
Sunday 18 September 2022

Your Bright & Cheerful Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

We had a very productive day yesterday,  Paul got all of holiday stuff packed back into the loft etc, we managed to get the whole downstairs vacuumed, all traces of spider webs gone!  Because the holiday stuff was all sat in hallway vacumming round every where was impossible,  you wouldn't believe the dust that had accumulated in the last 4 weeks,  we had given the house a good Spring clean before we went away, so I was shocked at the dust and cobwebs!  

I couldn't leave it another day though, as Friday night as I was laying there convincing my body it was time to relax I felt something move on the ftont of my head, at first I thought it was my hair moving, so I rearranged it and tried to telax, then I felt something touch my forehead !! At this point I was bolt upright heart leaping out of my chest, I smacked myself on the head a few times and felt something crunch,  I then flipped and tossed my hair over the side of the bed, I had a 'pat' type noise as something landed on the magazine I had next to the bed, I laid there frozen for a few seconds too afraid to look, if it was a moth or crane fly it would be ok, should I look, would you ??? By this point Paul was awake, I think he heard my heart racing to be honest! He offered to get up and get rid of whatever it was but I felt guilty getting him up, by this point I needed a the loo anyway, so I very gingerly sat on edge if bed and prepared to get myself up, I used the torch on my phone to check I wasn't about to stand in anything,  so I looked down and there was a Spider, yes a spider had been crawling in my hair while I was trying to sleep!  I no longer cared about keeping Paul awake, a pillows etc had to be removed so that I could check for it's relatives!  There were none, believe me I didn't get a wink of sleep though!   So every onch of our bedroom has been vacuumed and dusted and clezn bedding put on, fingers crossed it helps me sleep ! 

Your Bright & Cheerful Challenge Cards


Karen's Description:

Card one is a mop up stencil on a piece of Serif paper It started life as an Eclipse card but added glue to one of the letters and dropped it and now I cannot find it! I used a JL butterfly and a printed sentiment.

Card number 2 is a Thrinchie I used Squeezed Lemonade and Mermaid Lagoon DO and the Through the Meadows stamp set I double embossed the butterfly and mounted it on top of black cotton.

Karen to absolutely stunning cards, the bright and vibrant colours just pop, you would never in a million years think that your first card was a stencil 'mop up ', literally using waste from another card, it somehow makes it even more special!!  Adding the orange colour around the butterfly and sentiment really makes then stand out.
Your second card uses onr of my favourite Tracy stamps, I just love thr colours you have chosen, a match made in heaven for sure.  I really do fancy having a go at these 'Thrinchies' !  

Thank you so much Karen for two very inspirational cards XXX 


Sonia's Description:

Here’s my card for this weeks challenge….

The backing paper is from a Tracey Hey pad, with the sentiments cut from another sheet. I also cut the Spellbinders flowers in matching colours. Quite simple, but I love how it turned out 😊

Oh Sonia this card is amazing,  that Tracy Hey paper pad works perfectly with your little Spellbinders flowers, you have matched those colours perfectly too.  The faux stitch detail looks like you have added it as an embellishment.  The sentiments work perfectly and finish the card beautifully. 
Thank you so much for taking part and inspiring us XXX 


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this weeks challenge.
Watercolour on wet watercolour card, let it dry, then stamp with black ink, make sure the ink is dry before you cover with glue and sprinkle with Brusho glitter powder, as long as the glue is still it will stick in a fine layer. 

Ooh Lilian I love your card, I love the colours and that texture is amazing,  I just want to reach out and stroke it!!  It's a shame the glitter doesn't show on photo but I can imagine it looks incredible! Such a lovely inspirational card  
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX 


Ladies WOW thank you for your inspirational cards, I can honestly see the Queen wearing hats in all the colours you have used.  I really do appreciate you taking time to support the Blog Challenge ❤

I hope that you all have an amazing Sunday,  

Love and hugs to all of you,  



  1. Your story reminded me of when I was a little girl I woke up one night to see a huge spider crawling on my teddy and it was just about to take a leap onto my face a) I have a real fear of spiders and b) I have never seen one that close up! Brrhh!
    The cards are beautiful
    Bowls day was lovely- very sunny but there was a real cold wind Later today we might be going to watch/play rounders This used to be an annual event with some Salsa friends and they’re reinstating it
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards today, love the colours 😊
    I can imagine your fright with the spider, such a horrible feeling. Fingers crossed that you have got rid of them all now.
    Karen, glad you had a good time yesterday at bowls. Enjoy the rounders today.
    Packing and tidying up today ready to leave for Wales tomorrow. I can’t wait to get in that hot tub ☺️
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Morning everyone
    Gorgeous cards ladies, Love the colours and Lilian, interesting technique with the brusho glitter. Love them all.
    Hate spiders !! On holiday in Sri Lanka once I went to the loo in the night and shut the door. I sat down on the loo and it was then first I saw it in the corner of my eye this huge spider on the back of the door so with my knickers down I screamed and cried and didn't have a clue what to do. My parents room was across the hall and they woke up, dad tried to get in but because the front door was locked he had to go to the reception to get a key. I got nothing then a toilet brush to hand and apparently I used it to whack this spider to many small pieces , can't remember really but I got out while dad was coming in with the guy from reception. He was very kind and cleaned up the mess I had made and dad calmed me down but I didn't sleep very well the rest of the holiday because I kept seeing this spider everywhere. Yes, I can't stand spiders in any size :(
    Knee popped yesterday going upstairs so not going very far today.
    Janet, hoping your journey back goes without any delays. You will need the thicker jumpers out tho back home for it has gone pretty cold.
    Have a nice day everyone and take care. Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, sunny here, although quite chilly.

    Love the cards today, it’s a shame the glitter doesn’t show on mine. In the light it really sparkles.

    Sandra , sorry about that nasty incident with the spiders, I really hate them, found a big one in the bath today, had to wash it down the plug hole.
    Have a lovely Sunday, I have some ironing to do, them hoping to start this weeks card. Lilian
