
Friday 24 June 2022

Karen's "Anything for Christmas" challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well yesterday turned out to be a very busy day for me, my lovely neighbour knocked the door and asked if I would like to go to village coffee morning with her, as Paul was at work.  It was so kind and thoughtful I didn't want to day no, although my heart was in a meltdown, I excused myself got myself together and grabbed my bag !  I got back at lunchtime, after an hour Sue arrived, then Paul arrived ready to collect us and Milo and we all went to  Carterton to the vets for his vaccination.  Paul dropped us at shops and we had time to look in Charity shops, two are really good rhe other id very expensive for a charity shop, Sue managed to get a couple of bargains including a book to make into an Art Journal!  We got back late afternoon and had a cuppa and chatted, before we knew it it was after 6pm !!  So a day that I normally dread turned into a lovely day, thanks Sue xxx

Our Next Challenge 

Karen kindly suggested a brilliant Challenge for next week, with the big day only 26 weeks or 184 sleeps away we really need to make a dent in our Christmas card list. 

With that in mind Karen has suggested "Anything for Christmas " as our next challenge, so you can create  whatever you like as long as its Christmas!  I'd like to make atleast 4 cards (fingers crossed). 

I am looking forward to this on, thanks so much Karen for the suggestion. XXX

I hope that you all have a great day, mine will be a quiet one after yesterday!,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Well here we are at yet another 'swear' word day. They seem to come around faster each
    It's also Mr Tesco delivery day and I have started my three day prep ready for my CT scan first thing Monday morning. I have to take a 'potion' three times a day (today/tomorrow and Sunday with the last one Monday morning at breakfast time).
    It's going to be a busy week-end keeping to a timetable.

    Thank you KAREN for your Challenge suggestion. Thinking cap will go on after Monday.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good week-end whatever you all have planned.

  2. I hope you don’t mind having a bit of a go at Christmas makes in June I need that spur to get cracking
    We’re off to see Diana Ross this evening I can’t believe it’s actually happening
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Sounds like a busy day yesterday for you, but an enjoyable one all the same 😊
    Janet, hope your day isn’t too tiring. Bet you’ll be glad to put your feet up after your shopping delivery and housework xx
    Karen, enjoy the concert tonight. Fantastic to be seeing Diana Ross xx
    A great challenge for next week, must admit I thought about making a start on Christmas cards earlier in the year and I’ve only managed to make a couple ☺️ Love your inspiring cards, they’re beautiful 😊
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It’s always good spending time with you my lovely but the time just flies by doesn’t it! Xx
    Karen, thank you for choosing a great challenge. Like it or not the weeks are whizzing by so it will be good to make a start on my Christmas cards. Enjoy Diana Ross. I bet she will be fantastic xx
    I’m off to Swindon now to take Pop shopping etc. do that’s my day sorted. Have a good one everyone. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Fabulous challenge for next week, thank you Karen. Have a great time seeing Diana Ross.
    Janet - your Fridays always seem to be so busy, make sure to get some rest in between. Will be thinking of you on Monday, hope you are ok.
    Brenda-sending you extra hugs and hopefully you have a good day,take care .
    Sandra - sound like you ended up with a good day, busy but enjoyable. Hope you feeling okay today.
    The nurse yesterday managed to get some blood from me. So now waiting to see if a pill I'm taking is working or not. Hoping for a cortisone injection this afternoon but he only mentioned one knee when both are bad... which one to do first...
    Have a good day everyone, many hugs to you all, Maria xx 🤗

  6. Hello All, well summer seems to have gone, rainy and much cooler, grateful for both.
    Lovely challenge for next week, not even started this weeks yet. Just so tired, keep falling asleep.I was told when I sit down to always keep my feet up, but finding it hurts my knees.
    Hope you all have a good time, lucky Karen going to see Dianna Ross, I’m sure you will enjoy every moment. Lilian
