
Thursday 13 October 2022

A pixie powder Embossing Folder Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, gentle hugs to those if you needing one. 

Paul and I went to Cinema on Tuesday evening,  I really wasn't feeling great but I didn't want to waste tickets,  so I dosed myself up with paracetamol and we set off, the laugh was that we were rushing as the cinema is only having one showing a night now rather than 2 or 3,  it was 7pm showing,  which for us means early tea, we usually eat between 7 & 8pm.  So we rushed to get our jacket potato's and Paul's fresh made Lasagne, we got to cinema with about 10 mins to spare! We stashed our contraband sweets (although I think they are ok with you taking your own sweets in these days) I still feel guilty!  The chap beeped our ticket and told us where to go, we set off,  we arrived at the screen and people were leaving,  we went in and the credits were still rolling,  which seemed odd.  So I checked our tickets and we were an hour EARLY!!  It was then I remembered that I booked this particular night because it was at 8pm instead of 7pm!!  Why didn't the chap tell us when he checker us in?!!  So we ended up going for a McFlurry to pass the time.                                                                     When we finally got into our seats I was relieved I had prebooked, it was busy, but I guess thats down to them cutting down the showings.  The film we saw was called "Mrs Harris Goes to Paris", Omg Ladies it was such a good film, a real feel good film,  I laughed and cried, there was a lovely reaction from the whole cinema, everyone applauded at the end, I would watch it again in a heartbeat.  

Today's card is a new technique (to me), it was featured in the latest Diecutting Essentials Magazine.

I took an embossing folder and added some Pixie Powders to the raised up side of the embossing folder, I used a paint brush to distribute the powders a little more evenly,  I then spritzed it with water and added a piece of watercolour card that I had cut to size, I ran this sandwich through the die cutting machine a few times and then left it on the Aga to dry.  Once it was dry I used a dark teal colour ink pad and the back of a piece of Cut & Dry foam and lighly run the ink over the raised areas of the embossing, this made a huge difference to the look of the piece, up until this point I was about to bin it, the dark ink just adds another dimension that brings the whole piece together.  I layered the piece onto a piece of card similar colour to the ink I used and then I matted onto  6x6 base card.  I stamped the sentiment in matching ink and matted on to same card, then raised it on foam pads and added to the card.  

It was hard to capture the irredescence of the pixie powders, trust me it looked amazing in the sunshine.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Lovely card and a very clever technique I might have a go later I made a PP piece to use for this week’s challenge- I finished one only to realise that everything was wonky The second one is fine I just need to send a photo to you
    I saw a trailer for this film and knew I’d have to go and watch it Hopefully it’ll still be on next week
    Out dancing tonight
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra and interesting technique to try. Still haven't found my pixies or glitter...
    Love to see the film, have seen the trailer too and it look real good. Not good going to the cinema tho so will wait until Netflix got it.
    Have a good day everyone and look after eachother. Many hugs to you all and extras for anyone who need some <3 xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Another beautiful card today, I love it 😊
    The film sounds wonderful, I’ll have to look into it as I’ve not heard of that one ☺️
    Went back to work today, was actually pretty quiet as we have a couple of residents in hospital, sadly.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love this card thank you for your inspiration, I did see it in my copy of Die Cutting Essentials. You have created a beautiful copy xx
    Janet hope your life is getting back to normal and you are no longer prisoners in your home. xx
    Your film sounds really good. It’s always great when someone gives you a recommendation.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
