
Tuesday 3 May 2022


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all enjoyed the lovely long weekend, we certainly enjoyed the time off together, we did manage a bit of gardening yesterday, Paul dug some more of the vegetable plot while I sowed some salad leaves and some marigolds, we popped out to our favourite 'ramshackle' Garden centre and picked up a couple of tomato plants and some more compost. Paul had gone into the office today so I will be in my craft room. 

Now I didn't get around to making a card yesterday so I thought I would share a few different Background techniques with you all, in case some of you want to try something new or are stuck for ideas. 

You can't go wrong with the Emboss resist technique, you can use so many different mediums too, on the first card I used Brusho's. 

Now I have never had another go at the Polished stone technique, I'm not sure why as I quite like the effect, I would like to try it with something more textured like a natural sponge.

Lastly the 'Caught in Crystal' technique, so effective especially when the light catches it, it's a bit of messing about but worth it I think.

I have written the descriptions to all of the techniques below if you are interested.

Card 1: I used Brusho's  Pigment Powders with the Emboss Resist technique on watercolour paper.

Card 2 :  I used the 'Polished Stone' Technique for the background of this card.                                        All you do is take Ink Pad re-inkers (I used three shades of SU green), you dot them onto a ball of cotton wool and then take a piece of glossy card and tap the inked cotton wool ball all over the glossy card, it gives a real mottled sort of look, like you are looking down onto a forest...

The 'polished' part is purely from the glossy card I believe, it does look effective up close though.

Card 3:  Caught in Crystal Technique behind Sue Wilson Clematis Edger Die                                          My background is made by taking a sheet of Acetate and adding a liberal swirls of Pure Amethyst and Pink Topaz Crystal Tint Lacquers, I added some Mermaid Purple Glitterbitz, as if that wasn't enough sparkle I added some Frosty Dawn Glitter too,  I took a piece of tissue paper and screwed it up, I then teased it out a little and squidged it into the sparkly, purple pink mess on the acetate, now a bit of a tip here.... to make sure you get the tissue paper pressed right into the crystal tints etc, so instead of using a bit of kitchen roll that you would throw away, use a piece of card , that way you get an extra background as a bonus. You need to put your acetate to one side to dry,  probably over night but you can check it after a couple of hours if you are as impatient as I am!!  Once dry you can use for whatever you please.


Janet I was so pleased to read that you are having good weather, don't be feeling guilty, you and Jim deserve this break and we couldn't be happier that the sun is making it even more special, fingers crossed for Friday cakes this week xxx

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely day, are you up to anything exciting??

Sending my love and Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx          


  1. Some lovely cards and thank you for the reminders about different techniques After a very busy weekend I hope to get into my craft room but I think we’re going to Bowls this afternoon
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A beautiful card yesterday. The flowers are so pretty and that ef adds a lovely texture doesn’t it. All three of todays cards are more beauties, the polished stone technique is perfect for adding lovely textures, especially for florals and leaves etc. I really must get and order some inks. I keep making lists of which colours I want but then I forget to actually order them! I will try and do it tomorrow after I get home from visiting the dentist for a large filling!!!
    Sandra, the weather wasn’t so good was it. Typical bank holiday Monday. At least you and Paul got some bits done though my lovely xx
    Janet, it’s lovely to hear you are enjoying some sunshine. Just what is needed for you both xx
    Brenda, I’m sure you throughly enjoyed your time in the garden. Sorry it’s tired you out but I hope you can relax now xx
    I’m just off to collect Chris jnr from school. He doesn’t know I am collecting him so it’s always lovely to see his face when he sees me 🥰 Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your cards and the beautiful techniques, thank you for sharing them with us 😊
    I need to have a think about this weeks challenge, might get my alcohol inks out and have a play with those as I’ve still not used my new mixatives yet!
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, another dull day again, still have the heating on.

    Love the cards on show today, especially the fern one.
    Not done much today, just been too tired , and knees and back both aching, hope tomorrow will be better.
    Sitting watching tennis from Madrid.
    Will try and do some crafting tomorrow. Lilian
