
Friday 22 July 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

How are you all this lovely Friday Morning?, Have you got any plans for the weekend?  We haven’t as yet, we'll see what the weather brings and then decide,  we leave for holiday 3 weeks so need to get organised for that too.  I haven't even started my lists yet, I am a list Queen !!  Do you ladies write lists for holidays,  Janet any news on this weekends departure??  

I always laugh because we have a 'Holiday Folder' we keep all out Travel Documents in it, car Documents,  hotel confirmations, Ticket/Vouchers,  when Matt and Becca were getting ready for their first holidays they both had to go and buy a Document wallet just like ours, so that they could be organised too.  Funny the things they pick up. 

Our Next Challenge 

 If you are anything like me you will have a basket filled with craft bits that you haven't gotten around to using yet, my (above)  seems a lot but they were pretty much mostly from Facebook Marketplace,  (Craft selling/Destash sites).  I was kindly gifted a whole load of extra's when I bought a few buts from the kind lady from Blackpool that I got Lilian's Klimt stamp from.  

So for our Challenge this week I would like you to: Use something New that you haven't used yet!! 

It can be a magazine freebie, free downloadable papers etc, as long as you haven't used it on a challenge project before.  

I have way too much to choose from !! 

I hope that you enjoy this challenge, I am looking forward to seeing what you all use. 

Have a lovely Friday 

Love and hugs to all of you 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    We have a very grey/dull start to our day here but it's still muggy and so I can see it's going to be one of those days where I get one job done and then sit with a coffee and repeat. It's also Mr Tesco del day as usual. My 'swear' words will definitely be few in

    We are no where near going away this week-end as I still haven't got my scan results so I will be spending time still chasing them.

    Everyone welcome to the CAFE which is OPEN usual hours. Hugs are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE GREAT CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Great idea for a challenge I have quite a few (ahem!) things I can use I still have this week’s to do AND I must sort out what I am going to do for our son’s birthday
    We’re out dancing tonight and playing bowls Sunday Tomorrow will be pottering about
    My daughter is also a queen of lists She writes a list for the lists she needs!
    I hope you get your scan results sorted Janet I am intrigued to know why you need them to be able to go away …
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week ๐Ÿ˜Š Love the look of your unused stash, some pretty stamps in there. Will look forward to seeing your creations ๐Ÿ˜Š
    I’m working this weekend and Mark has a gig tomorrow, so that’s our weekend taken care of!
    I do lists too, especially for holidays. I’d be sure to forget something if I didn’t.
    Janet, fingers crossed you get your results soon and you can head off to your special place xx
    Have a good day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hope work be alright for you and not too busy xx

  4. Morning everyone
    I wont have to look far for something new but never used so a good cc to make but first I must get something done for this weeks. I had a great day yesterday but as soon I sat down on the sofa I fell a sleep so it was early bed for me and of course I have been up since 6am. A little swearword here too this morning and then I be in the 'craft room' ,it's not mine until Son have picked up his last bits and bobs so it will take a bit longer until it is my room.
    Janet- hopefully they will find your scan so you get off over to Marigny asap. Good luck.
    Lynda- hope you both doing ok, would be lovely to see some colouring in or so from you. It is a nice pastime.
    Karen - have fun today but not sure how you do it. You have so much energy, wish I had half of it.
    Sue- hope you ok ? sending hugs and a big one for Pop.
    Lilian- hope you alright after all the visits and your back is not too bad. Take it easy when you can.
    Brenda- sending you and John hugs. Hope you feeling alright.
    Cheryl- what are you up to ? miss seeing your cards and other crafts. Love to see what you making.
    I wish you all a nice day whatever you are up to. Many hugs to you and extras for anyone who need some xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a pretty card. I love that gorgeous colour and I love the soft look you get when using vellum. I don’t think to use it very often so must try and remember to.
    A great challenge for next week. I have some bits and pieces I haven’t used yet. I will have to dig them out from the pile they are near the bottom of. Your holiday is creeping around fast now isn’t it my lovely. Like you I HAVE to make lists, but now I have to work hard at not loosing them!๐Ÿ˜„
    Maria, I took Pop shopping today. He is doing well thank you. I hope you don’t have to wait long to get your craft room empty of anything that shouldn’t be there xx
    Have a good day tomorrow whatever you end up doing everyone. I hope to be crafting. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx
