
Tuesday 16 August 2022

Tower Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you well, we are waking up in the beautiful 'Chateau du Rollin' today, what could be more perfect for my Amazing husband than waking up in a Castle on his Birthday!   

Not an exciting way to spend your birthday,  driving hundreds of miles but we will make the most of it,  we will have a lovely steak dinner tonight too!  

Today's card is a real Fun Fold,  it's called a 'Tower Card' it's super simple to make, you create a tube in the centre by cutting a piece of paper to 4 1/2 inches long, score at 1,2, 3 & 4 inches and burnish, then add adhesive to the last 1/2 inch piece and fold  into a tube glueing the flap on the outside,  you then cut 4 pieces of contrasting card and adhere to all 4 sides of the centre tower, then decorate as you please, I went for  black , white and pink.  I will do a proper tutorial when I get home.  The bonus with this card is that it folds flat to fit in an envelope. 

Well I had better go and get ready for breakfast, I will update you a over on our chat group 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    A very impressive card for today SANDRA.
    A very Happy Birthday Paul. I'm sure you enjoyed your overnight stop. It really looksbeautiful.

    Well we had a full day of RAIN and THUNDER yesterday.Just what thegarden needed. At times it just sounded like bullets landing on the verande roof.
    We have got up this morning to sunshine again so it will be a wait and see what happens day here.

    Take care and enjoy your next part of your hols SANDRA.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. A very clever card I would love to try this
    I had a bit of a “play” with a fun fold yesterday and everything that could go wrong did go wrong
    Wrong measurements, glue everywhere, tipped embossing powder all over my desk etc etc Your journey was fun to join in with and the castle looks magnificent HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL
    We had a bit of rain overnight but not enough to cool the temperature down
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Paul 🥳 xx
    Your hotel looks lovely, I hope you had a good rest and are having a big hearty ‘birthday’ breakfast to see you through the next leg of your journey 😊
    I love your card today, it’s beautiful 😊
    I started on the wedding card yesterday, was going to do an easel fold to tie in with the challenge, but decided against it in the end. I’m happy with it so far, but just waiting for a delivery of Spellbinders flower dies so I can add to it. I was going to order the dies from the new Spellbinders UK shop, but when I went to check out they added shipping and taxes onto the total! A set of £9.99 dies would’ve ended up costing me £18!! So I ordered from Amazon and only had to pay delivery. I have a gift card on there so payed with that. I was really surprised that the UK shop still added taxes though, you don’t have to pay taxes on any other UK site if you order Spellbinders. Sorry, soap box away ☺️
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All, rain at last, not much and it’s still very hot.
    Have managed to get one card finished today I used the book fold that Sandra did the other day.
    Lovely card today, looks very complicated, but very effective.

    Glad your journey went well, hope you have a lovely holiday.

  5. Hi Sandra l and all in the Cafe today. First I must say sorry that I forgot it was Pauls birthday today. I thought it was tomorrow then realised I was a day behind! So here goes….
    Happy Birthday Paul. Hoping you are enjoying/enjoyed a celebratory steak xx
    The castle looks stunning flood lit doesn’t it. I hope todays journeys continued well my lovely xx
    Todays fancy fold card is so pretty and the fold is one I want to have a go at so it’s on my “must try” list.
    We have had a fair downpour late afternoon for a good hour, not sure how much good it will do and it’s back to being sticky again now. I hope you all have a good nights sleep. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL I hope you have had a lovely birthday meal this evening, you can carry on celebrating tomorrow after you have rested. Enjoy your holiday you have certainly earned it. xxx
    Today’s card is amazing, I can say that because it arrived through my letter box yesterday, it was a great pick me up, just what I needed. Thank you my lovely friend xxx
    The château looks beautiful, what was in the pretty blue bag on the bed?
    Hope everyone has had a good day, we actually had rain today it lasted about an hour, not enough to mak a difference to the garden.
    Take care, sleep well night night, Brenda xxx
