
Thursday 18 August 2022

Karen's Fun Fold Challenge card

Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

I am happy to report that we had a deliscious meal out for Paul's birthday, we had a mouth watering steak and salad with chips,  followed by my favourite dessert in the whole world Creme Brulee, let me tell you I did not want that dish to finish! Paul had what they call Café Gourmand, it consists of half a brownie in a little glass with creme anglaise, a petit Creme Brulee, a scoop of ice cream and a tiny coffee.  It was lovely, we were treated to a spectacular lightning storm on the drive back to our cabin.  
We arrived in Spain mid afternoon and then unloaded the car to make room for the girls and set off to collect them,  now the Sat Nav took us on a terrifying journey up through mountains on the narrowest winding road I have ever seen !! The road finished and there was a sheer drop, I don’t have travel sickness but I had a bag in my hand as I felt awful, it must have been the twisting and turning combined with the fear!  To give you an idea we couldn't go faster than 23 mph and at one point we had 15 miles to go and it was going to take 37 minutes!  We got there eventually,  there were a few cyclists enjoying the journey in the opposite direction!  The girls were very pleased to see us. 

Today's card is Karen's Fun Fold challenge card, I asked her if she would mind me sharing it today as she had so kindly added measurements , so if any of you were struggling you could have a go.

Here are Karen's measurements:

Here’s a fun fold card A piece of A4 made 2 cards
Wasn’t easy to photograph- sorry

The measurements for the fun fold card are piece card 11x8 1/2 
Score 11in side at 5 1/2 and 
4in along 8in side 
Cut diagonally to create two cards Cut 2 pieces of paper/card 5 1/4 x 3 3/4 and diagonally cut for mats

 Karen, I love the fold and love the paper you have used too, it works so well with the design.  I will definitely be having a go at this one. 

Thank you so much Karen for such an inspirational card and for sharing how you created it XXX

I hope you all have a lovely Thursday,  

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    KAREN I love your card this morning and made in one of my favourite colours too.

    The last few days have been very mixed here. We have had rain/thunder/more rain and one or two hours of sunshine. The temp is much more bearable being inthe top 20s too.. The garden looks so much better for the rain.

    Pleased to see that the girls arrived safe and sound and that you managed that awful ride back to your cabin.

    I have a load of washing I need to dry today so I have my fingers crossed that the sun will come out.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. What a scary ride for you I would have felt exactly like you did - sick with fear So glad you are all safely at your cabin now
    Thank you for sharing my card(s) These fun folds aren’t easy to photograph are they It’s one of the easiest fun folds I have ever done I will make more
    We are meeting up with some friends this evening who OH used to go to school with We haven’t seen each other in 8 years I am looking forward to it The 6 of us have a mountain of things to catchup on!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello, very hot and humid here today, although it’s quite breezy.

    Karen I love your card today, looks simple, but when I tried once, it turned out wonky, I forgot to measure my card before I started. Will have another go later.

    Sandra hope your all enjoying holiday. Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Great card shape Karen. Like to have a go tomorrow, did a tower one today. Should used different papers, mine were a bit dark.
    Hell rising trip to pick the girls up, glad you got back to the cabin safely. Hope you all had a good day down the beach.
    Had a trip in to town this morning, new glasses needed tightening as they made my nose bridge sore after keeping falling down.
    Didn't have such a good night so went for a nap and the afternoon was soon gone.
    Hope you all had a nice day. Many hugs to you all Maria xx

  5. Hi everyone
    So sorry I’m late, had a busy day!
    Love your card Karen 😍 Thanks for sharing the measurements too - so handy to know for future reference.
    Glad you picked the girls up ok, although you had a scary journey getting there! We’ve driven over some mountain roads in Wales like that, and it’s very scary.
    Your meal sounds lovely, glad you were all able to celebrate Pauls Birthday in style 😊
    Hope you’ve all had a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
