
Friday 10 June 2022

Our Next Challenge (revisited)












Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Another weekend is upon us, this one is actually busier for us than last weekend, we have a family party at Paul's Aunt's house in Newark, Nottingham, we were going to stay over but for some reason the Hotels around there are really expensive even the Travel Lodge is £125 a night, then you have your meals etc, so we are going to do it in one day and come home which will be a 260 mile journey!  It will be nice to catch up with family though, we haven't seen anyone since Paul's Dad's Funeral.   Then on Sunday Matt is moving into his new house with Alex and has asked if Paul can help move the larger items, I think we will do a couple hours over there and then come home and relax! 
What do you all have planned?  

Our Next Challenge

I had a real problem trying to choose this weeks challenge as Sue will tell you, I went through all kind of options from adding a Tea Bag fold element to your card to Song Titles!  But I will leave those for another time, Sue and I got talking and after looking back through the Blog and discovering that I have been setting challenges for 6 and 1/2 years !!! You have been rising to these challenges each week too, creating the most amazing cards. 

So at around this time back in 2016 we did the above Sketch challenge, I have included all the cards that took part back then so that you can see how much your crafting style has changed.  

One thing is clearly evident.... we didn't do much stamping back then!!! 😂😂

So your challenge for this week is to Revisit this sketch and create a different look,  as you can see above the sketch works for so many different occasions and this time you can use Stamps too!! 

I can't wait to see what you all create this time around, my thinking cap is on, the other thing I noticed is that I only made one challenge card back then too, how times have changed.

Thank you all so much much for 6 + years of taking part in these challenges. 

I hope that you all have as good a day as possible, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Well Friday again and of course for me it's that horrible 'swear' word here again.
    So after saying 'hello' to the hoover/duster etc I have Mr Tesco delivering this afternoon and then I'm hoping for a very relaxing week-end.

    I hope you have a good journey tomorrow and enjoy the party.

    The CAFE is now OPEN and perhaps we can sit outside with our cups of coffee/tea this week-end.
    Hugs are on their way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. I shall look forward to this challenge as I don’t think I took part in the first one
    I hope you enjoy the party but know you will hate the journey
    I am having my hair done later - the works, cut colour highlights and dancing this evening as our daughter is teaching and it’s my favourite Rueda!
    Going into London tomorrow and playing bowls on Sunday
    Take care everyone

  3. Hi everyone
    Great idea to revisit this challenge. I’m loving the cards made back then 😊
    Hope you have a good journey tomorrow and enjoy the party.
    I’m working this weekend and Mark’s got a gig tomorrow, so nothing else planned here.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    How fun to see our older cards and many happy years has gone by and hopefully to many more. 😀
    Take care, it will be a long journey in one day but so nice to see everyone again.
    We still got a few days left here before being back Sunday late afternoon. It's getting busy now and hotel full, a bit too rowdy for us during the weekends with large parties, not our scene anymore 🥳😊
    Sending you all some hugs and sangria. Have a nice evening xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely trip down memory Lane. my card pops up ever Christmas as the friend I made it for puts it away every year with her Christmas decorations and all the other Christmas cards I’ve made for her. They have a special place on her cabinet. Bit embarrassing really, fortunately she now has two other friends who make cards, so the cards are all mixed up on the cabinet.
    Enjoy the party tomorrow, John would be the same and do a roundabout trip rather than stay in a hotel. He likes his home comforts to much and justify it with saying “sleeping in my own bed I can do any planned tasks rather than spending the time getting home” !!!!
    Enjoy the weekend everyone, hugs Brenda xxx
