
Monday 3 October 2022

My Beautiful Birthday Card from Sonia


Good Monday Morning, 

I hope that you all had  a lovely weekend,  the weather wasn't too bad here, we were blessed with some lovely sunshine, which makes everything feel better.   We didn't leave the house/garden which was lovely for a change. We both needed some time doing nothing but relaxing. 

Having said that I spent most of the afternoon faffing about with a card I have been asked to make combining New Home with New Baby, I sat fussy cutting tiny baby clothes and even tinier clothes pegs!  By 9.30 I gave up, trying to find the perfect pastel pink and then a perfect skin tone became too frustrating, so I called it a day, I have most of the elements cut and ready to go, I just need to create a card base and a box to fit it in!  

So no challenge card from me today, something even better though!!! 

My gorgeous Birthday card made for me by our lovely Sonia, I adore the Anne Marie Designs papers collection and the colours are my favourite 😍.  Thank you so much my lovely friend,  I love my card ❤️ XXX

Another day at the craft desk for me, I hope you have a lovely Monday,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra xxx


  1. Beautiful card Sonia I really like that dusky/pastel shade of green I tend to shy away from greens I think it’s because they were the colours of my school uniform!
    The Kizomba workshop was great fun There were quite a defeat dancers from the Salsa world which was lovely to see and dance with familiar faces But as Salsa dancers it made it twice as hard for us to learn the dance as it is so different
    Out again tonight Whilst the hips and knees can take it I’m not going to pass it up
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card. I’m glad you like it 🥰
    I’ve got my fingers crossed for you that you get the card made. It’s frustrating when you know what you want to do but it doesn’t go as planned. I’m sure that whatever you make will be beautiful 😊
    Karen, glad you enjoyed the workshop. Enjoy tonight too 😊
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello All, sunny and warm here today.
    Sonia love your card you sent to Sandra for her Birthday.
    Saw the nurse this morning, she very pleased my ulcer on my legs.
    She also wants me to have a Doppler test done, apparently there is a waiting list.
    Going to finish my ironing this afternoon, and then maybe start on next weeks challenge.
    Hoping you all have a good after noon. Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a gorgeous card you received from Sonia. Anne Marie’s papers are beautiful aren’t they. Glad that you and Paul had a quiet weekend at home. Much needs for both of you my lovely xx
    Lilian, great news re your leg. Fingers crossed your Doppler scan result is a good one xx
    Karen, glad that you had a good time dancing even though it was a different style(?) xx
    Maria, hope you are feeling a little better each day xx
    Janet, enjoy tomorrow. I’m sure your friends will enjoy your make and take too xx
    Brenda, I hope you have a good week without too many hospital visits xx
    Sonia, enjoy your time off crafting or whatever you feel like doing xx
    Bad head today so haven’t done anything yet. Sending hugs to you all Take care xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra so pleased you had a relaxing weekend, I’m sure it was needed by both of you. Hope you have managed to sort out the card you were asked to make, I’m sure it worked out beautifully the end.
    Sonia what a beautiful card you made for Sandra‘s birthday, those Anna-Marie papers are absolutely gorgeous.
    Lilian great news from you about your legs ulcers, just be very very careful.
    Karen glad you enjoyed your workshop, it’s always good to try something different isn’t it.
    Sue no hospital appointments this week, just the Covid and flu jab which we’re having tomorrow.
    Wishing everyone a good week.
    Take care and stay safe love Brenda XXX

  6. Hi everyone
    Lovely card from our Sonia, pretty papers.
    I'm glad to see that most of you had a nice weekend.
    Karen, glad you had fun with the workshop.
    Lilian, take care and get better.
    Brenda, good luck with the jabs. hope you feel alright afterwards.
    Sue, hope you're ok. Hi to Pop
    I am stuck with a very irritating tickly cough so neither of us sleep very well so today I haven't done much. The list of work to do getting longer for when I'm fine again.
    Have a good night everyone. Many hugs xx
