
Sunday 9 January 2022

Sonia's first Christmas card of 2022'


Good Sunday Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend,  although the weather isn't great, we had dome right torrential downpours yesterday, it was really cold too.  We haven't done much, decorations are away and we went food shopping,  I am back to 'Calorie counting ' on Monday as I feel bloated and miserable,  my heartburn is quite bad too.  The good thing is it's easy to do and nothing is restricted, so I can still eat my pretzels and chocolate! Lol.  I am going to make some delicious soups to keep me full. 

Today's card is our Sonia's first Christmas card of 2022!! Well done Sonia for being the first to get started on them, remember to put it somewhere safe, so that when you get to you end of November you know where to look, I always keep the pretty tins that Shortbread comes in to put my Christmas cards in, the hoarder in me just can't through a pretty tin away!! 
Anyway Sonia was inspired by a lady called Debbie Hughes at Lime Doodle for ths beautiful design.  I love the delicate colour, it has a lovely shimmer too. A lovely girly Christmas card.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us my lovely. XXX 

Hopefully all the chores were done yesterday so I can sit and play in my craft room today, I am quite excited as my parcel arrived from Stampers Grove, I treated myself to a few bits with some Christmas money, so now I want to play!! 

I hope that you all have a good day too,

Love and huge hugs, 



  1. Morning Everyone

    A very pretty card SONIA but 'OH have I missed a 12months?lol

    That 'word' is banned in this house until the middle of

    We too had an a day of heavy rain sprinkled with some of the white stuff and bitterly cold. The rain did wash away the other stuff though.

    The CAFE is OPEN but no Sunday lunch on the menu today. We are having steak with veggies.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Beautiful card SONIA and well done in making a Christmas card so early in the year - don’t go and lose it now 🤣
    As OH is in isolation I won’t be doing much I NEED to get outside So I will go for a walk Other than than it’ll be crafting of some sort
    I hope you’re being good and resting young lady (BRENDA)
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hello All, it’s supposed to be warmer to day, but I think it’s still freezing.

    Great idea to start Christmas cards early, Sonia, if todays example is anything to go by they will be superb. Love the delicate colouring.

    Brenda hope you are managing to take things easy, today.

    Not sure what I’m doing today, I started a journal page, but not sure where to go with it now.

    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday, Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely ,sweet card by our Sonia. Well done starting the x--- cards early.
    Brenda, hoping you are okay and resting when you can. Gentle hugs.
    Lilian, hope you okay too and taking it easy when you can x
    Sue, hope you can soon be back and you get your computer working to come back in to the cafe'. Many hugs
    Karen, enjoy a walk. we have just been out for one and it is gorgeous. It's cold but sunny so very nice but be careful with ice patches. Got my walking poles now and they help.
    Have a nice day everyone and hoping the pains are not too bad today. Many warm hugs Maria xxx

  5. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card, and for all your lovely comments 😘
    I’m determined to carry on with my early start on making Christmas cards so it’s not a last minute rush! The time goes so quickly, before we know it, it’ll be the run up to the big day again (sorry to say it 😉)
    A lovely dry, bright day here today, after all the recent awful weather, but it’s still very chilly. The pavement walking up to work was quite icy this morning, and I felt myself slipping a few times!
    I hope you’ve all had a good day. Enjoy the evening. Sending hugs to you all xxx
