
Sunday 24 July 2022

Your TicTacToe Challenge Cards


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

How are we all today?  We had a bit of a lazy day yesterday,  didn't really acheive anything other than Paul (with a little help from me) put a protective film on the stairs to try and stop Bella scrapping at the stair carpet, it was a bit of a faff but it's down now.  We did a couple of garden jobs but that was it really, we ordered a few bits for holiday,  we will need face masks (the medical ones are required for some places in France and some shops etc in Spain).
We also need little stickers to change the direction of the headlights beam.  

Karen:  what I meant by our holiday being more relaxing is the fact that we don't have to be ready for meal at certain times, so for instance if we are still on the beach at 6pm we don't have to get back to get ready for dinner,  likewise with lunch etc,  its the 'not needing a watch ' part that i was referring to.  Doing things entirely at our own pace.  We have done package holidays before when kids were young and found it exhausting.   The other hugely stressful thing for me would be getting on and off the plane as I hate being made a fuss of.  I hope that explains what I meant xxx

Gina:    I hope you are feeling better my lovely,  are you still testing positive?? Sending hugs xxx

Now lets have a look at what you made for this weeks challenge....

Your Challenge Cards 


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this weeks challenge. I used an AALL stamp, it’s large so just used part. 

Lilian used Categories: 

Heat Emboss/Watercolour/Birthday

Lilian the colours you have achieved on your card are simply stunning,  the depth of that blue is just so beautiful 😍 That Aall&Create create stamp is gorgeous too.  Thank you so much for managing to fit a card in after your very busy week XXX 


Janet's Description:

My first card is made using LABLANCHE kit 'LILAC' tic tac - TAG/BIRTHDAY/FAV COLOUR LILAC.

My second card is made using TONIC MIRROR CARD/VINTAGE IMAGE/sorry I cannot remember the name of the Company my DIE Cut came from.

Two fantastic cards Janet, thank you so much for taking part.  I know that you have had such a frustrating week waiting for test results so that you can go to Marigny, you may have been relieved in one way as Dover had 6 mile queues up to the motorway as it was (a) the start of  school holidays and (b) Port of Dover was not prepared for number of tourists,  now every passport HAS to be stamped and French Border agency only provided 2 staff members out of 8, so obviously that was a huge factor in the hold up, people missed their ferry and up to 4 after!!  So fingers crossed they will have it sorted before you go.  
Thank you for 2 lovely cards XXX 


Karen's Description:

A very simple card for this week’s challenge 
Tag-die cut-birthday theme

Simple but effective Karen, I love your tags, such a fun idea for a card. Thank you so much for making time to take part XXX 


Sonia's Description:

Card 1:  

I used background stamp, die cutting, birthday theme. Again I’ve used an AALL and Create stamp and Tim Holtz butterfly. The sentiment is from The Stamp Market.

Card 2: 
I used stencil, circle, die cutting. I used an AALL and create stencil, and part of one of their stamps for the circle. The butterfly is Tim Holtz as well as the sentiment.

Two gorgeous cards Sonia,  I love how you have used the Aall&Create stamp on your first card.  That stencil on your second card is stunning,  the Tim Holtz butterfly is the perfect embellishment. 

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge my lovely XXX 


Sue's Description:
Hi my lovely. 
I have used Tag, Die cutting, Circles and Favourite colour (blue) for the challenge this week. Everything is from my stash and the circles die is a cheapie which may have been from Wish. 
Sending hugs xx

Sue what a gorgeous little Mixed Media Tag, I love it,  that eyelash trim is gorgeous and I love the vintage lace piece too, those darling little butterfly charms are the perfect finishing touch.  Thank you so much for taking part my lovely XXX 


Ladies thank you so much for making time for the challenge, especially during this super hot week.  I really appreciate it XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A beautiful selection of CCs this week.

    I'm planning a lazy day today though we shall be in Paris (well via tv) this afternoon for the final day of this year's Tour de France.
    Tomorrow will be spent once again chasing results.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you to pop in whenever you can. Sorry no lunch menu again today.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning everyone
    Love all the cards you made for this week challenge ladies.

    Thought about you Janet when I listen to the radio and heard about the long delays and queues for both port and train. Better you go in a few days time. Hope they find your scans tho so you can go soon.
    Not doing too much, might go for a coffee with a friend unless she need to see her mum who is quite ill.
    Wish anyone poorly to soon get better. Have a nice day everyone.
    Many hugs to you all xx

  3. Lovely lovely cards ladies
    I understand what you mean SANDRA You never want to clock watch when you’re on holiday We now do All Inclusive which means there is food available 24 hours (or at least 10pm) BUT I do have to clock watch because I need to eat at regular intervals
    We’re playing bowls in a friendly match this afternoon I am grateful the weather has cooled down I am busily crocheting at the moment on a piece I have been asked to make
    Take care everyone xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous cards on display today, they’re all beautiful 😍
    Hope you’re ok Gina, sending extra hugs xx
    It’s very windy here today, but the sun is still shining, so quite pleasant.
    Not doing much for the rest of the day as had a busy weekend at work.
    Hope you’ve all had a good weekend.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, hope you have had a good day. It been very hot and muggy here today.

    Lovely display of cards today, all so different, such inspiration for us all. If like me you need all the inspiration you can get.

    Very quiet here today after having visitors every day last week. I’m sure time will drag a little next week.

    Not much else going on, Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies, what lovely inspiration I am getting from today’s cards, ladies I congratulate you all on your great cards.
    Went over to see daughter today, everyone home except the eldest who was rowing in Cambridge (her crew won their race)
    Hope you have all had a good weekend. I’m having an early night as I’ve been feeling a bit off colour.
    Goodnight everyone sleep well, Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Beautiful cards today ladies. This is my first “proper “ tag so not too happy with it as I feel it is lacking something. My desk, the dining table and floor were covered as I tried to find something that would finish it off. If anyone had any ideas about what you would do with it please let me know. I will be brining it with me when I see you my lovely as you have that talent where you have the talent to know what is needed xx
    Sandra, good luck with the bits and pieces you need to get ready and I hope the ferry’s are sorted by the time you go xx
    Janet I hope you get the results very soon so you can take off to your little bit of paradise xx
    Maria, I hope you are feeling better tomorrow after a good nights sleep xx
    Brenda, I hope you too are feeling better in the morning xx
    Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx
