
Monday 11 April 2022

My First Embossing Challenge card

Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope you all enjoyed the glorious sunshine yesterday,  it was fairly mild too, we spent most of the day outside.  We stopped mid afternoon for a little afternoon tea.   Some boys in our village are doing their Duke Of Edinburgh award scheme Bronze badge, they have to support a charity as part of the scheme so they decided to do Cream Tea in a box, for 2 for £5, all proceeds going to Prospect House Hospice, a 4 of ours did D of E so we were happy to support them, it was delivered in a lovely box, there were two fruit scones, 2 pots of jam, 2 pots of Clotted Cream and 2 Cornish Teabags, that was our late lunch sorted, we had some of a local gentleman's Bread that he bakes to order, followed by our cream tea, I warmed the scones and they literally melted in your mouth. 

Today's card I made on Friday using the Magazine Freebies from the last issue of Creative Stamping Magazine.  I embossed the card with the free embossing folder, next step was to blend some distress oxides lightly over the embossed area. I used Spiced Marmalade & Scattered Straw. I layered the embossed piece onto gold card and then onto a white card blank.  To finish my card I stamped the dress, shoe and lipstick and fussy cut them, I used my Zig Clean colour pens to add colour to the three pieces, to finish I added some tiny diamantés to the dress & shoe.  This is totally a different style of card for me, however I quite like how it turned out. 

Janet, how did you get on booking your journey to Marigny?  Did you choose Channel Tunnel or Ferry?  We (fortunately) booked the Tunnel when we booked a couple of months ago, hopefully the huge issue that P&O have caused will sort itself out soon as it is causing massive issues on the M20 and road all the way into Dover.  We booked a hotel that's only 8 miles from tunnel entrance, so we shouldn't have too many problems fingers crossed. We did find booking our hotels that we usually use along the journey were really booked, there was very little availability,  I guess it's because this is the first year going back to having no restrictions           i hope that you got everything booked ok xxx

I hope that you all have a great day, I think we are forecast rain, so no sunshine today.

Love & Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA. So classical and the colour Gold is beautiful.

    We haven't as yet tried booking anything as I need to speak to the Pharmacist about changes/review of my medication. This should happen today. We always travel by DFDS ferry -Dover to Dunkirk and as it will be after the Easter rush we're hoping things may be better.
    The piano tuner is also coming this morning for his annual visit so that is my day sorted.

    The CAFE is waiting for you all to pop in today. HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE GREAT CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Your card is fabulous and reminded me of the one I did on Saturday which SANDRA may show this Saturday We used Washi tape to decorate the bodice
    I thoroughly enjoyed Tina the Musical The girl playing her had an incredible voice The sound system made her sound a bit scratchy in the first half but they must have tweaked it for the second half
    Shopping was disappointing Nothing fitted Trousers were too short in the leg or they didn’t have my size but it has given me food for thought Selfridges windows, as always, were amazing
    Your afternoon tea sounded lovely I love a fresh scone! It is always nice to support a local charity
    Off to work now for a rest! Take care everyone xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your pretty card today, great use of the magazine freebies 🙂
    Your afternoon tea sounds lovely and all for a good cause too.
    Had a quiet weekend and Barney seems ok now 🐶
    Hoping to craft today, just need to choose which embossing folder to use.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi everyone.
    A gorgeous card Sandra, lovely use of the stamps from the magazine you showed us on Saturday.
    Your tea sounded very nice. Wished we had some scones for our tea later. If I had cream, which I don't, it would be cream first and then jam 😃
    Karen,glad you had fun seeing Tina T. I like her music too.
    Cheryl. hoping you are ok. Missing you here in the cafe'.
    Saw the physio today, not much else she could do for me so back to surgery for some more injections. I try anything right now. Thought we were going to sit outside but as soon I taken the cushions out for the chairs the sun went in and didn't come out again so think we got 10 minutes 😄
    Sending you all hugs,, take care xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love today’s card, you certainly created a gorgeous card with the magazine Freebies.
    I wish I could get my mojo back, I haven’t made any cards for such a long time, although I did do some colouring of a stamped flower last week, so maybe little steps at a time will get me crafting again.
    Hope everyone is well. Love and hugs. xxx
