
Saturday 28 May 2022

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you bathed in glorious sunshine and feeling great.  

Nothing much planned here, other than pottering in the garden,  what do you all have planned for the weekend?  

Maria shared 2 photos of her gorgeous Crystal Art , the  Poppy one is so incredibly beautiful,  I love the design of the poppies,  they look so realistic! 

The second piece looks like a walk down a river bank in Paris, I love it but I bet it was tricky with a those dark colours.  Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pieces with us,  I hope you had the best birthday ever XXX


Cheryl was asked to make a Wedding card for a lady's Husband and she kindly sent me photo of it to share with you.  I just know the lady will be over the moon with it, no doubt the verse you write will go down well too.

Thank you so much for sharing my lovely XXX 

Creative Stamping Magazine 

Issue 109

I would 100% recommend this issue of Creative Stamping,  I think the free stamps with this are great, so many uses, all in shapes that we would have a die to match. The sentiments are  a good selection too.

This first feature shares some really great inspiration, using pattern building technique to create some lovely cards.

Some great gift ideas in this piece, the notebook cover would work well as the cover for a journal.  

This page shares techniques and ideas for using Alcohol 'Pearl ' inks.  We have probably seen them before but it's good to have a reminder to use them!  ( well I do)  

The tile stamps have been used as the starting point for these projects, there are some lovely backgrounds. 

Now I fancy setting this 'Tea Bag Folding' technique as a challenge, what do you think???  

Some Geometric Masculine cards ideas in this feature.

Some lovely ideas using the stamps in this feature, I love the fresh clean designs.

Some great features and lovely gifts make this magazine a good buy in my opinion, let me know what you think. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,  the weather doesn't look too bad. 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Maria-your 2 pictures are so lovely.

    Great magazine review Sandra-I’m tempted to buy that magazine as the stamps look so good.

    Glad I’m off work next week as it’s been busy and I’ve had to deal with a few difficult staffing issues plus visiting my crazy friend in hospital.

    We have sunshine although it’s quite breezy. I’m off into Southport to do some shopping this morning.


  2. Your crystal art is gorgeous MARIA I love the poppies too
    Thanks for the magazine review I will try and look out for this one
    The weather here is beautiful and it looks like the wind has dropped We are going along to help at the Bowls Club’s open day this afternoon and tomorrow we have a match tomorrow
    Take care everyone

    1. Ooh Sorry CHERYL I forgot to say how much I love your card I have never seen a wedding card to the husband Wonderful idea

  3. Hi everyone
    Thank you Sandra and for all to like my crystal art. It's a nice challenge for making cards and very relaxing.
    Beautiful card Cheryl.
    Oh you got the magazine I was looking for before going but it was not on the shelf yet.
    Had a very good day yesterday. Now sitting down for some brunch after a open top bus trip for 90+ minutes , pretty chilly on top so nice with some food and plenty of tea.
    Have a nice day everyone, many hugs to you all. Maria xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    I love your crystal art pictures Maria, they are beautiful 😍
    Cheryl, a fantastic card for the groom 😊
    Love the quote ☺️
    A great magazine review, love the free stamps - so many uses.
    Like the alcohol ink article and adding the gold foil, I’ve tried this with my gilding flakes and it’s very effective. I must have another play 😊
    Hope you’ve all had a lovely day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx
