
Saturday 30 April 2022

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and ready to enjoy the Bank Holiday Weekend,  what do you all have planned?  We haven't planned anything as yet as I have a  really sore throat,  no voice and flu symptoms,  had I not just had it I would be convinced I had Covid !!   Hopefully I will feel better and we can get out somewhere.  

I have shared Karen's amazing Chalkboard effect card today,  Karen coloured it using Dovecraft Chalk ink pads. The font is a downloaded Chalkboard font. It all works so well together.  Thank you for sharing your card Karen XXX

Creative Stamping Magazine 

Issue 108

This issue's free gifts are themed around the upcoming Royal Jubilee.  I really like the Mask, although I'm not sure how many of the stamps I would use. 

A great selection of cards for different occasions made with free stamps and mask.

This selection of cards are lovely, they are all designed using Gilding Flakes, the designer has either used them on the background or to create the embellishments. Below is a description of how to use Gilding Flakes to create a background....

These are the last two cards with Gilding flakes creating little touches of luxury.

This feature shows different examples of cards made with Brightly Coloured Ink Pads.

This Masterclass shows you how to do the "Glow" Technique,  which is something I haven't heard of.  It looks you need a good quality White Pigment Ink before you start adding colour. 

The brightly coloured inks are mostly Distress Oxides. The cards all look really effective though.  Karen's card above looks very much like the Chalkboard effect.

Some great cards for men using the Free Gifts. 

This feature shares ideas using your Nesting dies with the free stamps. 

I like some of these designs, although I wouldn't call them 'Clean & Simple ' as described in the description. It showcases how effective that mask is too. 

These cards have touches of luxury added using different methods,  using mountboard to add to add texture ot torn edges to create texture.  Also embossing the mask to add extra interest.

Some fun ideas and techniques to have a go at in this issue. 

I hope that you all have a fun weekend, hopefully you will be spending time with family or friends.

Sending my love and hugs to you all,



  1. Morning Everyone from Marigny
    KAREN your card is a real work of art. I love everybit of it.

    Our intenet is still playing up - letting us access some parts one day and other next or not at all. My emails have definitely gone somewhere but where heaven only knows.
    We did go to Corbigny yesterday morning but after going round there fighting our way (we had forgoten that May 1st is a public holiday here and so every thing closes) we couldn't find anywhere to park near the market for our usual coffee stop. Today it is quite cold at the moment but no doubt by lunch it will have warmed up.
    Have a good weekend whatever you all do. HUGS on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Thank you for showing my card The card blank is 8x8 so you can see it’s quite a big stamp I also had to print the sentiment separately which came out darker than my black card Has anyone used Linda Chapman or Pink Frog black card? I use black card from The Range and up til now it’s been black enough for me 🤣
    Tomorrow you’ll see that I have used the smaller one to create a couple of Christmas cards
    We are looking after the boys tonight which will be fun
    Take care everyone x

    1. Thanks for the magazine review I don’t think I’ll be buying it I don’t think I need Jubilee themed items

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Karen your card is great. I’m sure Jane will love it. The chalkboard effect is a really nice one. Not something I have tried before but just might have to give it a go. Enjoy having the boys later. We have Chris and Paige staying over. They will snuggle up together to watch a film before bedtime butt Chris jnr always falls asleep about 15mins in bless him 🥰
    Sandra I hope you start to feel better soon my lovely. Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs. Take care xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Love the card our Karen have made, Beautiful work.
    Thank you for doing a magazine review Sandra. Wishing you better ! Take it easy and hopefully you all can enjoy the weekend.
    Janet, have a good time. Hope you get it a bit warmer as the days go. It's nice here so had a little walk this morning and now going
    to sit and read on the patio.
    Have a nice long weekend with family or friends everyone.
    Love and many hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Love the quote 😉
    Karen, your card is beautiful. Love the chalkboard effect, and I’m sure it will be greatly received 🙂
    Thank you for the magazine review, some lovely articles. I love the free mask/stencil too, but not sure the stamps would be used!
    Great to hear from you Janet, have fun 😊
    Working this weekend, but got Monday off. We’ll be off to my brothers in the afternoon as it’s his Birthday. May is a very busy month for us with Birthdays and my mum and dad’s Anniversary.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Everyone, dull here today, rain tomorrow.

    Karen , love your card, very clever. Must have a go at that, never seen it before.
    Great magazine review this week Sandra, not that I am going to make any jubilee things.
    Sandra hope the throat soon feels better.

    Have daughter and son in law down for a couple of days, which is lovely.
    Enjoy your weekend all, Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies, love your card Karen, I have never tried the chalkboard pens. Something to add to my to try list.
    Sue enjoy your grandchildrens sleep over, I’m sure they will.
    Sandra I hope you are feeling better, it seems the after efforts of Covid are worse than the initial infection. Take care.xx
    Hope all is of you ladies are well sending love and hugs xxx
    Brenda xxx
