
Friday 21 October 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

We have all made it to Friday, that in itself is a cause for celebration!  Have you all had a good week?  Did you get everything done that you needed to?  I didn't acheive anything much really, which is frustrating,  I have even found my 'finding something positive ' at the end of the day a challenge this week!  Hopefully things will improve for next week, annoyingly I felt like I wanted to do things, set my goals for the day but after first thing had to go lie day, I'm sure it's purely from back to back antibiotics.  We did manage to make some leek and potato soup yesterday,  it was delicious but totally wiped me out,  all I wanted to do was take a nap but I didn't otherwise I would have even more trouble getting to sleep at night .  

Our Next Challenge 

As you can see I have designed a Christmas TicTacToe for this weeks challenge,  well I say it's a 'Christmas ' TicTacToe BUT it doesn't have to be, there are enough categories on there to make a card for any occasion.  

You can just pick any 3 and get Crafting, I chose Christmas as there were more than a couple of us that need to get busy making Christmas cards!   Like some of you ladies I am limiting the number of Christmas cards that I make to close friends, you have to factor in postage these days, also the Postal strikes seem to be timed to cause maximum disruption!  We haven't seen our Postie 'Felix' for weeks,  on the odd occasion we get mail its a chap in a van.  

Oh I went off track there, I hope that you enjoy the challenge my lovelies xxx

We are off foid shopping tonight to leave the weekend free, we need to go mattress shopping! 🤤😔, such a hard thing to shop for!  Wish us luck! 

Have a great Friday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    A really good Challenge SANDRA for this coming week.

    I cannot believe it's Friday again!! My 'swear' word seems to come round so quickly these days.
    I still have to send off my CC. Mr Tesco is delivering this afternoon and yes I'm still working on this week's list of jobs.

    HUGS are on their way toyou all. Have a good week-end whether you have plans or just taking each day as it comes.
    Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Good morning everyone
    Great challenge for next week Sandra. Hope you starting to feel better and this time the meds will work.
    A bit of swearwords need doing but then hoping to get some crafting done this afternoon. No plans for the weekend.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs for you all, Maria xx x

  3. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, I shall try to take part ☺️
    Fingers crossed the antibiotics are working and you’ll start feeling better soon xx
    Have a good day everyone and a lovely weekend - I will try to look in.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi, it’s been raining all day here, hope you have had a better day.

    Sorry to be late again, my joints are really bad, must be this damp weather.

    Great challenge for next week , sorry I was hoping to get a second card done for this week, but thumbs are really playing up.

    Sandra hope you are feeling better, and that you managed your shopping and have a nice relaxing weekend.
    Night all, Lilian
