
Sunday 16 October 2022

Your Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

What a bright & breezy day we had yesterday,  I felt well enough to go out in the garden for an hour or so, I couldn't resist that lovely sunshine,  it's so calming too, all you could hear was trees rustling in the wind and birds.  Talking of birds we have a new visitor to our garden, a Long tailed Tit, I noticed it upon the roof on Thursday when Sophie had asked us to check the glass table as ahe had heard birds dropping what sounded like stones from the roof, she could hear the birds and then the stones rolling down,  (she has a dorma style window where the roof sits either side ), anyway we went out to check them and found 2 inch pieces of what looks like concrete that the birds are pecking out from either the chimney or the roof line.  Whilewe were looking we noticed 2 wasps nests too, one on chimney the other where the lead flashing joins the wall, so Paul needs to go into loft space in Sophie's room to check them out, she has said this past couple weeks that dead and dying wasps keep appearing on her bathroom window sill.  Since seeing the Long Tailed tit on Thursday I have noticed it every day. 

Paul set me up with all of the pots and planters and a chair, some empty pots and compost, so I got all the geraniums trimmed up and ready to go into greenhouse for winter, It was a little bit sad as they still had a good few flowers and buds on but i don't want to risk losing them to frost either.  We harvested the last of the tomatoes,  including the green ones, Monte Don said to put them in a dark draw to ripen, does that work??  I'm not sure how to preserve the crop of chillies, do I dry them or pickle them?? Any idea?

Lets have a look at your cards......

Your Challenge cards 

(Week 2)


Karen's Description:

I think it must be the first time I’ve actually used a “plain” piece of PP - midnight blue teal and rich gold
Other times it’s been SW’s technique with acetate or cling film
I used watercolour card this time too.

Oh my goodness Karen that Pixie Powder background looks like the Northern lights, you have captured the glow perfectly, it's like the beautiful effects of 'caught in crystal' technique  with non of the mess!  A simple card that really ticks all of the boxes, image the Christmas lights reflected onto that background,  magical !! Thank you much for taking part XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this week,
I used masking tape to cover the edges of the card.
Sponged Inka Gold paint, magenta.
Stencil Tim Holtz floral layering stencil.
Next I used decor art crackle glaze, I think I used it too thick, as I had no cracks, so it then wouldn’t take the colour. It’s nicer in the hand. Very girly.

Such a pretty, girly card Lilian,  that stencil you have used is beautiful,  using the Crackle glaze through the stencil has given a stunning effect, the flowers look like glass!! 

I have some of that glaze and I am definitely going to give this technique a go, thank you for inspiring me my lovely,  thank you also for taking part XXX 


Janet's Description:

My Challenge offerings for this week were made into pages for one of my Craft Journals.

Of course they too are LABLANCHE. (I have used this kind of sticker on candles/glass/and boxes. )
I bought both Rub ons and Stickers at least three years ago and I found them at the bottom of a drawer.

2 lovely journal pages Janet, I love the combination of the the gold embossing with the vintage stickers, everything ties together beautifully,  you must be excited at how well they turned out, amazing what magic you find at the bottom of a draw!  Thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX 


Maria dug out her embossing powders for this Challenge and made 2 amazing, sparkly Christmas cards.  
I love the script stamped into that bauble Maria, it looks really 'on trend', it really stands out against that gorgeous blue starry night sky!  
Your second card features that lovely Christmas tree stamp,  embossing it really brings it to life, just look at how it  catches the light.
Thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge my lovely,  now keep those embossing powders out, ready to use again. XXX

Sonia's Description:

This is a finished card I did a while ago. I’ve used the Memory Box stencil with crackle texture paste. I added some cosmic shimmer as paint and splatters. Tim Holtz butterfly and a sentiment from my stash.

