
Tuesday 19 April 2022

My First Post covid project..


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that today finds you all well, the glorious weather over the weekend was just what we all needed. It felt so good just sitting out, reading my book, we had breakfast and lunch outside yesterday, my thinking is that the fresh air will blow this virus away a bit quicker. We are both still testing Positive which is so frustrating, Paul is getting really fed up of it now.  He still has the cough, our Soph is coughing the most out of all of us bless her, she really doesn't need anymore stress as she is literally 36 hours from her deadline, I have a feeling that she is going to hit a low point when she finishes and she can finally let her body recover, she had so many plans for the week after she finished her final assignment, she has barely seen Lewis as she has been working the clock around, she puts in so much more work than any of her fellow classmates and boy is she a perfectionist!  Hopefully a few days recuperation will have her back to full health.  Thankfully 'Super' Lucy is still covid free, she must have some incredible immunity!  Having said that I think that Soph may have only caught it because she has a rotten cold/flu bug the weeks before and she has exhausted herself, I think being low made her more susceptible.

Anyway on a brighter note I actually got into my craft room and had a play yesterday afternoon, I treated myself to Tim Holtz Poinsettia 3D Embossing Folder when I set this challenge but it has laid unused for over a week, so I was determined to have a play with it.  

For this card is used Black Soot Distress Ink applied with a brayer to the recessed side of the embossing folder, I spritzed it lightly and then took a piece of Pink Frog card, spritzed both sides of that too and then ran through the embossing machine 3 times (just to make sure), if you look closely the ink doesn't transfer perfectly but I love that, it looks textured in some places too, which is probably from spritzing with water. I will add that I tried this technique twice with different watercolour card before trying the Pink Frog, I found that it absorbed too much of the ink, the colour was too dark and didn't have the subtle look that this piece had.  I decided to add some gold embossing to give a little bit of a luxurious feel, so I used an embossing pen on the centre of the poinsettias, I then took a script stamp to add that same gold around the background of the card too. I then matted the card onto a narrow gold mat and then onto black.  I really like how this card turned out, I am going to have a play with some different colours today.

I hope that you all have a good day, however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - I love your cards for today. That Efolder is just glorious.

    It is K&N this afternoon but whether I get there is another matter. My energy levels seem to have left home completely and there is still jobs to be done before the week-end.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning ladies
    Wonderful card, love everything about it Sandra.
    Take care and wishing you all getting well soon.
    Janet- have a fun day with K&N, hoping your energy gets better as the day goes.
    Brenda- nice to hear you had a good weekend.The grandchildren are growing up.
    Sonia- hoping Barney is fine and a happy doggy again :>)
    Going out with OH this morning and hoping to make some crafting this afternoon.
    Have a nice day everyone. Hugs to you all xx

  3. Hi everyone
    I absolutely love your stunning card today 😍😍
    So pleased you were able to sit and craft despite feeling so unwell xx
    It does seem to be hanging about, the dreaded covid! I hope Sophie meets her deadline and can then have the well deserved rest she needs. Pleased to hear Lucy hasn’t caught it…..I was expecting to catch it when Mark did too, but somehow haven’t, goodness knows how?!
    Maria, Barney is all better now thank you, and back to his usual excitable self πŸΆπŸ˜‚
    I hope you’ve all had a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello, all, sunny today, but chilly.
    Sandra love your card, the colours look very effective.
    Still feeling very tired all the so haven’t done anything again today.
    Hope you all had a nice day. Lilian
