
Sunday 21 August 2022

Your Fun Fold Challenge cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I am writing today's post from the beach ⛱️,  thesea is relatively calm this morning so hopefully we might manage a swim!  It might bring some relief to the 6 mosquito bites I have on my leg, I can't complain as it was my idea to have a walk around the site and see if the river was as high.  The sun was just going down,  so I was concentrating on taking a photo, when I had finished amd looked down my leg was like an 'All you can eat Buffet' for mosquitos!  The sound of flip flops batting mosquito's was reminiscent of a Spanish senorita with her castanets !!  We all got a few bites, lesson learnt although we were wearing repellent!  

It was by no means as traumatic as Sonia's Spider bites though!  I think the terror would have caused me more problems than the bites, I hope the have calmed down for today my lovely XXX 

Your Challenge Cards 


Lilian's Description:

This is my card for this week, it’s a book fold as you showed us earlier. Made with my new Stamperia papers, and a stencilled background, with speckled egg and broken China oxide inks. The little metal bits I have for ages. Hope it’s ok.Lilian

Lilian I love love love your card, those fans are so pretty,  your stencilled background is the perfect backdrop for those beautiful papers, what is this collection called please?  Thank you so much for taking part XXX


Karen's Description:

Here’s a fun fold card A piece of A4 made 2 cards
Wasn’t easy to photograph- sorry

The card is navy The paper is a patterned Crafters Companion.
The measurements for the fun fold card are piece card 11x8 1/2 
Score 11in side at 5 1/2 and 
4in along 8in side 
Cut diagonally to create two cards Cut 2 pieces of paper/card 5 1/4 x 3 3/4 and diagonally cut for mats

Two lovely Fun Fold cards Karen, thank you so much, I love the folds and those lovely papers work perfectly with the design. Thanks so much for inspiring us my lovely XXX 


Sonia's Description:

I know it’s not a ‘fun fold’ but I ran out of time. It is different to your normal card with the die cut edge, so I hope it fits the challenge 😉
The image and sentiment are from LOTV. I’ve used Anna Maria Design papers. The little flowers and the card edge are die cut with Spellbinders dies.

Oh Sonia such a gorgeous Wedding card, nobody does cute like Lilli of the Valley, the image works great with the Anna Marie papers too. I have those bracket edger dies and always forget to use them.  Thank you so much for a lovely card.  I hope you all have a lovely day XXX


Sue's Description:

Here are a couple of challenge cards. 
I have used an old freebie embossing folder and I think the sentiment is an older Sue Wilson die cut. I used DO Stormy Sky on the first card and a thin layer of white glitter card. I have deliberately kept both cards as flat as possible to keep postage costs down this Christmas. 

Thank you so much Sue for two lovely sparkly Christmas cards, such a great idea to keep them flat to keep postage costs down.  Sue's original dies were all lovely designs weren't they?!   Thanks again my lovely XXX 


Maria has designed a lovely tower card,  I love the colours you have used it’s a lovely simple fun fold that looks so effective, thank you so much for taking part my lovely,  I do hope you feel better soon XXX


Some absolutely stunning cards today Ladies, thank you all so much for making time to support yhe challenge XXX

Enjoy your weekend my lovely friends,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful set of CC this morning and I'm always amazed how the same theme can produce so many different styles. So much craftiness.
    I did send a card yesterday but it's probably somewhere over the mountains between Marigny and Spain.

    We're off this morningto our village Brocante. This will be the first time we have managed to get as usually we are leaving this morning for Calais but this year we're staying a little longer. YEH.
    The sun is shining the temp is manageable (at the moment)so hoping it's going to be a good day.

    Hope your bites are easing SANDRA. HUGS on their way to you all wherever you are.Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Love today’s cards, they’re all beautiful 😍
    Sandra, I hope the bites aren’t too bad, mosquitoes are so annoying. Without even knowing it you can get bitten all over, pesky little things!
    We had a wonderful day yesterday. The bride and groom looked lovely. The only downside was Mark’s Aunt being unwell and ended up in hospital. They discharged her at midnight and she got a taxi to the hotel near venue where she was staying with Mark’s Mum. All in all it was a beautiful day. Also, thank you for James’s Birthday wishes xx
    Going to be a quiet, relaxing day today after the last few days. I hope you all have a lovely day whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. I hope you all get over your mozzie and spider bites
    Great cards ladies We need to do this challenge again at some point
    We lost at bowls yesterday 😢 The Salsa party was brilliant Saw lots of people we hadn’t seen in years
    This afternoon we’re going to daughter’s to watch the football and this evening we’re going to an open air cinema with a group of friends to see West Side Story - the original version
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Love the " west end story" ,have a great day Karen x

  4. Hi everyone
    Hoping you all have a good day even with mosquito bits and whats not. We have quite a lot of wasps here so have to be careful and big horse flies that can give you a nasty bite.
    All the challenge cards are lovely and some beautiful papers used. The sweet couple on your card Sonia is very cute. Glad you had a nice day. Hope Mark's aunt be okay. You all looked lovely on the day
    Janet, sure you have no rush to be back in the UK so you can stay a bit longer in Marigny. Have a nice outing to the village.
    Lilian, love your card. Hope the back of your is better and the legs are soon on the mend . Do they know what it is ?
    I found out that we had a small craft fair nearby so we went over there this morning. Mostly soap, silver, wood and handmade cards. had some tea and toast (£10) and we were back home at noon. OH is busy filling up his medicine box and I have finished the book by Richard Osman. Not sure if my butterfly bush died during the heatwave, we did water it, but it looks a mess so going to cut it down and just have to wait and see if it survived.
    Have a wonderful day Sandra at the beach. Have you seen the lady you met last year ?
    Sending many hugs to you all, extra for our missing friends and ointment to stop the itching from spiders, mosquito's and other bugs for anyone who have been bitten :/
    Have a nice day xxx

  5. hello, sunny at the moment, still very close, which tends to give me heavy head.
    Todays cards, are all lovely so different, I could could do with doing a few more of these challenges. The papers I used are Stamperia s , called Desire, they mostly red and black, with turquoise Spanish Style .

    Been doing the ironing this afternoon, while watching horse whisper, one of my favourite films. Robert Redford, and Kristen Scott Thomas.

    All for now Lilian.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Beautiful challenge cards today from you all. Please excuse my total %#<€? up of sending last weeks embossed backgrounds challenge cards not the Fancy folds challenge for this week. I’m so sorry, just got completely confused! I will try and send patterned paper card this week.
    Sorry to hear you got bitten my lovely. I hope they are not too itchy xx
    I’m already in bed after a busy but lovely few days. It is eldest granddaughters 13th birthday today. Where did all of those years go? She is turning from a lovely little girl into a beautiful loving young lady and we couldn’t be more proud of her. I hope you all had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday but pleased the challenge cards are still on display, they are all so beautiful, you are all so talented thank you everyone for sharing. I did almost get a card made but we had visitors and I didn’t get around to finishing it. Must try harder for next week as I’m sure I’ve got lots of card paper I could use for the next challenge.
    Sorry to hear about your bites Sandra I hope they are feeling a little more comfortable now. Like you if anyone was going to be a bitten I’d be the first in line!
    Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  8. Lillian sorry I forgot to say the bag you made for Sandra is absolutely gorgeous. I’m sure you’d pay a fortune for this on the High Street. XXX
