
Friday 25 March 2022

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies, 

Well that's another week done, what a week it's been!  Our first family case of Covid, poor Becca has had a miserable week, Rheumatology clinic, bloods and Xrays on Tuesday,  coming home feeling terrible,  thinking it was just stress from hospital, only to discover after feeling worse on Wednesday that she had Covid !!, it has really knocked her down bless her,  she was in tears yesterday, she said that even her hair folicles hurt, which I read is actually a symptom.  To add to her woes, she has birds in her chimney,  she had it capped last year but they put the wrong cap on and birds can still get in!  So she has been laying in bed terrified that the bird will fly out of the fireplace in her bedroom,  Benji keeps barking  up the chimney, which would be fine, but the debris that the birds are sending down is making a huge mess and at some point as Benji has had his head at the chimney he has ended up with something in his eye, so he had to have an emergency vet appointment today costing Becca £160, while Adam was bundling Benji into the car he noticed that the windscreen had a huge crack across it, obviously a car has flicked a stone up causing the crack!  The insurance want £120 to replace windscreen,  so without even getting out of bed today she has lost £300!                                                                                     I only ever hear from Becca about once a week as she is usually super busy at work, not getting in until really late, so it's been quite a shock to the system having 4 calls a day !!  I do hope she feels better today.x

Our Next Challenge 

I decided that it was about time we did another TicTacToe Challenge as we haven't done one for a while, I looked through quite a few but couldn't find one that a decent selection of choices, so I decided to make my own! 

I have tried to include something that would suit everyone's taste/style etc, any occasion too, so that those wanting to make Christmas cards have enough choices.  The other big thing I wanted to cover was Journal pages.           

So I hope there is enough categories that please you, you can pick ANY 3

If you want to 'Challenge' yourself further go for 3 in a row.     

Whatever you choose have fun with if, I am excited to see what you all create.


I hope that those of you that are under the weather will start feeling better, gentle hugs are on their way 🤗 ❤️ 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx



  1. Morning Everyone
    Looks a good Challenge for this coming week SANDRA. Thinking cap will be put on. I wonder what will be the

    I'm feeling shattered this morning after a busy day yesterday but as it's my 'swear'word day I shall have to buckle down and get something done. The washer is already on so that's a start.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the tables and chairs are outside if you wish to enjoy the sun.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for all Dear Friends who are under the weather.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Great idea for next week’s challenge Mojo has gone on holiday but hopefully the TicTacToe will want it to come home
    Poor Becca I hope she feels better today What a week for her and Adam
    I have to go into the office later to collect a new laptop It will feel very strange a)I haven’t been in an office for over 2 years and b) it’s being refurbished and very different apparently
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Love your tic tac toe, something for everyone. Will look forward to taking part 😊
    Oh blimey, poor Becca, what a week! Hope she’s on the mend soon, and of course Benji - I hope he’s ok too xx
    Off work this weekend, so fingers crossed there’ll be plenty of crafting and enjoying the lovely weather.
    Have a good evening everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello All, the beautiful weather, is really lovely, not that I feel well enough to enjoy it.

    Great challenge for next week, I really enjoy the tic tac toe challenges.

    So sorry to hear about Becca, hope she is soon on the road to recovery.

    R seems to be over his covid, hope mine improves soon, hoping to do this weeks card tomorrow.

    Keep well . Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely choices for next weeks challenge. I’m sure everyone will enjoy it.
    Hope Becca has had a better day today, yesterday sounds a real nightmare for both she and Adam. As parents times like this we feel we want to wrap them up and protect them. xx
    Take care everyone. xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Tic,tac,toe. Great challenge for next week Sandra.
    Hope Rebecca be alright.Sending her a hug.
    Had a walk this morning and this afternoon I finished off some cards that been laying on my worktop for some days now.
    Hoping you all get a good night. Keep out of trouble. Hugs, Maria xx
