
Monday 13 June 2022

A TicTacToe Challenge card by Michele


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Another weekend over in a flash, this one was a busy one for us, we didn't get in until 1.30am on Sunday Morning after leaving Newark at about 8.45pm, there was a whole town closed off due to a fatal accident,  it was one of those places that was almost impossible to navigate around. We ended up going down the tiniest 1 track roads, talk about stressful,  although I will say Paul remained calm the whole time!! We eventually (after about an hour) found our way back to the main road!  Needless to say Sunday was a wipeout for me, Paul was helping Matt move into his new home, luckily the sofa was one of the first things they moved !  It was lovely seeing them getting set up in their new home.  So by Sunday evening we were both exhausted. 

Now it was as if Michele knew that I wasn't going to have time to make a card,  Sunday afternoon I was so delighted to open a message containing two cards that Michele decided to sit and make yesterday afternoon.  It just so happened that this particular card worked for our TicTacToe Challenge using Categories:  Flower/Dry Embossing/Favourite Colour.  Michele used Pixie Powders to create that gorgeous pink background and then ran it through an Embossing folder, what a lovely effect the combination of the two created.   Michele kept the decoration simple, using a Stampin Up! Flower die cut in black, and laid over the background the sentiment is from Hunkydory Sentiments pad, Michele used some black gems to finish the card. 

Thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share your card XXX 

That's all for today my lovelies, 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    Lovely to see a card from MICHELE this morning.

    It's going to be a stressful day for me as I have two telephone appointments -a follow up from the surgery this morning and then this afternoon from the hospital following blood tests sent recently.
    I shall be a complete wreck by the end of the day.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Beautiful card MICHELE It works for CAS cards too
    How awful that your journey back from Newark was delayed so badly and very upsetting that it was due to a fatal accident OH needs to change the car and these kind of delays are putting him off buying electric at the mo If you run out of petrol you can (most times) walk to a petrol station and fill up a Jerry can But electric? What happens there?
    We lost our bowls match but it was a lovely very enjoyable afternoon
    Off to work now Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card from Michele 😊
    Blimey, what an awful journey home the other night 😔 Hope you’re fully rested now after yesterday xx
    Janet, I hope your phone calls went ok xx
    Karen, glad you had a good afternoon yesterday despite losing the bowls match xx
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a bright and cheerful card you have created Michele.
    Sandra your return journey from Newark sounds an absolute nightmare. You both must have been exhausted by the time you arrived home.
    Janet hope you got through your telephone appointments and your day wasn’t to stressful.
    Karen sorry you didn’t win your bowls match, better luck next time, pleased you enjoyed your afternoon.
    Take care everyone and stay safe, hugs Brenda xxx
