
Friday 28 October 2022

Our Next Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Woohoo It's Friday!! I am glad as it means I will get to spend some time with Paul, he has been super busy this week, hopefully he will be home early afternoon today. we can then get the shopping done leaving the weekend to do as we please!  

Lilian we could do with your sewing skills, we seem to have several wasp nests in our loft, we has managed to kill one nest off, but he and Sophie said could Lilian whip them up a Bee hood to protect them!!  😂 It's hilarious listening to them both working together to try and kill the nest that is just on the edge of the loft access hatch, had Paul opened the loft from the other side he would have knocked it out of the loft hatch! Imagine the terror of hundreds of angry wasps buzzing about Sophie's bedroom, well the whole of the upstairs really.  I bought some powder that you 'dust' the nest with, I got a long lance tool with a puffer at the bottom which you fill with the powder, this means you can squirt it at arms length, rather than having your face near the danger zone!  Now picture the scene, Sophie and Paul both at the top of the ladder, Soph holding the torch and the loft hatch, Paul has the powder in it's lance, they are basically carrying out a 'squirt/puff and run' method, Sophie has had a fit of the giggles every night so far, it's probably Paul's serious/terrified facial expression that starts her off, she also has my weird sense of humour!  Anyway this nest has no activity, it has taken 5 nights to get them all, you have to wait until dusk as that's when the wasps have all returned to the nest for the evening, that way you get them all at the same time.  So we thought that was the end of it, although it doesn't sound like it's a very big nest, considering the large amount of wasps we have seen coming and going. As Sue was leaving yesterday late afternoon we both stood watching and we were really surprised how many wasps there were still arriving and entering the loft, they are going under the flashing around the chimney, we must have seen 20-30 arrive in 5 minutes.  We are hoping that the dead nest can be removed now and Paul can get in and have a look to see where these other nests are.  They could be in the wall I guess, they have been dropping the dead wasps out onto Sophie's bathroom windowsill. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

Maria I have to say that the 'Palt' I shared a picture of yesterday looked quite nice, I did look up 'Blood Palt' after reading your comment and it didn't look as nice, some of the photos looked like British Black pudding which is also made from blood and fat of pigs, some of the photo's looked like the one I shared yesterday but the filling looked like the blood palt. Either way I think I would give it a miss!! Can you tell us what your favourite Swedish dish is ??  XXX

Karen, I am glad to read that you had a lovely day at Wimpole Hall, it's a shame the upper level wasn't open, I love looking in the bedrooms and bathrooms.  My favourite part of the houses though is definitely the kitchens, with the old range cookers and all of the copper pans and jelly moulds etc, the children were always fascinated with the size of the kitchen, we went to one and they got the children to help churn butter, or break chunks of sugar off of a huge block with some big tongs.  The staff can definitely make or break a childs experience of visiting a NT house, we have experienced both!  We ended up taking turns to go in the houses, while one went to look around the other would entertain the children in the gardens, it's not the same though, which is why we stopped our membership, re-joining in last couple of years, it's much easier walking around just the two of us!  Are you and Alan members of NT ? XXX

Janet I hope your visit to the vampire went ok yesterday, have the dreadful roadworks outside your house finished?  You were much braver than I was trying the game that our Dad's hunted, there is a traditional old butchers in Lechlade and you often see a Brace of Pheasants or rabbits hanging inside, I do wonder how many they sell, I guess they must have a demand for them, I can't help thinking that they are food that the older generations would eat, unless it becomes 'Trendy' of course.  I am curious what rabbit tastes like?? XXX

Our Next Challenge

You may have guesses from the pictures above what the challenge is this week, however if not I will explain....

I would like you to take a die set or Stamp set or a Paper Collection, Embossing Folder, Mask etc and use it to create card or project for 2 different occasions, they can be any occasion you choose, for the example above I use the 'Merries Moments' die/ hybrid Embossing folder to create a card for Christmas and Birthday.  

You could choose flowers that would work well in Christmas colours as well as any occasion, some papers are sold for a particular occasion but could be used for anything, so have a rummage around and see what you can use.  This will be a fun challenge.

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Well it's still dark here so much so that it looks like the middle of the night.

    The road works have all gone so full access is once again restored. My visit to the 'Vampire' went OK. Just have to wait now for results. They are testing my folic acid. Tests last Nov proved that I was low so I had to have a three month course of tablets. Then when I had my 'annual MOT' in March my level was OK but I needed tests again to make sure my levels are still good.
    As you all know today is my 'swear' word day and of course Mr Tesco is also delivering so I'd better get a move on as I also need to send off my CC for this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usual hours- and cake/scones are in the tins. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good week-end. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Two lovely examples of two very different cards
    We’re not members of NT It’s definitely not Alan’s cup of tea and wouldn’t be worth our while
    Your story about the wasps nests scares me I am allergic to them and so wouldn’t let OH anywhere near them just in case!
    We’re at our 2nd Halloween function tonight! Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Like our new challenge so hoping to make some cards. Need to finish the one for this week but got stuck sitting on the sofa, one of those days again :/ You can't beat meatballs,mashed pots and lingon berries. My dad made a fab Sandwich cake sometimes for special celebrations which was wonderful. Thick pancake with bacon ,made in oven is also a favourite. I like most food which is a problem but when someone told me that rabbit tastes like chicken, well I can just say that it was not like any chicken I eaten.
    Hope you can get the wasp problem sorted. Good luck with the puffer or you might have someone in to help.
    Karen, love to see your Halloween costumes. Have great fun tonight.
    Have a good day everyone and extra hugs are being sent to our missing friends. Hugs Maria xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Two lovely cards, great inspiration for your next challenge .
    Had a busy day (surprised I even managed to stay awake) OH wanted me to sort out things for him on the internet. He doesn’t do technology!!! Think it’s a cop out really. He knows I’m enjoy using the internet, just hadn’t realised it would take over my day. So I haven’t achieved anything I had planned for today, but there’s always tomorrow.
    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Love Brenda xxx
