
Wednesday 15 June 2022

Brenda's TicTacToe Card


Good Morning Ladies,

What an absolutely beautiful day we were treated to yesterday, however for the first half of the day I was held hostage in my bedroom, the morning started well, I saw Paul off to work at 6.30am, then the girls were up and about around 8am, they were getting ready to go to Becca's to Dogsit Benji as Adam has taken Becca away for her birthday (today). they left around 10am, Milo came trotting in just after they left with a mouse, I could see it's tail moving as he jumped on my bed with it, (I was having a cuppa with my leg up as it was swollen ), I screamed (as you can imagine) and told him 'Thank you but please take it out', I startled him so he took it out into the hallway, where he proceeded to play with it for the next hour or so, I wasn't sure if it had gone under any of three pieces of  furniture out in the hall, I peeked out a couple of times, I saw it scuttle across the hall once and shut my bedroom door, there i stayed until Paul got in from work, I was desperate for the toilet and needed a drink, Paul found the mouse in my craft room,  sadly the poor thing was no longer 'with us'!  So when Paul goes to work on Thursday I will be keeping the back door closed.   He bought in a pigeon (alive and flapping) last week, Imagine if that had been yesterday, that would make a terrible mess in my craft room!  I did laugh at Paul trying to release it from the utility room, he left a trail of breadcrumbs, like the bird would follow the trail 😂😁!  It didn't 'surprise'! he ended up hearding it out with two large bits of cardboard, I was just laughing from the safety of the other side of the door!

Today's card is one of Our Brenda's, sadly with the delays to our journey home on Saturday evening my phone had very little battery so I hadn't seen that Brenda had made 2 cards for the TicTacToe Challenge, I cannot tell you how delighted I was that you even felt up to making a card Brenda, so in  a way I am really pleased that your cards will get the whole blog post to themselves, the first one today: Brenda made using Categories: Blue/Birthday/Floral, the stamp is from HoneyDoo and Brenda coloured them with her Polychromo Pencils and then went over them with a light Copic pen.  The colouring is lovely Brenda.  Thank you so very much for making a card for the challenge, the greatest part though is that you felt up to creating a card. XXX

Ladies have a lovely day however you are spending it, if the forecast is right we may even have lunch outside,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a gorgeous card BRENDA and in my favourite of all colours too.

    I had a good afternoon at K&N and I just couldn't believe that the card we had to make once again fits this week's Challenge.How lucky am I.
    I have my visit from the 'Integrated Care Team' this morning. This was cancelled from last week (unless of course it's not put off again). I also have to place my prescription order and do my Tesco order to be delivered Friday. Well that's my day.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.HAVE A GOOD DAY. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    Anyway that's my day today.


  2. Your card is beautiful BRENDA Blue is my favourite colour too
    We’re off to bowls this afternoon and Kat is coming over with some stuff Marie wants cut on my ScanNCut - table arrangements (with mats and layers) in the shape of the Isle of Wight! So my day is pretty much planned
    Take care everyone
    I did feel for you SANDRA- being ambushed xx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a surprise I had when I opened the blog this morning seeing one of the cards I sent last Saturday.
    Sandra I apologise for sending them late Saturday afternoon, my head was in another place. I was pleased with myself for completing them and thought I would share them with you, it wasn’t until I had sent them that I remembered you would be on your way to Newark, it was a relief when I looked in on Sunday and they were not there, especially after the awful journey you had returning home. I apologise again for not thinking.
    Ladies thank you for your lovely comments. xx
    Maria how lovely of your son and girlfriend to move all of your craft stuff upstairs to your NEW craft rook. Now you have just got to work out where everything is!!!
    Take care everyone and stay safe, Brent’s xxx

  4. WOOPS. That should read - Stay safe , Brenda

  5. Hi everyone
    I love Brenda’s beautiful card today 😍
    Sorry to hear you were trapped in your bedroom yesterday, hope you have recovered from the ordeal. One of our residents cats used to bring in mice (alive and dead) and we’d often receive a call from the resident asking us to get rid of them!
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a wonderful sight to greet us all today. A gorgeous card from our very special friend Brenda. It is so good to see you felt up to crafting, your colouring is perfect and in my favourite colour too xx
    Oh Sandra you are going to have to put a health warning out before you tell us of Milo and Bella bringing you presents. It’s blooming dangerous reading about them when I have a cup of tea in my hand!!!! I’m sorry that it makes me laugh so much but I can see exactly what and where you are talking about in your house as you tell it so clearly. And I can see your face when you squeal and whisper(!!!) “Sue, he’s got a mouse”
    🤣🤣 and then the thought of Paul laying a line of crumbs out of the door for the pigeon! I was crying with laughter but you know I will always save you if I am with you. And I promise I will not laugh….too much. I am so sorry that your leg was so painful again though my lovely xx
    I hope you all have a good evening and sleep tonight. Love and hugs. Take care, Sue xx

  7. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Brenda, love the blue you have used. Nice to see
    you manage to make some cards again.
    Janet- hope the team arrived today and you will get some help. Looking forward to see you K&N card.
    Oh Sandra, I hope you are alright after your fright with a pigeon and now a little mouse. Naughty Milo hihihi (sorry)
    Karen- hope you having fun playing bowl even if you not winning every time. Nice way to meet new people.
    You are so right Brenda, I will have to search for the papers and pens etc and set it up how I like to have it at some time. It was hard to see them leave for the airport but thanks to internet and so on it is not too bad but I did have a blubb when they went off. I cleared out the fridge after they gone for we are not in to the vegan products and sure they be out of date before they are back for the rest.
    Lilian- hoping that your back feels a bit better and Sandra, keep your leg in the air when you can.
    Hope you all had a nice day and will enjoy the sunshine again tomorrow. Many hugs to you all xxx
