
Monday 30 May 2022

Sonia's Jubilee Colour Challenge cards


Good Monday Morning, 

Did you all have an enjoyable weekend?  Ours was quiet and mostly spent in the garden, yesterday was very cloudy, were had a couple of light showers, it dried up enough for us to go to the Plant Sale, we said we'd go and just look because we don't really need anything!  Well we only spent £6, we bought some more french bean plants,  another Foxglove (I love them), a Bronze Fennel, we discovered a Fennel in our front garden and love it so why not have a Bronze one too!  Some coriander plants,  Brussel Sprout plants and a new Decorative Grass, it was quite a bargain haul!! Money all goes to charity too.  We spent the afternoon putting them in, Paul also got all the Tenderstem Brocoli in, which he has been working on all week.  

I spotted a stamp that I knew Lilian would love so I contacted the lady  (Anne) selling it and we ended up chatting for a couple of hours over messenger, it's funny how you can have so much in common with a complete stranger!  If you see this Anne, drop by and say hi 👋 

Today's cards are Our Sonia's Jubilee Colour Challenge cards, I thought I had added to the Blog early evening but clearly didn't press update!  So sorry Sonia 🥰

Sonia's Description:

Used an embossing folder, Sue Wilson die and Tim Holtz butterfly on first card all with mirror card.

Second card uses Becca Feeken die set and flowers. Sentiment from JustRite stamps.

Two amazing Challenge cards Sonia, thank you so much for taking part in the Challenge XXX

I hope that you all have a great day,

Love and hugs to all,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    SONIA-what gorgeous cards. So elegant and upmarket.

    Well we had our quiet week-end which helped both of us.
    So now down to getting back to our routine here.

    The CAFE is back to normal hours so pop in at any time.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE CONTINUE TO TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Beautiful cards Sonia
    Our quiet weekend turned out to be rather busy! Saturday was spent shopping and bowls in the afternoon- they had an Open day and yesterday morning I needed to return something and then had a bowls match in the afternoon It finished early enough that we went dancing in the evening!
    OH is going plant shopping with his sister this morning while I’m at work So this afternoon we’ll be planting them out (get me!) You sounded like you got some real bargains SANDRA I doubt OH will!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my cards 😊 As you can see my journal page didn’t materialise, but am still hoping to make one as a memento for the occasion ☺️
    Your plants were a great bargain at the village sale. I’m still to find time to get to a garden centre near us, but I’m still trying to decide on some dog friendly plants!
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone.
    |Love your cc Sonia, very nice.
    Also let me say how beautiful all the cards were yesterday. I tried in many places to send a post but the internet was down so didn't let me. Might have been the weather. From Saturday afternoon it went very dark, cold and wet so never got to the gardens in the end but OH have promised we go next time... I feel like we are on a turntable for we are back on the road Thursday morning at 3am but this time to the airport and hopefully to some warm and sunnier holiday. Got back this afternoon so must thank you ladies for my Birthday cards that had arrived a few days late. All very wonderful !
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sonia What beautiful cards. I love both of them and the embossing folder is perfect as it is so so regal xx
    Sandra, you and Paul got some great bargains at the plant sale by the sound of it. No doubt the new fennel will taste as good as that one in the front garden xx
    I’m having a quiet day but hope to get some crafting done tomorrow. Sending love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

  6. Hello, really cold and wet today.

    Sonia what very delightful cards today, looking forward to seeing your journal page.
    Sandra sounds as the you had some great bargains, hope they all do well.
    Have done absolutely nothing today, cough is back, and have a sniffle, hope I haven’t got a cold coming.
    That’s all, hope you are all are well, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry didn’t get in yesterday it was a zzz’s day !!! Ladies I Loved all of your challenge cards and today’s from Sonia I
    are lovely, just perfect for the challenge. xx
    Brilliant bargains you and Paul got at the plant sale and you know they haven’t traveled miles to get to you.
    Got a hospital appointment tomorrow with cardiologist, hope they can sort out my breathlessness and my lung filling up with fluid, then Wednesday have another PET Scan at Royal Marsden followed up with a clinic appointment next Wednesday. So it’s a busy week here.
    Hope you are all well, Lynda how are you? Haven’t heard from you in a long time. xx Take care everyone and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx
