
Thursday 3 February 2022

Glitter Paste Embossed Background


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that today finds you all well, gentle hugs on route to Sue, Brenda & Lynda xxx

I have a busy day today, I am going shopping with the girls to get some last minute bits for their Birthdays, they are making each other a cake too, so we need to go buy ingredients,  I think Lucy is having a Chocolate cake and Sophie wants a Baked American Cheesecake,  I'm guessing that will be most of the morning gone at least.  I then have to make their Birthday cards!  Not much wrapping to do though, their trip to London to theatre is their big gift, I have got them a couple of little bits though. Can't have them having nothing to unwrap! 

I had great fun with Stencils and different mediums yesterday afternoon,  sadly Sue felt too poorly to come over so I just went and got a few different stencils and had a play.  

I have to say that the Imagination Crafts Copper Glitter paste turns out surprisingly good  it looks fairly dull when you apply it through the stencil but the white medium dries clear so that all that is left is a very tactile copper glittered background, I was stunned at how pretty it turned out, it dried quite quickly on the Aga too, I was trying not to watch it change as I wanted a surprise (sad I know) lol. 

I kind of didn't know what to use this background for, with it being glittered I thought Christmas but the pattern was an everyday sort of pattern, a bit OTT for birthdays, so Celebration was my final decision,  so I die cut the 'Celebrate' in Rose Gold Glitter card (it didn't quite match but was near enough.  I wanted something simple to alliw that gorgeous background to shine. So I added the sentiment to a simple flag label die cut and adhered towards the top of the card. I finished the card by adding it to a simple Navy Base card, I added a little bow topped with a little dot of glitter card. 

I hope that you all have an enjoyable Thursday, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful stencil SANDRA and that colour is just gorgeous.

    I don't seem to be getting anything done this week. I just keep waiting for the phone to ring in the hope it's the Surveyor.Of course Jim just says all will be well and nothing can be done until the winds drop anyway.

    I really must try to get into my craft room today or nothing will be done for Sunday.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN ready and waiting for you to pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their wayto you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. What a beautiful opulent card I bet the copper looks gorgeous against the navy blue rather than black
    What a shame SUE couldn’t come over to you Hopefully you feel better today SUE
    I’ve come to a bit of a standstill with my cc this week but it’s getting there
    Off to visit daughter this afternoon I cannot wait but then I can never get enough of seeing her and the grandkids
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello all
    Gorgeous card Sandra, beautiful stencil.
    Hope you feeling better today Sue, sending you hugs xx
    Have fun with the grandchildren Karen x
    Janet, hoping everything be sorted soon and you wont have any more storms.
    Lilian,hope your back not too sore today. Take it easy.
    Brenda, hope you are ok and the rough days soon are over. Big hug for you and John.
    Lynda, hoping you and Terry are alright. Many hugs
    Popped in to town this morning and when back home I started to make something for Sunday. Had to sit down for a minute for founding it hard to stand for long.
    Hope you all have a good day and can enjoy some crafting.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card today and the stencil with the copper glitter is lovely 😊
    Hope your shopping trip with the girls was successful this morning.
    Hope you’re feeling better today Sue xx
    Have a good afternoon everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello All, we actually had a bit of sun this afternoon.

    Sandra, very sumptuous card today, love that glitter gel, I’ve got some somewhere but I expect they have gone hard by now.

    Have started my plaque for this weeks effort, it was one I did before but didn’t like it. I’ve re gessoed the background so waiting for that to dry. Then to decorate, not sure how yet, probably some stencilling.

    Going to watch Vera now, hugs to all Lilian
