
Monday 25 April 2022

Monochrome with a Splash of Colour

 Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, we were blessed with good weather, the only problem with that is that it is too easy to get carried away with 'a few simple jobs'!  We got Paul's penstemon's all repotted and the new ones I had ordered potted up too, I had ordered some Petunia's in some gorgeous mixed colours a few weeks ago and they arrived on Friday so they got potted up too.  I forgot to put my geraniums in the greenhouse last autumn so I lost most of them but 3 survived, so they got treated to some new soil with some fertiliser in, we have the most invasive Antirrhinums (Snap Dragons) I have ever known, they seem to end up in pots they have no business being in, so I managed to get them pulled out. I was hoping to pot on my Basil and Coriander plants but my body said No!  Paul managed to finally get the last of the summer house taken down so we both felt like we had a productive day, I felt sorry for him though as I was calling him for help every half hour or so, we had a lovely lunch in the garden, I think lunch in the sun makes Ham/cheese salad sandwiches taste so much nicer, the bread was the star of the show a local gentleman makes bread and gives any profit to the church roof, it started out as a hobby but now his weekly bread delivery is very popular, I wasn't expecting one this week but he popped by yesterday to see how we were all doing and left us a large granary loaf, still warm!  It just tastes so much more than shop bought bread. 

Janet I hope that you have arrived safely my lovely, no doubt your lovely friends had it all ready for your arrival, now put your feet up and relax my lovely. XXX

Today's card is a perfect example of this weeks challenge, I made this one in July 2019, I will leave the description below: 

I took a piece of Botanical Butterfly Dsp, this particular sheet is completely black and white, therefore to 'Spotlight' a piece of it I just coloured it in with pencils, leaving the rest of the background black and white. So the Butterfly is the spotlight area of my card. 

I know we aren't doing 'spotlight'  but Monochrome with a splash of colour is kind of the same thing, so I thought this was a great example, I was fully intending to make a card after gardening, however after 'supervising' Paul making lasagne for dinner I was totally spent, so a throwback card it is.  I know already that there will be no garden adventures for this body tomorrow so I will be sat in my craft room.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Beautiful card SANDRA I love how you have added the “splash” of colour
    Sounds like you had a very busy day So relax today is very much in order
    It’s Oscar’s birthday today so we are going around after school to see him and give him his birthday card and presents (I can’t wait - any excuse)
    Take care everyone x

  2. Hi everyone
    Love your pretty card today, and the colourful butterfly is beautiful 😊
    I hope you manage to have a relaxing day today after your very productive day yesterday. It’s a lovely feeling to get those jobs done isn’t it.
    Karen, have a lovely time this afternoon, Happy Birthday to Oscar xx
    Janet, hope you’re settling in and have a wonderful time xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love the card Sandra. Beautiful colours on the butterfly.
    Good job between you and Paul but you need to take it easy lady. I know it's not easy but you have been ill so let your body rest today.
    Happy Birthday to Oscar! Have a fab time Karen with the grandchildren.
    We have just got in after a little shopping and the walking around for my knees och hip was no good so will do some stamping later and hopefully get started on this weeks cc.
    Sunny out but with a bitter wind so nice to be back indoors.
    Have a nice day everyone and take care if not 100% and rest.
    Hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello everyone, it’s sunny here, and if you can get out of the very chilly breeze it’s quite warm.

    Sandra love todays card, it’s given me some ideas for what to do this week.

    Karen enjoy your time with your little ones, the time just flies, my Oscar is 11yrs now, but only seems a little while ago he was born.

    Hope you are all having a good day, Lilian
