
Wednesday 27 April 2022

Monochrome with a hint of PINK!!

 Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well,  we had a mostly s7nny day yesterday,  it got cloudy and cooler later in the day, it looks like that is going to be the weather for the rest of the week.  I did read a news piece yesterday saying that May is to be really cold.  It reminds me of something my Nan used to say "Cast not a clout till May is out" !  I believe it means don't be putting your Winter woollies away till May is out.  I love these old 'Wives Tales'  It is easy to get carried away when the sun shines, we have been caught out once planting out our French Beans too early.  Do you have any old tales or sayings that you stick to???

Today's card is another simple card, some monochrome papers matted onto a piece of white card with a little scalloped bright pink border die cut, I stamped the sentiment in the same colour matted it onto black background and adding a little piece of that scalloped pink border underneath. I finished off the card with 3 pink gems. 

Paul is off into the office today so a quiet day for me, sadly with the demise of Craft store (since its take over of C&C) I don't have that to listen to in the background anymore,  I know you ladies think the same, such a shame, it's like nothing of Craft Store has survived. 

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Love and hugs 

Sandra                                                                                xxxxxx 


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe.
    A pretty pop of pink for us today.
    I love the paper you have used and the pink against the monochrome background looks lovely and fresh.
    I wish I could get to see you and craft with you my lovely. We have something on every day this week. Fingers crossed next week will be better.
    I’m hoping that this will publish so have a good day. With love and hugs. Sue/Mrs B

  2. Typical isn’t it. Haven’t been able to comment for ages then like buses two come along together 🤣🤣

  3. Morning from Marigny

    Having lovely sunshine/peace and quiet apart from me when nothing will publish and my emails have gone heaven only knows where. At least I can see what you're all doing. Hugs to you all.xxxx

  4. Pretty card I forget to put lovely bright colours with black and white. The only splash of colour I tend to go for would be red
    There are lots of old wives tales that come to mind on various occasions but I can’t say I stick by any
    We’re looking after Oscar later
    Take care everyone x

  5. Hi everyone
    A lovely card today, I love this colour combo 🙂
    Sue, you made me chuckle with your 2 comments and like buses coming along at once. Happy though that you’re able to comment again.
    Karen, have a lovely time with Oscar later.
    Janet, enjoy your time in Marigny.
    Hope you’re feeling much better now Sandra, but still taking it easy.
    Off for an eye test in a bit, then doing a late shift at work.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hoping eye test goes alright and have a good day at work x

  6. Hi everyone
    Pretty card in pink Sandra.
    Good to know you are on place Janet. Have a nice time.
    Karen, have fun with Oscar this afternoon.
    Lilian, just wondered if R was playing the organ in church for the old veteran yesterday ?
    Wishing you all a nice day. Many hugs to you all xx

  7. Good to see you Sue and you at last managed to post your comment's hihihi

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Very feminine card with a lovely pink glow. This card will certainly brighten up someone’s birthday.
    Hope everyone is coping with this changeable weather. One day nice and warm next day we need our coats on. Not to mention the heating!!
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
