improved overnight and it won't be necessary.  

I hope that you all have a lovely Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 



  1. Hello,
    where is everyone ?
    Hope you all have a good day. How did it feel after the injections Sandra and Paul, hope you are not too sore or you get heady.
    I will take a photo of my little shop from NEC tomorrow. Too tired earlier to open the bag. Had an early morning meet with friends at Frost this morning and back home I wanted to finish the cc and then, well I did have a nap hihi
    Sending many hugs to you all, take care xx

  2. Hi, although my elder sister, tells me I should use the term hello, can you tell she is a bit bossy.
    We have had a dry day, thank goodness. Manage to catch up with the washing, so it will be ironing tomorrow.
    Glad to say I finished my challenge cards today, took me twice as long as it should. My silly fingers don’t work like they should.
    Hope you are all ok, and you have a good night. Lilian

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Happy Friday everyone, even if it’s a bit late in the day.
    This morning I went with John for his checkup after this cataract operation four weeks away ago, consultant was very pleased with his progress and has now scheduled to operate on the other eye and hopefully before Christmas. 🤞
    Sandra sorry to hear Matt has Covid and feeling really I’ll, I hope he will improve soon, his immune system doesn’t help he must rest and take things easy.
    Hope all our ladies are safe and well, sending caring hugs for everyone, extra for Lynda and anyone else who is not feeling good.
    Big Hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Sorry it’s so late! I did another evening shift as well as my morning shift today. I’m now off for 5 days, and really looking forward to a lie in tomorrow ☺️
    Sorry to hear about Matt. I hope he’s soon feeling better.
    Hope the jabs haven’t caused you and Paul too much discomfort. Mark had his yesterday and hasn’t had any reaction to them…yet!
    I’ve got mine the beginning of December, then the following week my long awaited hospital appointment. I’ve waited a year and a half, it’s on a Saturday when I should be working, but I’m having the day off as after waiting so long, there’s no way I would be cancelling it!
    Hope you’ve all had a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Sorry I’m so late Great idea for the challenge xx