Oh Sonia Wow, so much incredible texture,  I want to reach out and touch it!!  I love the blue with the Kraft card and white too,  a grest colour combination,  would be a lovely journal cover too. Thank you so much for a very inspirational card XXX 

Sue reached for her Groovi stash which like me she hasn't used for some time, so this Challenge where we were focusing on things we didn't use enough was just the nudge she needed.  Just look at the stunning card you have created Sue, well woth getting your Groovi gear out for, are you going to keep it out now?  It's  not great for quick cards but my goodness the card above is worth a few extra hours. 
Thank you so much for taking part in the  Challenge Sue XXX


Another lovely display of cards ladies, I am so glad that you got to use things you hadn't for a while, it gives you quite a buzz doesn't it ?!

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday, not much planned here, we are going to the Garden centre to buy some bulbs!! 

Sending love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful set of Challenge cards this week.
    I still have one or two drawers to sort out which might take a while.

    We have nothing planned for today. We both need a day of 'doing nothing' after a really busy week.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe. Have a good Sunday.xxxx

  2. Some lovely makes today
    It’s made me realise that I need to use my “old” stuff more often because I really enjoyed the effects the pixie powders gave
    The boys went home about an hour ago It was so much fun but very tiring!
    A nice rest after our Sunday dinner is in order
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone,
    Stunning cards all ! I love them all and I need to find my pixies next after seeing Karen's amazing background and crackle paste after Sonia's and Lilian's card, they are lovely. Sue your card is special, I love it and the cute little robins, it is a wow, well done!
    My card was made with embossing Paste and it went everywhere, it was a real mess, even went underneath the stencil which was no good. Anyway you can avoid such a thing to happen again ?
    Sue, wishing you better. Healing hugs are sent for you.
    Karen, have a nice relaxing evening. Did you make any crafty stuff together or ?
    Janet, hope your day has been nice and with feet up today. Take care.
    Lilian, hope your leg is getting better. MIL took ages but got healed up in the end so hoping yours do too.
    Sandra, lovely day to spend some time in the garden. Hopefully the flowers will survive to next year. No idea about chillies really, Maybe you can dry them and crunch them for later ? Hope you are feeling better for each day. Oh yes, reg the Faux Misti. I still got mine 😉
    Sonia, hope working again was alright. Does the covid still being a problem at your place ?
    My morning was spent with a friend for a few hours in a cafe' , so nice to catch up again. She is still working so it goes a few months in-between. Afternoon, nearly 3 hours was a facetime with Son and his girlfriend 😊 it is his birthday today so just had to see him. I do miss him and we never got to say a goodbye with a hug because of covid so that was tough. Booked for a few days to see them in middle of November, I can't wait 😃
    Hoping your day has been fine, time to cook dinner so wishing you a good evening. Many hugs for you all xxx ❤

  4. Hi everyone
    Love all of the beautiful cards today, they’re fabulous 😍
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Work was fairly quiet again. Day off tomorrow and I’m having my hair done.
    Have a good evening everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in tonight. A lovely variety of cards for us today. And different techniques that I must have a go at. I forgot to say that I still have both mine and Mums faux misties. I was thinking about decorating the frames and stamping a picture to go in them or something, just seems a shame not to use stamps on them somehow considering what pleasure they gave us, even though they have caused our bank accounts to be used even more 🤣 It’s good to hear that you got some potting done yesterday. Not so good about the wasp nests though. I hope you have had a nice day my lovely xx
    Maria, please can you tell me where you got that gorgeous Christmas tree stamp that you used on your second card? Happy birthday to C. At least you got to see him, if only on screen. November will soon be here so you can hug him properly xx
    Karen, I wonder if you have had a nap this afternoon? I always do once the grands have gone home. Glad you all had a lovely time xx
    Sonia, enjoy your day off tomorrow. And I hope you feel better after your hair cut. My hair is annoying me now so hope to get it trimmed on Tuesday xx
    Lilian, I hope your back is a bit better and that you are still sleeping more at night xx
    Janet, I hope you got some time to put your feet up and relax xx
    Brenda, how are you feeling now. I hope the tiredness isn’t too severe at the moment xx
    Have a good evening and sleep well everyone. Take care xx
