
Friday 17 June 2022

Lilian's Colour Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

It's such a shame that the good weather is forecast to end today with a weekend of rain ahead of us, I missed out on most of the sunshine yesterday (not that I sit in sun anyway) but I do enjoy being out in the garden when the weather is lovely, we have a swing seat in the shade at the top of the garden, its so lovely to sit up there and listen to the birds.  As I was saying yesterday ended up being a lay on the bed fan on full with my knee raised to try and get swelling to go down, we went to cinema on Wednesday evening and were in a different screen to the one we usually book, I chose the seats with easiest access but I didn't realise when I booked that it had a step up to it,  getting up wasn't so bad as there was a hand rail in front of the seat and Paul held on to me, but getting down I must have misjudged the edge of the step and landed awkwardly, it didn't hurt too much at the time but my goodness did it throb through the night, by 3am I had taken every painkiller I was able to, the night was uncomfortable enough with the heat, thankfully Paul was able to change his day at the office to today so that he could stay home and help me as the girls were both working too.  I was so relieved that he did because Milo must have felt sorry for me and decided he would bring me a nice big mouse to cheer me up,  I wouldn't have been able to do much anyway but being stuck leg up with a mouse running around the bedroom would have been an absolute nightmare, it was a lively little thing too, Paul was chasing it all over the place, eventually wrangling it into a box in the lounge! 

Lilian's Colour Challenge

When I was asking for Challenge ideas last week Lilian suggested a Colour Challenge, the first of the two suggestions was Yellow,  Green & Blue.  

So I had a very quick look through my card files not expecting to find much but the cards above are just the first of many, it's a lovely combination of colours that we can make work for any occasion or Gender. 

You can of course add other colour in as long as those three are the main focus.  I will also say that the 'Yellow' can be switched for Gold,  (I mean it is very similar anyway) and would be helpful for anyone wanting to start Christmas cards!! It is only 27 weeks to the big day you know.!!

Thank you so much Lilian for suggesting a challenge idea, I can't wait to see what everyone creates. xxx

Enjoy your day Ladies,  it's going to be far too warm for 'swear wording ' so make the most of the sun, you can vacuum in the rain tomorrow! 

Love and huge hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    Great challenge by Lilian 😊 Loving all of the inspirational cards.
    I hope you enjoyed the film, despite hurting your knee. What film did you see? Mark and I will probably go and see the new Jurassic World film soon. Anyway, I hope you’re ok and your knee isn’t as bad today xx
    There’s quite a nice breeze here today, so not feeling too hot at the moment. I’ve had washing on the line, which was dry within an hour, but that’s all the housework I’m doing today 😉
    Barney has been enjoying his paddling pool - going round in circles, lol 😂🐶
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Lovely idea for the challenge LILIAN I have struggled to craft this week a) because of the heat and b) been busy doing things in the afternoon I cannot card craft at night I need natural light I will try to join in next week
    I do hope your knee is less painful today
    I hope the weather lasts for at least tomorrow because we are going to a wedding! The bride will be gutted if after all of this beautiful weather that it will be pouring with rain
    Out dancing tonight which will probably not be very pleasant in this heat
    Take care everyone

  3. Hi everyone
    Lovely challenge for next week Lilian. Hoping to join in for that.
    Hope your leg is better Sandra and you had a chance to sit outside for a bit today. Was it a cute mouse ? 🤭
    Too host to do much

    1. Too hot to be doing much, just done a wash and hanged it out this morning.
      Hope you have a nice day everyone. Many hugs to you all 🤗 xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I hope the discomfort in your knee is better today Sandra, it must be awful just lying there in the sweltering heat. Please take care xxx
    Karen I hope the weather stays fine for the wedding tomorrow, Some years ago we went to a wedding Some years ag, the days leading up to it had been similar to this week, unfortunately on the day of the wedding the weather changed, some of the photographs were taken outside, at the reception the weather brighten up but not to much, the photographer asked the bridal party to step outside for more photos when he had finished he invited anyone who wanted to to take photos. I have to say the pictures I took were beautiful, the wedding dress was the softest pink I have ever seen and would not have shown up in bright sunlight. A lot can be said for a dull day! Enjoy the day. xx
    Like the choice for next weeks challenge. Thank you Lilian for suggesting it. Hope you are coping with the heat, take care. xx
    Enjoy what’s left of today everyone, stay safe love Brenda XXX
