
Monday 14 March 2022

My First Ukraine Colour Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

I hope you are all well and 'raring' to go this Monday morning!  Bit of a slow morning here as my body is a little bit sore after the craft show yesterday.  It was lovely to see Karen &  Maria and spend the day with Sue.  I obviously bought a few things, I will share my shopping later in the week, as well the other ladies.  It was a much smaller show, the bonus was that it wasn't too busy. 

Today I am sharing my first Yellow & Blue card, showing our support for Ukraine.

I made a 'Book' Fold card, I have seen this fold a few times and really fancied having a go.  I used so retired SU papers and Crushed Curry & Misty Moonlight card stock and matching ribbon. 

I have written the instructions for this Fold below:

Book Fold

Score 1 1/4 inch in from Spine of card, down the full length of the card front.

Add adhesive to the scored area and close the card and press both sides together.  

You now have your Book Fold card base made, now comes the fun part...decorating it, Enjoy !! 

You can use this method for any size card, you can also increase the width of your fold as you wish. 
I have used the 1 1/4 inch score on both a 6 x 6 inch card and a 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 tent fold card (my original above). 

I hope these instructions help you, if not just let me know and I will do my best to help.  

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card today, love the book fold 😊
    Lovely to hear you had a good day yesterday at the show, I’m looking forward to seeing what you all bought 😊
    Cold and frosty start here, but the sun is out. I think it’s meant to be quite nice this week, fingers crossed.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Your card is gorgeous and I love that fold Thank you for adding the instructions I honestly thought it was way more complicated than that
    Seeing you Sue and Maria was the icing on the cake Some may have been disappointed with the show as it was smaller but my two favourite companies were there- Aall and Create and Countryview Crafts So I was in my element It also meant I could have a bit of a catchup with John Lockwood I may not use a lot of his stuff anymore but it’s nice to see he still remembers me I spent way too much I daren’t add it up I’m a sucker for a bargain
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra and I like the fold you have made here.
    It was so good to see some of you yesterday and don't forget Paul 🙂 I will send you a photo of what I bought but of course I made a bobo by buying the Kitsch Flamingo Distress Oxide thinking it was the new one so if someone like to have it just say and I post it on 🙂
    Having a slow day, body feels like it been run-over by something heavy , all joy after a day out and not a drop of alcohol was consumed. We did Cotswolds crafter's proud Janet and didn't get thrown out ☺️🤗
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs to you all. Maria xoxo

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies so pleased you all had a good time ýesterday at craft show ìm not jealous HA HA!!
    I have been up hospital for the scab on my nose He said
    He would remove as
    I have long way to come.
    I had injection on both sides of doctor said it's
    A special one that lasts
    Two weeks send &send results.
    So I'm so tired.

    Lovely card Sandra love the colours Maria well done on
    Your card & instruction
    Sorry not been in much pain
    I have done some coloùìñģ
    Hands have too do it in stages.
    I'm òf to bed now
    Sorry about the text
    Love Lynda XXXX 💗
