
Monday 23 May 2022

Cheryl's Beautiful Wedding card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend,  we were once again blessed with beautiful weather on both days, so we spent most of the weekend in the garden, with it being so hot in the sun yesterday I mafe Paul stop every half hour for a break and a cold drink. We managed to get both Kale and Rocket planted out, so it's just the Tenderstem Brocoli that needs planting out now.  It's nice to physically see what you have acheived at the end of the day, just seeing a stripey lawn makes a difference!! 

Janet I hope you had a safe and trouble free journey home, does anyone else hate the unpacking when you get home?? 

Becca was supposed to be home from Santorini yesterday but her flight got cancelled,  so she spent the morning on the phone trying to organise a flight for today and to make sure work was ok as they would be without a Manager and Head Chef, luckily they just swapped days off, then she had to find a dog sitter for Benji as the girls are working.  Today they have to fly to Athens and then get another flight to Gatwick, fortunately the Villa they have been in doesn't have another arrival until Tuesday so the lady said its fine for them to stay another night. 

Today's card is a Wedding card that Cheryl was asked to make, the card is for children to give to the Bride & Groom, Cheryl also has been asked to make one for the Bride to give to the Groom.  The request was for the card to include red, I think you have fulfilled their wishes perfectly, your card is beautiful, the perfect Keepsake,  keeping the box simple was a great idea, it frames the card perfectly,  Thank you so much for sharing your amazing Wedding card with us Cheryl XXX

I am hoping to get to play with my IndigoBlu Magazine freebies today, what are you all up to?

Sending love and hugs to you all, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card by Cheryl, it’s stunning 😍 Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sounds like you had a busy but productive weekend. We need to visit a garden centre soon to look for some plants to add a bit of colour. My lilac has just finished flowering, but we’ve still got our rose which has a few buds coming and the pot of lavender.
    Hope Becca gets home safely, lucky they were able to stay in the villa an extra night.
    Janet, safe journey home. I hope you’ve had a lovely time 😊
    Having a quiet day today, catching up with tv recordings.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning everyone
    Beautiful card Cheryl. It's so lovely with the flowers. They will love it.
    It was a nice weekend. Glad you did some light works together with Paul.
    Very lucky for Rebecca to be able to stay another night. Hopefully they get home alright.
    Unpacking is not so bad, it's all goes in the washing machine again. It's the packing I find hard , what to take and how much. Always travel with more than I need and way too many shoes.
    Had a fab meet up with a friend yesterday and we went to Frost and sat outside in the sunshine. Not so nice today and that's fine for it is a bit of swear words to do until Son's girlfriend coming tomorrow. We are going down to Bournemouth on Friday, have not been down for years so that be nice and fingers crossed for good weather.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs to you all 🤗 xoxo

  3. Beautiful beautiful card CHERYL
    Busy day at work today
    I hope BECCA gets home OK and your weekend sounded very fruitful SANDRA
    Mine was quiet as OH was at Chelsea

  4. CONGRATULATIONS to SOPHIE. All of her very hard work has been rewarded just as she deserved. So happy for you all my lovely 😁

    Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Cheryl your card is beautiful. I’m sure it will be treasured xx
    I’ve managed to miss commenting over the weekend but there are some lovely cards. I didn’t get mine finished in time, no change there! At the moment I am going to craft tomorrow so fingers crossed I will get a challenge card sent to you early this week.
    I hope you all had a good day. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Cheryl your card is beautiful, I’m sure the children were delighted to give it to Mum and Dad. xx
    Had granddaughter here this morning until mid afternoon, she had to get car towed to the garage which is closer to us than her family home. Unfortunately it’s not worth repairing. She has finished her university degree but still rents a flat in Leeds as she is going on to do a Masters. Also she is in the university rowing club and has three races coming up in the next three weeks so needs to be mobile. It was lovely having her company but after she left I needed a nap and slept until just after 6pm.
    I hope you have all had a good day. Love Brenda xx

  6. Hello all, late again, no excuses just forgot. Raining, and a chlly wind.
    Cheryl, what a lovely card, I’m sure the recipients will love it.

    Started a card for this week for this week, but ended in the bin, finding it quite difficult. Think I shall make a page for my “art journal instead of a card. I love the colours but find the subject difficult.

    Finished my ironing so should be able to have a good day to craft.
    Goodnight all, Lilian
