
Friday 12 August 2022

Our Next Challenge


Some of your Fun Folds 




Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

I spent most of yesterday thinking it was Friday, I have no idea why, it was really confusing though. Especially when it comes to writing the blog!  Anyway it actually is Friday today!   

I am declaring today a 'No Swear Word' Day, it is far too hot for housework, most things can wait a day or two, its not worth making yourself all hot and bothered over,  I will say that this dry weather is making so much more dust, you can wipe it away before bed time and its back by mid morning!  Our tv stand is black glass which really shows every spec of dust, I could literally write my name in it right now!! 

Our Next Challenge 

I think that you will have guessed by now,  this weekcI thought we would have a go at a "Fun Folds'

You can choose which ever Fold you like,  I have had a go at some different ones this week, they were simple to create too, I am excited to show you!  

I have included some of your Fun Folds from previous challenges, I will share some more tomorrow.

I hope that you all have a fantastic Friday, keep your feet up and your fans on! 

Sending my love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. I am so glad you have declared today as a Non Swear Word day! It will still be there tomorrow AND was it Oscar Wilde that said that after an inch of dust it doesn’t get any thicker or words to that effect!
    I’d forgotten that I’d made that fun fold card! I’m looking forward to having a play
    After arguing with someone at the chemists yesterday I will be going back today with boxing gloves! There is a particular lady in there who’s a real jobsworth and rude I’m not the only customer who feels the same I ended up shouting at her yesterday because she wasn’t listening to me and kept talking over me which isn’t meek quiet little me at all
    Take care everyone Keep cool xx

  2. Hi
    been sitting now in the "craft room" for the last hour and can't even muster to lift my arms to make any crafting. OH watching football tonight so may have a time then but if it's still this hot, I just can't do anything. Next week challenge sound good.
    Take care. Hugs xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely inspirational cards for next weeks challenge 😊
    I’m sitting here with my feet up and the fan on after another hot and busy morning at work. I’m off this weekend so looking forward to a rest. There definitely won’t be much housework done! 😉
    I bet you’re looking forward to going off on your holiday on Sunday, and it’s come round so quick. Are Sophie and Lucy going with you?
    You’ll have a wonderful time and a well deserved break ☺️
    Karen, how awful you had to put up with the rude ‘jobsworth’ yesterday. I hope your trip to the chemists was more successful today. We had a receptionist at our GP surgery who was quite rude, I don’t think she’s there anymore. Makes me laugh that you see all the signs stating that the ‘staff won’t tolerate abuse’ yet it doesn’t seem to work both ways!
    Hope you’re all having a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
